Modre Hory - Bigbít - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Modre Hory - Bigbít

Cítim sa jak politický väzeň,
I feel like a political prisoner,
Tisíce politických väzňov stretnem cez deň.
I meet thousands of political prisoners during the day.
A tie milióny duší to dusí,
And those millions of souls are suffocating,
To poznanie, že daní sa chytajú aj ruky.
Knowing that taxes even affect their hands.
Ľudí cudzích, cudzejších jak cudzinci,
People strange, stranger than strangers,
čo ovladajú mimikry ich obrnené tváre.
who control the mimicry of their armored faces.
krásne, v ochranej atmosfére,
They are beautiful, in a protective atmosphere,
Kým iní žijú v bahne, oni v stratosfére.
While others live in the mud, they in the stratosphere.
Cestujem ulicami mestského štátu v Bratislave,
I travel the streets of the city-state in Bratislava,
Kde reality drahé.
Where real estate is expensive.
Kde banky také zdravé,
Where banks are so healthy,
A kde prisťahovalci hladní, jak bývanie stále.
And where immigrants are as hungry as housing remains.
A tak si zoberú hypoz za niekoľko milionov,
And so they take out a mortgage for several million,
A budú to splácať, celý život.
And they will pay it off, all their lives.
Budú sa musieť správať intrigou krivo,
They will have to behave cunningly and crookedly,
A milo plniť sny, o samovláde tigrom.
And sweetly fulfill dreams, about self-rule as a tiger.
Vlečiem sa v zápche v BMW rady šesť,
I'm stuck in traffic in a BMW six series,
Nie je moje, ale môj známy má, tu česť.
It's not mine, but my friend has it, he's got the honor here.
Vidím kocku zo skla, odráža poťahy,
I see a cube of glass, reflecting the upholstery,
Kocku zo skla neopätuje pohľad.
The cube of glass does not return the gaze.
Život v dobe, kedy sa rodí nový vek,
Life in a time when a new age is born,
Vlády salutujú elite, dobrý deň.
Governments salute the elite, good day.
Globalizovaný svet, masy opojené,
Globalized world, the masses intoxicated,
Slávný napojený na heroíne slávy.
The famous addicted to the heroin of fame.
Povedz mi kto ti, ktorím, ľudstvo smrdí,
Tell me who you are, to whom, humanity stinks,
Povedz mi kto homo sapiens, v krvi homo.
Tell me who are the homo sapiens, in the blood of homo.
Daj mi prachy homo, daj mi viac ich,
Give me money, man, give me more of it,
Nie homo daj mi svoj čas, a dáš mi aj majlant.
No man, give me your time, and you'll give me a fortune too.
Cítim sa tak jak sa cítim vždycky,
I feel the way I always feel,
V Lidli vraj predávajú city na lizing.
They say they sell feelings on credit in Lidl.
A rádia jebú na Bigbeat vždycky,
And the radios always fuck up Bigbeat,
Kým my sme vďačný za Bigbeat vždycky.
While we are always grateful for Bigbeat.
Cítim sa tak jak sa cítim vždycky,
I feel the way I always feel,
V Lidli vraj predávajú city na lizing.
They say they sell feelings on credit in Lidl.
A rádia jebú na Bigbeat vždycky,
And the radios always fuck up Bigbeat,
Kým my sme vďačný za Bigbeat vždycky.
While we are always grateful for Bigbeat.
Za oknom sa rozteká svet a firmy,
Outside the window the world and companies dissolve,
A cash, slova prúd, autá, svetlo a búrka.
And cash, a stream of words, cars, light and storm.
A svet, čo je v tom sám online, mokvá,
And the world, which is all alone in that online, is getting wet,
Nával aj hypokríz poď k nám blizko si.
A wave of hypocrisy is approaching, come close to us.
Zdrháme preč z našich vysnených realít,
We're running away from our dream realities,
Do iných realít, makáme pre balík.
Into other realities, working for a bundle.
Svet sa posral skús ho prebaliť, prepáč mi,
The world has gone to shit, try to change it, excuse me,
Politik, papaláš, hopštapler, jebať ich.
Politician, bigwig, hustler, fuck them.
V mori norí sa svorka žralokov,
A horde of sharks is diving in the sea,
Niekto tam lobuje tak trocha za bohov.
Someone is lobbying a little for the gods there.
Tigre, billboard, nikde nikto,
Tigers, billboards, no one anywhere,
Milióny peňazí zapchali žumpy.
Millions of money have clogged the cesspools.
Ústa ústavu rozumie sponzorne,
The mouth of the constitution understands sponsorship,
Spoza bonton, napchá v kontoch.
From behind etiquette, it stuffs itself into accounts.
Vyzná to, a jeho sekretárka vie robiť s Wordom,
He confesses it, and his secretary knows how to work with Word,
Otvoriť Word no tak poď Joe.
Open Word, so come on, Joe.
Cítim sa tak jak sa cítim vždycky,
I feel the way I always feel,
V Lidli vraj predávajú city na lizing.
They say they sell feelings on credit in Lidl.
A rádia jebú na Bigbeat vždycky,
And the radios always fuck up Bigbeat,
Kým my sme vďačný za Bigbeat vždycky.
While we are always grateful for Bigbeat.
Cítim sa tak jak sa cítim vždycky,
I feel the way I always feel,
V Lidli vraj predávajú city na lizing.
They say they sell feelings on credit in Lidl.
A rádia jebú na Bigbeat vždycky,
And the radios always fuck up Bigbeat,
Kým my sme vďačný za Bigbeat vždycky.
While we are always grateful for Bigbeat.

Writer(s): Roland Kanik, Marian Benkovic, Pavol Remias, Tomas Pekarik, Stanka Apfelova

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