Modre Hory - Flashback - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Modre Hory - Flashback

Zažili sme časy G, keď na magiči,
We lived through times G, when on the magic,
Sme točili magic Hip Hop.
We spun magic Hip Hop.
Bolo to magic jak Johnson,
It was magic like Johnson,
A cez pevnú linku mi volával Peko, že poď von.
And Peko called me on the landline, saying come out.
Ma man Jirco mi nosil kazety,
My man Jirco brought me cassettes,
Ktoré sa pretáčali večnosť jak planéty.
Which revolved forever like planets.
Stovky albumov, a len skutočné bomby,
Hundreds of albums, and only real bombs,
Si zaslúžili nahrať na chrómky.
Deserved to be recorded on chromes.
Som mal tri, a zvyšok boli normálky,
I had three, and the rest were normal,
Ou bejbe, zanesená hlava bola jedine vo walkmane.
Oh baby, the only clogged head was in the Walkman.
Tracklisty sme prepisovali celú večnosť,
We rewrote tracklists for an eternity,
A večne na tých obaloch nebolo miesto.
And there was never enough space on those covers.
A tým gangstrom sme nerozumeli ani F,
And we didn't understand those gangsters even F,
Iba ak to fuck, viac nič.
Only if that's fuck, nothing more.
A bolo nám to šumafuk,
And we didn't give a shit,
Mohli sme sa učiť jak šukať hru.
We could learn how to fuck the game.
A dnes na to ani nikto nemyslí,
And today no one even thinks about it,
Že ak si chcel naozajský rap tak aj veľký G.
That if you wanted West Coast rap, you also needed a big G.
Si musel zapnúť MTV, a flanelky neboli len blbé retro.
You had to turn on MTV, and flannel shirts weren't just dumb retro.
Ak si získal nový album tak bol to dobrý deň, Ice Cube a to všetko.
If you got a new album it was a good day, Ice Cube and all that.
Kouř značky Davidoff, tišě hladí po tváři,
Davidoff smoke gently caresses my face,
Sliším tóny, cestou čtu cestopisné romány.
I hear tones, on the way I read travel novels.
Ihla škrábe vinyl, a prsty se hrabou v deskách,
The needle scratches the vinyl, and my fingers dig into the boards,
Žaluzie v oknech ke mně pouští kusy světa.
Blinds in the windows let in pieces of the world.
Kouř značky Davidoff, tišě hladí po tváři,
Davidoff smoke gently caresses my face,
Sliším tóny, cestou čtu cestopisné romány.
I hear tones, on the way I read travel novels.
Ihla škrábe vinyl, a prsty se hrabou v deskách,
The needle scratches the vinyl, and my fingers dig into the boards,
Žaluzie v oknech ke mně pouští kusy světa.
Blinds in the windows let in pieces of the world.
Beat viac ako len úder, jak tik,
Beat more than just a beat, like a tick,
Nak narodenie hviezdy v najbližšej nebule.
On the birth of a star in the nearest nebula.
Raz vybuchnú aj tie najžiarivejšie gule,
One day even the brightest balls will explode,
Ale nevrav, že také dobré to zas nebude.
But don't tell me it won't be that good again.
Jak kedysi beat sere na tie premisy,
Like back in the day, the beat doesn't give a shit about those premises,
Big bang, bpm je tep, je to väčný shit.
Big bang, bpm is the beat, it's eternal shit.
Ako Tinitus ho nedáš tichšie,
Like Tinitus you can't make it quieter,
Plavím sa na ňom a som medziplanetárny výstrel.
I'm floating on it and I'm an interplanetary shot.
Daj mi svoj príbeh, elektrický jasný vnem,
Give me your story, electric bright I perceive,
Beat sa točí jak pulz a robí blink jak blesk.
The beat spins like a pulse and blinks like lightning.
Keď sa točí je blink jak šéf,
When it spins it blinks like a boss,
Ten röntgen žiari cez Rádio FM aktívne.
That X-ray shines through Radio FM active.
V rádio-vegetatívnej krajine,
In a radio-vegetative country,
Aktívny v reaktívnej zóne.
Active in the reactive zone.
Vybrúsi ťa ako Spino za tých pár tikov v Harleme,
It'll hone you like Spino in those few ticks in Harlem,
A všetkých, čo si klepú prstom po čele.
And all those who tap their fingers on their foreheads.
Tento beat je štiepne svetlo, héliový pervitín,
This beat is a biting light, helium pervitin,
Snehy z kopcov Bolívie, bolesti, čo precítim.
Snows from the slopes of Bolivia, pains I feel.
Svätý Juraj, čo sťal stohlavý biznis,
Saint George, who made the business numb,
Prešťal obchod s pubescentnými hormónmi.
He pissed off the adolescent hormone trade.
Dobrý beat ma núti politikom podrezávať jazyky,
A good beat makes me cut the tongues of politicians,
vlčí jed, no kto je Hutu a kto Tuci.
They're wolf poison, but who's Hutu and who's Tutsi.
Beat je prísna sutana, poď ňou erekcia,
The beat is a strict cassock, come on it erection,
Horiaci voz Katika plný výbušnej herézia.
Katika's burning chariot full of explosive heresy.
Opitý kartezián, čo ho opantala pravá hemisféra,
A drunken Cartesian, overtaken by the right hemisphere,
Beat je totem pre movement.
Beat is a totem for the movement.
Ktorý treba, keď mesto horí,
Which is needed when the city is burning,
A ty v sebe zabíjaš Nera.
And you're killing Nero inside yourself.
Kouř značky Davidoff, tišě hladí po tváři,
Davidoff smoke gently caresses my face,
Sliším tóny, cestou čtu cestopisné romány.
I hear tones, on the way I read travel novels.
Ihla škrábe vinyl, a prsty se hrabou v deskách,
The needle scratches the vinyl, and my fingers dig into the boards,
Žaluzie v oknech ke mně pouští kusy světa.
Blinds in the windows let in pieces of the world.
Kouř značky Davidoff, tišě hladí po tváři,
Davidoff smoke gently caresses my face,
Sliším tóny, cestou čtu cestopisné romány.
I hear tones, on the way I read travel novels.
Ihla škrábe vinyl, a prsty se hrabou v deskách,
The needle scratches the vinyl, and my fingers dig into the boards,
Žaluzie v oknech ke mně pouští kusy světa.
Blinds in the windows let in pieces of the world.

Writer(s): Roland Kanik, Marian Benkovic, Pavol Remias, Tomas Pekarik, Miroslava Konecna

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