Mohsen Yeganeh - Kavir - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mohsen Yeganeh - Kavir

كويرم يه كويرِ خشک و تنها
My desert, a dry and lonely desert
كوير هم صحبتش باد و سرابه
The wind and mirage are its only company
كوير رويای دريا تو سرش نيست
The desert doesn't dream of the sea
پای قصه م بشين حالم خرابه
Sit by my story, my state is ruined
دريغ از يه جوونه تو وجودم
Alas, not a single sprout in my being
تموم ريشه هام بی برگ و باره
All my roots are leafless and barren
از اشكای خودم سينه م تٓرٓك خورد
From my own tears, my chest cracked
تنم از دور شبيه شوره زاره
My body from afar resembles a salt marsh
نه كوهی دورمه تا كم ميارم
There's no mountain around for me to lean on
بهش تكيه كنم آروم بگيرم
To rely on it and find peace
نه دريا دورمه تا غرق من شه
There's no sea around to drown me
نه ساحل ميشم اونجوری بميرم
Nor a shore to become and die that way
جوون بودم شبيه جنگلایی
I was young, like the forests
كه الان سر راهت رو گرفتن
That now block your path
سر راهت تموم جنگلا سوخت
All the forests burned on your path
تا چشمات رنگ دريا رو ببينن
So your eyes could see the color of the sea
...بزن بارون دلم خيلی گرفته
...Rain, my heart is heavy
يه شب بغضم گرفت فكرت منو برد
One night my throat tightened, your thought took me away
از اون شب با خيالت هم نشينم
Since that night, I haven't even sat with your memory
با اين حالی كه امشب تو سرم هست
With this state that's in my head tonight
محالِ صبحِ فردا رو ببينم
It's impossible for me to see tomorrow morning
يه شب چشمامو بستم خواب ديدم
One night I closed my eyes and dreamt
داره بارون مياد از ابر مُرده
That rain was falling from a dead cloud
يه روز چشمام وا كردم نبودی
One day I opened my eyes, you were gone
ديدم سيل اومده دنيامو برده
I saw a flood had taken my world away
تو رويای يه دريا تو سرت بود
You had a dream of a sea in your head
دلم دريا شد و رفتی نديدی
My heart became a sea and you left, you didn't see
تو رفتي رد بارونو بگيری
You left to follow the rain
تو رفتی و به دريا نرسيدی
You left and didn't reach the sea
كسی از خلوتم چيزی نديده
No one has seen anything from my solitude
كوير از خلوتش بيرون نميره
The desert doesn't leave its solitude
كوير رويای دريا تو سرش نيست
The desert doesn't dream of the sea
...كوير تا آخر قصه كويره
...The desert remains a desert until the end of the story
نه كوهی دورمه تا كم ميارم
There's no mountain around for me to lean on
بهش تكيه كنم آروم بگيرم
To rely on it and find peace
نه دريا دورمه تا غرق من شه
There's no sea around to drown me
نه ساحل ميشم اونجوری بميرم
Nor a shore to become and die that way

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