Moja Reč feat. Separ - Z Hlavy Do Hlavy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Moja Reč feat. Separ - Z Hlavy Do Hlavy

Z Hlavy Do Hlavy
From Head to Head
Skáčem z hlavy do hlavy, do hlavy
Jumping from head to head, into your head
Skáčem z hlavy do hlavy
Jumping from head to head
Poď, zoberem ťa za ruku, respektíve za ucho,
Come on, I'll take you by the hand, or rather by the ear,
Preletíme nad mestom, pristaneme za klubom,
We'll fly over the city, land behind the club,
Prevtelíme sa do biletára, aha ako týpek triafa
We'll transform into the ticket guy, look how the dude hits
Preventívne chlapca na ucho,
The boy on the ear, preemptively,
Z neho mierime do hostesky,
From him, we'll head into the hostess,
zadok tvrdý, ako život v slumoch,
She has a butt as hard as life in the slums,
A my sledujeme opätky tej kokety,
And we follow the heels of that coquette,
Je zabuchnutá do rappera čo sa tacká po stagei,
She's into the rapper who's staggering on stage,
Keď zlezie dolu spotený, urobia si fotečky,
When he gets down sweaty, they'll take pictures,
Vďaka tejto momentke môžeme zmeniť prostredie,
Thanks to this moment, we can change the environment,
Keď vyštartujú po sebe, vôjdeme mu do lebky,
When they start after each other, we'll enter his head,
Pozrieme si radosti aj problémy,
We'll see joys and problems,
Starosti aj komplexy,
Worries and complexes,
Mnohé sny pozmenil podľa potreby,
He changed many dreams as needed,
Robí betónové bars,
He makes concrete bars,
Vezmú ťa do ghetta, tam žijú betónové stars,
They'll take you to the ghetto, where concrete stars live,
Poviedky a ojeby,
Stories and scams,
Tak to celé polepil, že sám nevie čo je čím,
He's glued it all together so that he doesn't even know what's what,
Ak sa rýchlo nedostanem von asi sa obesím
If I don't get out quickly, I might hang myself
Pouličný betón vidí všetko,
The street concrete sees everything,
Tam dole je peklo, sledujem to bez slov,
Down there is hell, I watch it without words,
Ja im skáčem po hlavách, asi ich začnem ovládať,
I jump on their heads, I might start controlling them,
Padla noc a vtedy spolu torzujeme mestom, yeah
Night fell and then we roam the city together, yeah
Pouličný betón vidí všetko,
The street concrete sees everything,
Tam dole je peklo, sledujem to bez slov,
Down there is hell, I watch it without words,
Ja im skáčem po hlavách, asi ich začnem ovládať,
I jump on their heads, I might start controlling them,
Padla noc a vtedy spolu torzujeme mestom, let′s go
Night fell and then we roam the city together, let's go
Skáčem z hlavy do hlavy, do hlavy
Jumping from head to head, into your head
Skáčem z hlavy do hlavy, do hlavy
Jumping from head to head, into your head
Skáčem z hlavy do hlavy
Jumping from head to head
(Ak sa rýchlo nedostanem von asi sa obesím)
(If I don't get out quickly, I might hang myself)
Zmizol som v poslednej sekunde, do hlavy chlapca,
I disappeared at the last second, into the boy's head,
Vedel som zaraz - lepšie to nebude,
I knew right away - it wouldn't be better,
Mal jebnuté a nemyslím chlast, myslím dope,
He was fucked up and I don't mean booze, I mean dope,
Išiel si to piaty rok, nie raz za čas ale vkuse,
He'd been doing it for five years, not occasionally but constantly,
A to nechutné,
And that's disgusting,
Myšlienky zamerané na jeden bod,
Thoughts focused on one point,
Nejaké prachy v kapse za jeden joint,
Some money in his pocket for one joint,
Výčitky, nádeje, výmysly, zase je tam kde chce,
Guilt, hopes, inventions, he's back where he wants to be,
Eufória, galeje,
Euphoria, hardships,
Zožneš čo zaseješ,
You reap what you sow,
Stretko s dílerom takže som skočil k nemu,
Meeting with the dealer so I jumped to him,
Vravím borcovi, nech skočí k nemu,
I'm telling the dude to jump to him,
Ale vie, že tam päť parťákov čo ho vezmú do parády,
But he knows he has five buddies there who will take him to task,
Pár mu jebnú, všetko vezmú, vezmú ho k lesu
They'll hit him a few, take everything, take him to the forest
A sejmú, fakt primoc stresu,
And kill him, really because of stress,
Tak som len tak letel,
So I just flew,
Každý jeden človek, jedno nebo, desať pekiel,
Every single person, one heaven, ten hells,
Veľmi veľa tmy a len pár svetiel,
A lot of darkness and only a few lights,
Ani som extra nechcel
I didn't even really want to
Vkĺzol som do hlavy slečny, išla si chat na nete,
I slipped into the girl's head, she was chatting online,
A tam ju oslovil a, vyzeral bohovsky,
And there he approached her and, looked divine,
A tváril sa jak gentleman, keď mu pozrela do očí,
And acted like a gentleman, when she looked into his eyes,
Netušila čo bude musieť absolvovať, ja som odskočil,
She had no idea what she would have to go through, I jumped away,
Ešte skôr ak s ňou roztočil ten starý tanec
Even before he started that old dance with her
Pouličný betón vidí všetko,
The street concrete sees everything,
Tam dole je peklo, sledujem to bez slov,
Down there is hell, I watch it without words,
Ja im skáčem po hlavách, asi ich začnem ovládať,
I jump on their heads, I might start controlling them,
Padla noc a vtedy spolu torzujeme mestom, yeah
Night fell and then we roam the city together, yeah
Pouličný betón vidí všetko,
The street concrete sees everything,
Tam dole je peklo, sledujem to bez slov,
Down there is hell, I watch it without words,
Ja im skáčem po hlavách, asi ich začnem ovládať,
I jump on their heads, I might start controlling them,
Padla noc a vtedy spolu torzujeme mestom, let's go
Night fell and then we roam the city together, let's go
Vidím ti do hlavy aj keď si od hlavy po päty oblečený,
I can see into your head even though you're dressed from head to toe,
Ako fighter,
Like a fighter,
Doma máš oblečenie zo Zary, synu načo si nasilu takýto hajzel?
You have Zara clothes at home, son, why are you such a forced asshole?
Vnútri si sladký jak kompót v babkinej špajze
Inside you're sweet like compote in grandma's pantry
Wannabe čávo, jak starý Geissen,
Wannabe dude, like old Geissen,
Skáčem vedľa a všetko je tam prázdne,
I jump next door and everything is empty there,
A keď zhasnem, svetlo a trápne ticho,
And when I turn off the light and awkward silence,
Prebijú len dvere spálne,
Only the bedroom door will interrupt,
V hlave, ktorá utopila hrdosť vo svojej brázde,
In the head that drowned pride in its furrow,
Skáče na ňu, jebe ju zozadu jako blázen,
He jumps on her, fucks her from behind like crazy,
Odchádzam preč, tu je konec, tma, amen,
I'm leaving, this is the end, darkness, amen,
Plávem z pičoviny ku sláve,
I swim from bullshit to fame,
Zrazu chápem, že si to ty a tápem,
Suddenly I understand that it's you and I'm groping,
Prečo ťa nikto nechápe, tak lámem hlavu,
Why no one understands you, so I'm breaking that head,
Jedna báseň,
One poem,
No nedá sa, odchádzam, inak sa zamotáme,
No, it's not possible, I'm leaving, otherwise we'll get tangled up,
V tom prečo nemáš charizmu jak kámen,
In why you don't have charisma like a stone,
Hárem, pičovín okolo seba, neboj sa,
Harem, bullshit around you, don't worry,
Nabudúce to dáme
We'll do it next time
Pouličný betón vidí všetko,
The street concrete sees everything,
Tam dole je peklo, sledujem to bez slov,
Down there is hell, I watch it without words,
Ja im skáčem po hlavách, asi ich začnem ovládať,
I jump on their heads, I might start controlling them,
Padla noc a vtedy spolu torzujeme mestom, yeah
Night fell and then we roam the city together, yeah
Pouličný betón vidí všetko,
The street concrete sees everything,
Tam dole je peklo, sledujem to bez slov,
Down there is hell, I watch it without words,
Ja im skáčem po hlavách, asi ich začnem ovládať,
I jump on their heads, I might start controlling them,
Padla noc a vtedy spolu torzujeme mestom, let′s go
Night fell and then we roam the city together, let's go

Writer(s): Jozef Engerer, Michal Pastorok, Vladimir Dupkala

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