And if you could but see when the guilty ones hang their heads in shame before their Lord, (saying): "Our Lord! We have seen and heard: send us back (to the world), and we shall work righteousness; for we do indeed (now) believe!"
Had We willed, We could certainly have given every soul its guidance: but the word from Me will come true: "I will fill Hell with jinns and men all together."
وَلَوْ شِئْنَا لَآَتَيْنَا كُلَّ نَفْسٍ هُدَاهَا
Therefore taste (the fruits of your deeds): for that you forgot the Meeting of this Day of yours: We have forgotten you: taste the Penalty of Eternity, for what you used to do!"
None believe in Our Signs except those who, when they are reminded of them, fall down in prostration, and celebrate the praises of their Lord, and they are not arrogant.
Their sides forsake their beds, to invoke their Lord in fear and hope, and they spend (in charity) out of the sustenance which We have bestowed on them.
But those who are perverse will have the Fire as a habitation: every time they wish to get out of it, they will be forced back into it, and it will be said to them: "Taste the Penalty of the Fire which you were wont to deny."
And We appointed from among them leaders, giving guidance by Our Command, when they were constant and firm, and when they believed with assurance in Our Signs.
And has not the story reached you of those who flourished before you- the People of Noah, and of Ad and Thamud and those who came after them? None knows them but Allah. Their apostles came to them with Clear Signs, but they put their hands to their mouths, saying: "We do reject what you have been sent with, and we are in grave doubt as to that to which you invite us."
Their apostles said: "Is there a doubt about Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth? It is He Who invites you, that He may forgive you your sins and give you respite for a stated term." They said: "You are but mortals like ourselves: you wish to turn us away from that which our fathers worshipped. Then bring us a clear authority."
Their apostles said: "We are but mortals like yourselves, but Allah bestows His favor on whom He wills. We have no power to bring you an authority except as Allah permits. And on Allah let the believers put their trust."
"Why should we put our trust in you, when you are but mortals like ourselves? You seek to turn us away from that which our fathers worshipped. Then bring us a clear authority."
Their apostles replied: "We are all of us bound to die, and all of us are bound to return (to Allah). We can promise you nothing but what Allah wills. If we were to invent a lie against Allah, the punishment would overtake us."
For when they are given any sign, they only say: "We shall not believe until we are given the like of what was given to the apostles of Allah." Allah knows best with whom to place His Message. But disgrace from Allah and a severe punishment will afflict the guilty.
And you will see them brought forward to the Fire, and they will see it with their own eyes, and they will know, but then too late, that the Fire is their habitation, and that they have no refuge from it.
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