Miss Mary feat. Bitza - Mă Joc Cu Focul - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Miss Mary feat. Bitza - Mă Joc Cu Focul

Mă Joc Cu Focul
I Play With Fire
Miss Mary:
Miss Mary:
Suntem oameni, ne-am iubit
We're people, we loved each other
Am greşit şi-am iertat
We made mistakes and forgave
Dar n-am uitat
But I haven't forgotten
Nu ne-ajută nimeni
No one helps us
Am luptat şi am rezistat
We fought and resisted
Dar acum, s-a terminat
But now, it's over
O minciună repetată e adevărată
A repeated lie is true
Noi vedeam soare când erau doar nori
We saw sunshine when there were only clouds
Ne-am minţit unul pe altul
We lied to each other
Şi cum îţi aşterni aşa o dormi
And how you make your bed is how you'll sleep
Şi n-am închis un ochi
And I didn't close an eye
Ai fost insomnia mea
You were my insomnia
Se spune atunci când n-adormi
They say that when you don't fall asleep
Eşti treaz în visul altcuiva
You're awake in someone else's dream
joc cu focul
I play with fire
Şi nimeni nu poate ajuta
And no one can help me
E-n flăcări totul
Everything is on fire
Şi nimeni nu poate salva
And no one can save me
Şi te strig
And I call out to you
Dar nu auzi
But you don't hear me
Şi te strig
And I call out to you
Dar nu auzi
But you don't hear me
Obişnuiai vii să-mi spui ce vise ai
You used to come to me and tell me what dreams you had
Şi-mi promiteai le urmezi şi-n iad şi-n rai
And you promised me you would follow them to hell and back
Şi fi venit şi eu acolo după tine
And I would have come there after you
tot timpul din lume părea ne aparţine
Because all the time in the world seemed to belong to us
Mi-aduc aminte îţi plăcea pierdem nopţi
I remember you loved to lose nights
Pierduţi şi rupţi de toţi, de lumea asta de roboţi, de boţi
Lost and cut off from everyone, from this world of robots, of bots
Şi te privesc acum cu ochii grei
And I look at you now with heavy eyes
vad încet, începi devii unul dintre ei
Because I see that slowly, you are starting to become one of them
joc cu focul
I play with fire
Şi nimeni nu poate ajuta
And no one can help me
E-n flăcări totul
Everything is on fire
Şi nimeni nu poate salva
And no one can save me
Şi te strig
And I call out to you
Dar nu auzi
But you don't hear me
Şi te strig
And I call out to you
Dar nu auzi
But you don't hear me

Writer(s): razvan alstani

Miss Mary feat. Bitza - Ma Joc Cu Focul
Ma Joc Cu Focul
date de sortie

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