Moja Rec - Je mi to jedno - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Moja Rec - Je mi to jedno

Je mi to jedno
I Don't Care
DJ Wich
DJ Wich
Kundy, autá, peniaze
Bitches, cars, money
Drogy, sláva, cash za rap
Drugs, fame, cash for rap
Hudba, láska, nenávist
Music, love, hate
Bez ludí čo s tebou sa nedá žit
Can't live without people who are with you
Ked vychádzam z klubu po 10 Jamsnov
When I leave the club after 10 Jams
Všetky love v kapse a pod stageom bolo peklo
All the love in my pocket and under the stage was hell
Moj velký chcú autogram gangstri ma nafotia
My big ones want an autograph, gangsters take pictures of me
Usmievam sa na nich ale je mi to jedno
I smile at them but I don't care
Videl som tolko fakerov a papierových Supermanov
I've seen so many fakers and paper Supermans
Ktorým z držky smrdí ako s kári plnej údenáčov
Whose mouths stink like a cart full of sausages
že si dávno nerobím z kecov ani prd čo naokolo
That I haven't given a shit about the bullshit around me for a long time
Hemži sa to slizkími tchormi ktorý chcú naoko
It's swarming with slimy bastards who want to
A jedným s týchto chrobákov je jaj Davidko nášho tábora
And one of these bugs is jaj Davidko of our camp
Píše prísne maily potom k-k-kokce len mu zavolám
He writes strict emails then s-s-stutters when I call him
Dávidkové slovo stojí menej ako hovno
Davidko's word is worth less than shit
Ak kmitá očami do strán tak o*ebáva nato pozor!
If he's darting his eyes around, he's f*cking cheating, watch out!
Mám fellazz čo so mnou viac jak desat rokoch
I have fellazz who have been with me for more than ten years
A tých nevymením za takých čo o mne vedia k*k*t
And I won't trade them for those who know sh*t about me
Pripadám si často ako v cirkuse lacné triky žonglujúce prezlečené cikule
I often feel like I'm in a circus, cheap tricks juggling costumed chicks
Vela jazdcov jazdí bez hlavy myslia že im patrí svet
Many riders ride without a head, they think the world belongs to them
A ked to skonci zrazu plačia chcú to všetko vrátit s5
And when it's over, they suddenly cry, they want to return it all s5
Chcú vedet čo ich stoplo kto bol na vine
They want to know what stopped them, who was to blame
Ja milujem rap a nie fame preto nemám takí stres
I love rap and not fame, that's why I don't have that stress
Mám dievča čo je so mnou viac jak toto všetko
I have a girl who's been with me more than all this
Vždy mi povedala ked mi j*balo že som bol j*bo
She always told me when I f*cked up that I was a f*ck up
Nehráme sa na nič je čistá jak voda
We don't play anything, she's as pure as water
Sme spolu ked sa darí a aj ked sa lepí smola
We're together when things are going well and when bad luck sticks
Kundy, autá, peniaze
Bitches, cars, money
Drogy, sláva, cash za rap
Drugs, fame, cash for rap
Hudba, láska, nenávist
Music, love, hate
Bez ludí čo stebou sa nedá žit
Can't live without people who are with you
Vitaj v dobe kde ti niekdo nechá v chrbte nož
Welcome to a time where someone will leave a knife in your back
Bez toho aby ho to vobec mrzelo
Without even being sorry
Hlavne že sa včera v klube zase vrtelo
The main thing is that yesterday in the club was spinning again
Blanty, zatky, holé kozy rodeo
Blanty, plugs, naked goats rodeo
Mora pre mna neexistuje nech p*čuje
Mora doesn't exist for me, let her f*ck off
Vypytuje v backstagi cigy potom dissuje
She asks for cigarettes in the backstage then disses
Spravil som vela prešlapov opak netvrdim
I made a lot of mistakes, I don't claim the opposite
Aspon sa netvárim že moje hovno nesmrdí
At least I don't pretend that my shit doesn't stink
Nič ma neškrtí som uvolnený k*k*tár
Nothing chokes me, I'm a relaxed f*cker
štastní že moje hobby je moja robota
Happy that my hobby is my job
Každý víkend inde sto koncertov do roka
Every weekend somewhere else, a hundred concerts a year
Pečienka ide do p*če volajte doktora
The liver is going to f*ck, call the doctor
Držím si hajzlov od tela pri sebe homebojov
I keep the toilets away from me, homeboys with me
čo ostanú ked skonči tento kolotoč
Those who will stay when this carousel ends
Rapom sa dajú spravit nejaké prachy
You can make some money with rap
No že to vydrží navždy je k*k*tina ako traky
But it's bullshit like suspenders that it will last forever
Skor či neskor to všetko krachne opona padne ludia odídu svetlo zhasne
Sooner or later it will all crash, the curtain will fall, people will leave, the lights will go out
Tvoja kariéra padne na zem a skape tak radšej šlapem kým to šlape
Your career will fall to the ground and die, so I'd rather step on it while it's stepping
Ludia neúprimný to je okey možeš byt múdri striedat role
People are insincere, that's okay, you can be wise, change roles
čo stebou dole ked si hore
Those who are with you down when you are up
Nemusia byt s tebou dole ked si dole
They don't have to be with you down when you are down
Kluby, painchlajs, koncerty
Clubs, one-night stands, concerts
Ludia vravia že
People say that
Z hudby sa dobre žit
You can live well from music
Majú pravdu ale
They're right but
K*rvy, saltá, problémy
Whores, somersaults, problems
všade ako aj
Are everywhere as well as
Sluby, klamstá, o*eby
Promises, lies, f*ck ups
Toto sa naozaj deje to nie je kino
This is really happening, it's not a movie
Makám na tej sračke denne najsom mimo
I work on that shit every day, I'm out of it
Rapy, chipsy, flow a koks
Raps, chips, flow and coke
Cením si tých čo stoja za mnou
I appreciate those who stand behind me
Toto sa naozaj deje to nieje kino
This is really happening, it's not a movie
Ide mi z*ebat leben kde je víno
My head's gonna f*ck up, where's the wine
Ceny, chipsy no a čo
Prices, chips, so what
Cením si tých čo stoja za mnou
I appreciate those who stand behind me

Writer(s): Michal Pastorok, Tomas Pechlak, Vladimir Dupkala

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