Mohamed Lamine - Mon bled - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mohamed Lamine - Mon bled

Mon bled
My Country
Le bled, certain mon pote assis sur l'arc de triomphe
My country, my buddy sitting on the Arc de Triomphe
C'est r.o.h.2f kore et skalp
It's r.o.h.2f kore and skalp
Aiouwa, ok poto qu'est-ce y ce passe
Aiouwa, ok buddy what's up
C'est raiNB fever
It's raiNB fever
Le bled, aiouwa c'est r.o.h.2f
My country, aiouwa it's r.o.h.2f
Wech magrebin, magrebine
Wech magrebin, magrebine girl
Wech comorien, comorienne
Wech comorien, comorien girl
Asma3 khouya
Asma3 khouya (listen brother)
Khalik liya ya bladi
Stay with me, my country
Rani 3lik nabi ardi ardi
I am longing for you, my land, my land
O jbeli fiha trabit ana
Oh my mountain, I am from its soil
Khalik liya ya bladi
Stay with me, my country
Rani 3lik nabi ardi ardi
I am longing for you, my land, my land
O jbeli fiha trabit ana
Oh my mountain, I am from its soil
Gta3t b7our zman ydour
I crossed seas, time goes by
O l'ghorba ma kayna nabki
And in exile, there's only crying
Nchki w ngoul
I complain and say
3lash 3liya had l'hala
Why this fate for me?
Gta3t b7our zman y dour
I crossed seas, time goes by
O lghorba ma keyna nabki
And in exile, there's only crying
Nchki w ngoul
I complain and say
3lach 3liya had l'hala
Why this fate for me?
Barka 3liya 7ali malit wahdanii ghrib w barani Ki
Have mercy on me, my condition, I'm alone, a stranger and a foreigner. What
ndir ana Fakart bladi 3yit anadi Sahal rabi O naghda ana
can I do? I thought of my country, I'm tired of calling out. God willing, I'll eat
Barka 3liya hali Malit wahadani ghrib o barani Ki
Have mercy on me, my condition, I'm alone, a stranger and a foreigner. What
ndir ana Fakart bladi W 3yit anadi Sahal rabi O nabda ana
can I do? I thought of my country, and I'm tired of calling out. God willing, I'll start
Ralikh liya ya bladi rani 3lik nabi
Stay with me my country, I am longing for you
Ardii o ard jdadi fiha trabet ana
My land and the land of my ancestors, I am from its soil
Ralkh kiya ya bladi rani 3lik nabi
Stay with me my country, I am longing for you
Ardi o ard jdadi fiha trabet ana
My land and the land of my ancestors, I am from its soil
Yji youm sal hmoum
The day will come when worries end
Bladi gamra cha3ala
My country, a burning ember
Nafarah o nghani
I will escape and sing
Ana tir ki el hmama
I will fly like a dove
Yji youm sal hmoum
The day will come when worries end
Bladi gamra cha3ala
My country, a burning ember
Nafarah o nghani
I will escape and sing
Ana tir kil el hmama
I will fly like a dove
Bladi bladi Ngoulha w nadi Ma 3endich men ghirha
My country, my country, I say it and call out, I have no one but her
ana Brass wladi Ma nansa bladi Basah rabi noughda ana
Except for my children. I won't forget my country. God willing, I'll eat
Bladi bladi Ngoulha w nadi Ma 3andich men ghirha
My country, my country, I say it and call out, I have no one but her
ana Brass wladi Mensa bladi Basah rabi noughda ana
Except for my children. I'll forget my country. God willing, I'll eat
Khalik liya ya bladi
Stay with me, my country
Rani 3lik nadi arddi w ard
I am longing for you, my land and the land of my
Jdadi fiha trabet ana
Ancestors, I am from its soil
Ralikh liya ya bladi
Stay with me, my country
Rani 3lik nadi arddi o ard
I am longing for you, my land and the land of my
Jdadii fiha trabet ana
Ancestors, I am from its soil
J ai grandi entre Mohamed moussa et habed
I grew up between Mohamed Moussa and Habed
Trop fièr d'être la fierté de mon bled
So proud to be the pride of my country
Salut au président
Greetings to the president
Ça coule dans le sang
It flows in the blood
Comme dans le son
Like in the sound
Puant le sang
Stinking of blood
Ya juste la trancant dans le sang
Just the edge in the blood
Pensant aux autre pays
Thinking of other countries
Si avant ça tu veillis
If before that you grow old
Ils veulent donner des ordres
They want to give orders
Ya que les vendus qui obéissent
Only the sellouts obey
Dans l'égarement s'éternise
Lost in eternity
On frappe par balle
We strike with bullets
Puis khra les réputations s'éternisent
Then khra, reputations become eternal
Que des mes-ar qui font braaaa
Only mes-ar who do braaaa
Ya pas de braaaaa
There's no braaaaa
Pas le temps de délirer ou d'admirer
No time to rave or admire
Men azba apres je m'en irai vivant les pieds devant garder l'espoir
Men azba then I'll go, dying feet first, keeping hope
Comme le grand-père en première ligne
Like grandpa on the front line
On défendrait l'histoire ancien bledard
We would defend the history, old bledard
Les flics en trans, pour ceux qui quittent leurs familles
The cops in drag, for those who leave their families
Semblant en france les djelabas
Looking like djelabas in France
Tu sais que le chef des chefs il s'appelle Hasni
You know the boss of bosses is called Hasni
Ralikh liya ya bladi
Stay with me, my country
Rani 3lik nadi
I am longing for you
Ardi w ard jdasi
My land and the land of my ancestors
Fiha trabet ana
I am from its soil
Khalik liya ya bladi
Stay with me, my country
Rani 3lik nadi
I am longing for you
Ardii w ard jdadi
My land and the land of my ancestors
Fiha trabet ana
I am from its soil

Writer(s): Khaled Hadj Brahim, Housni M'kouboi, Kada Mustapha, Mohamed Taibini

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