Modre Hory feat. James P. Honey - Cau Ty Tu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Modre Hory feat. James P. Honey - Cau Ty Tu

Cau Ty Tu
Why You There
Sme starí jak svet, v ktorom blues bolo mladé,
We are as old as the world, in which blues was young,
Blues bolo všade. Daj mi pade!
Blues was everywhere. Give me five!
Sme zápisky bláznov, čo sa desia tých,
We are the notes of madmen, who are afraid of those,
čo hlásajú, že hlasom generácie. Srať na nich!
Who proclaim they're the voice of a generation. Screw them!
Bo my občas netušíme ani to,
Because sometimes we don't even know,
či vôbec môžeme hovoriť sami za seba. Bro, platí to?
If we can even speak for ourselves. Bro, is that true?
Desíme sa davov a hlúposti
We fear crowds and stupidity
A hlupákov v dave a hlupákov všade.
And fools in the crowd and fools everywhere.
A ešte šedi v tom svete, kde blues je staré.
And even gray in the world where blues is already old.
A tak máme rap, čo šepká, keď treba kričať,
And so we have rap that whispers when it needs to shout,
A kričí, keď by mal držať hubu.
And screams when it should shut up.
Sme tak starí, že si pamätáme, že fičalo Fubu.
We're so old that we remember when Fubu was cool.
Bojíme sa tých, čo majú názor na všetko
We are afraid of those who have an opinion on everything
A k tomu patenty na pravdu.
And patents on the truth.
Vraj vyštudovali vysokú školu života
They say they graduated from the high school of life
A ja pochybujem, či vôbec dokončili základku.
And I doubt they even finished elementary school.
A vraj pravda je niekde uprostred.
And they say the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Tak Roland, prosím, daj môj vokál trocha do strán,
So Roland, please, put my vocals a little to the side,
Lebo by som sa asi prepadol od srandy,
Or I would probably die of laughter,
Kebyže hentí ma majú brať vážne.
If those guys are gonna take me seriously.
A svet vôkol furt tvrdí, že nie sme v kríze.
And the world around keeps saying we're not in a crisis.
Akurát nerešpektujeme slobodu slova. H?
We just don't respect freedom of speech. Huh?
Lebo nemôžu na steny kresliť hákové kríže
Because they can't draw swastikas on the walls
A dôchodca suplujúci tajné služby si to zlízne.
And the pensioner substituting for the secret service will get it.
A tak píšem, nech kričím, nech amplitúda skacká,
And so I write, let me scream, let the amplitude jump,
Lebo je neprípustné označiť nácka za nácka!
Because it's unacceptable to call a Nazi a Nazi!
A tak to tu hnedne, žumpa preteká,
And so it browns here, the slop overflows,
A ja len ziapem žvásty, bo neviem viac.
And I just sigh nonsense, because I don't know anything else.
Niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,
Sometimes it seems to me that we live in a country,
Ktorá je aj pre mladých,
Which is also for young people,
Interkonekt, jeden svet,
Interconnect, one world,
Rasizmom sa nikto nechváli.
No one brags about racism.
Niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,
Sometimes it seems to me that we live in a country,
V ktorej propaganda, hoaxy len sranda,
Where propaganda, hoaxes are just fun,
Ktorá nás pobaviť
Which is meant to entertain us
A len dvojito overené fakty pravda.
And only double-checked facts are true.
Niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,
Sometimes it seems to me that we live in a country,
Ktorá sa na nenávisť nechytá,
Which does not hold on to hate,
Ale na rozvážne múdro hej,
But to prudent wisdom, yes,
časovaná bomba netiká.
The time bomb is not ticking.
Niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,
Sometimes it seems to me that we live in a country,
V ktorej neni za päť minút dvanásť,
Where it's not five minutes to twelve,
Psi dole z reťazí, žereme menej mäsa a
The dogs are off the leash, we eat less meat and
Nechceme sa uškvariť kvôli CO2.
We don't want to get burned because of CO2.
A niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,
And sometimes it seems to me that we live in a country,
Kde rap čo povedať a je bomba
Where rap has something to say and it's a bomb
A nielen random rým hrôza, nielen
And not just random rhyme horror, not just
Motivačná próza a nielen póza, čo nemá obsah.
Motivational prose and not just a pose that has no content.
Niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,
Sometimes it seems to me that we live in a country,
Kde tvoja sídlisková krčma crew
Where your neighborhood pub crew
Rozjíma nad pivom a pálenkou o porozumení
Reflects over beer and booze about understanding
A nepodlizuje sa zlu.
And does not curry favor with evil.
Niekedy sa mi zdá, že žijeme v krajine,
Sometimes it seems to me that we live in a country,
Kde si v prvom rade slobodný individuál
Where you are first and foremost a free individual
A potom rasa, štát, prvok, ovca,
And only then race, state, element, sheep,
Koliesko, súčiastka či dav.
Wheel, part or crowd.
A tuším sa mi nezdá, že keď spravíme v sebe niečo,
And I don't think it seems to me that if we do something within ourselves,
Tak bude z toho niečo,
Something will come of it,
Lebo keď nespravíme nič,
Because if we do nothing,
Tak bude z toho nič.
Nothing will come of it.
A tuším sa mi nezdá ani to, že potom
And I don't think it seems to me that then
Jeden, druhý, tretí, štvrtý politik
One, second, third, fourth politician
Ti s blahosklonným úsmevom
Will shit on your dreams with a condescending smile.
Naští, naští, naští, naští, na tvoje sny.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
(James p. honey)
(James p. honey)
Nobody said it would be fair or light
Nobody said it would be fair or light
Humoured - distant flare, red mist on a red horizon.
Humoured - distant flare, red mist on a red horizon.
This is scalping country.
This is scalping country.
Nobody said it would be fair or light humoured - go stare
Nobody said it would be fair or light humoured - go stare
Someplace else, you′re spoiling my shellfish hors d'oeuvres.
Someplace else, you′re spoiling my shellfish hors d'oeuvres.
Parasite publicist.
Parasite publicist.
Sorrow sings a sad song in the feeble light of a wounded moon.
Sorrow sings a sad song in the feeble light of a wounded moon.
Drizzle came on like a spangle of
Drizzle came on like a spangle of
Sequins streaking down on growling window pane.
Sequins streaking down on growling window pane.
Another day in the death of a slow colonial comedown.
Another day in the death of a slow colonial comedown.
Motorway. allotment. library closure. popcorn politics.
Motorway. allotment. library closure. popcorn politics.
Supermarket strip lights like police
Supermarket strip lights like police
Truncheons erect at peaceful protests.
Truncheons erect at peaceful protests.
Celebrity sightings and exciting cover stories of displaced
Celebrity sightings and exciting cover stories of displaced
Immigrant war victims drowning in
Immigrant war victims drowning in
Overloaded makeshift boats in frozen waters.
Overloaded makeshift boats in frozen waters.
Reflections of a flickering monitor screen on varnished plywood.
Reflections of a flickering monitor screen on varnished plywood.
Notes towards an apology - a clutter of vignettes:
Notes towards an apology - a clutter of vignettes:
Get a bunch of celebrities on a beach doing yoga,
Get a bunch of celebrities on a beach doing yoga,
Beam it out and drag it over a whole season of
Beam it out and drag it over a whole season of
Programming, a success spanning decades, accolades they rain down.
Programming, a success spanning decades, accolades they rain down.
Finally you′ve found a thing you can be proud
Finally you′ve found a thing you can be proud
Of take some responsibility for your wellbeing.
Of take some responsibility for your wellbeing.
Stop listening to the radio or reading newspapers - little more
Stop listening to the radio or reading newspapers - little more
Than hatred to be found - as diverse as a divas walk in wardrobe.
Than hatred to be found - as diverse as a divas walk in wardrobe.
Slow motion close up of the shiny chevrons on the
Slow motion close up of the shiny chevrons on the
Shoulders of a soldier dead in this place of plenty.
Shoulders of a soldier dead in this place of plenty.
This is scalping country.
This is scalping country.
Nobody said it would be fair - distant flare red mist on a horizon.
Nobody said it would be fair - distant flare red mist on a horizon.
This is scalping country.
This is scalping country.

Writer(s): Modre Hory

Modre Hory feat. James P. Honey - Luxus Clan
Luxus Clan
date de sortie

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