Svet feti net, je mi zle, aj tak sa pripájam, aby na mňa klikala zamilovaná trinástka.
The world is fake, I feel sick, yet I log in, so a thirteen-year-old in love can click on me.
Prečo ma chcú pridávať, pyžamá, čo nepoznajú Piccasa, grcám z toho divadla.
Why do they want to add me, pajamas who don't know Picasso, I'm throwing up from this theater.
Virtuálny best friend nevie kde bývaš a nechce sa stýkať live, presne, ako bývalá.
A virtual best friend doesn't know where you live and doesn't want to hang out in real life, just like an ex.
Sex chat je príma, tam nie je treba viagra, web cam je výhra, ak sa nerd nevie chytať báb.
Sex chat is great, you don't need viagra there, a webcam is a win if a nerd doesn't know how to pick up chicks.
Zápästie, jak majster sveta v skákaní švihadla, hejt nieje nič, ak máš fejk name, priznaj sa.
Wrist like a world champion jump roper, hate is nothing if you have a fake name, admit it.
Slintáš na fon, v ňom všetky top trendy, appky.
You drool on your phone, all the top trends, apps.
Chytám na svojom profile deti, chcem ich lajky, je mi z toho na pi, aký viem byť trápny.
I catch kids on my profile, I want their likes, it makes me want to pee, how pathetic I can be.
Ak si ešte nenašiel môj FB, hneď si nájdi!
If you haven't found my FB yet, find it now!
Vtiahlo ťa dnu, pod hladinu, nedá sa ujsť, je s tebou šlus.
It pulled you in, under the surface, there's no escape, you're done.
Vypol si realitu, zahodil kľúč.
You turned off reality, threw away the key.
Ahoj, papa, čus.
Hello, bye, see ya.
Bum bidi baj baj bidi bu.
Boom bidi bye bye bidi boo.
World wide web, to je čarovný svet, tu má každý gule, tu nie si malý lúzer jak vonku, že?
World wide web, it's a magical world, everyone has balls here, you're not a little loser like outside, right?
Kým sa strácaš v stránkach, čítam v tvárach, zízam na západ slnka, ty na monitor.
While you're lost in pages, I read faces, I stare at the sunset, you at the monitor.
Virtuálny el chefe, klátiš päť slečien, jazdíš v Mercedese.
Virtual el chefe, you bang five girls, you drive a Mercedes.
Nevieš presne, či to nie je len sen.
You don't know for sure if it's not just a dream.
Ja mám screenshoty tvojich fejkových profilov.
I have screenshots of your fake profiles.
Milujem Facebook, Twitter a Instagram.
I love Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Musím mať net, tam mám fame, tam to vychádza, zopár nickov, kopa klikov, zase vyvádzam, odpočívam v sieti, Nirvana.
I have to have the net, that's where I have fame, that's where it works out, a few nicknames, a bunch of clicks, I'm acting up again, I'm resting in the net, Nirvana.
Nickname Diana, stojí mi z nej pijala, do prádla, do naha, nič, čo by skrývala.
Nickname Diana, I get a boner from her, in her underwear, naked, nothing to hide.
Nemám rád ľudský kontakt, nechcem sa vyprávať, chcem nech ma vyprázdnia, celé je to krivá hra.
I don't like human contact, I don't want to talk, I want them to empty me, the whole thing is a crooked game.
Na čo by som chodil von, stačí mi monitor, hocikomu vypičujem, vylejem sa z pocitov, pošli to, lajkni to, stlačím to, spraví to boom.
Why would I go out, the monitor is enough for me, I tell anyone to fuck off, I pour out my feelings, send it, like it, I'll press it, it'll make a boom.
Mám to v rukách, cítim sa jak malý Boh.
I have it in my hands, I feel like a little God.
Nepoznám pot z koncertov, žiadne poď, poďme von, net je môj rock′n roll, denne sto komentov.
I don't know sweat from concerts, no come on, let's go out, the net is my rock'n'roll, a hundred comments a day.
Aký čerstvý vzduch, mestský ruch, ha?
What fresh air, city noise, huh?
Zapni net, si fuč, nepičuj, pripoj sa a klik klik.
Turn on the net, you're gone, don't bitch, connect and click click.
Vtiahlo ťa dnu, pod hladinu, nedá sa ujsť, je s tebou šlus.
It pulled you in, under the surface, there's no escape, you're done.
Vypol si realitu, zahodil kľúč.
You turned off reality, threw away the key.
Ahoj, papa, čus.
Hello, bye, see ya.
Bum bidi baj baj bidi bu.
Boom bidi bye bye bidi boo.
World wide web, to je čarovný svet, tu má každý gule, tu nie si malý lúzer jak vonku, že?
World wide web, it's a magical world, everyone has balls here, you're not a little loser like outside, right?
Kým sa strácaš v stránkach, čítam v tvárach, zízam na západ slnka, ty na monitor.
While you're lost in pages, I read faces, I stare at the sunset, you at the monitor.
Virtuálny el chefe, klátiš päť slečien, jazdíš v Mercedese.
Virtual el chefe, you bang five girls, you drive a Mercedes.
Nevieš presne, či to nie je len sen.
You don't know for sure if it's not just a dream.
Ja mám screenshoty tvojich fejkových profilov
I have screenshots of your fake profiles
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