Moja Rec - Mne Netreba Veľa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Moja Rec - Mne Netreba Veľa

Mne Netreba Veľa
I Don't Need Much
Život mi preteká cez prsty, n
Life flows through my fingers, and
O necítim sa nesvoj ako zviera v zime bez srsti.
I don't feel out of place like a winter animal without fur.
Že som majster sveta som nikdy netvrdil,
I never claimed to be the world champion,
No idem na plno a nikdy som moc nebrzdil.
But I go full throttle and never really slow down.
A nie som fanda nejakých bilancii,
And I'm not a fan of any balances,
V podstate chcem len svoj svätý pokoj a písať rýmy.
Essentially, I just want my peace and quiet and to write rhymes.
Prísť večer domov, dať si pivo pustiť beaty, star
Come home in the evening, have a beer, turn on the beats, baby,
sa o ženu tak aby mi nechcela ujsť s iným.
Take care of my woman so she doesn't want to run off with another man.
Ráno vstať, ísť umyť auto.
Get up in the morning, go wash the car.
Dať si kafe, dať si cígo, dať si žrádlo, zopár blantov, zopár mečov .
Have a coffee, have a smoke, have some food, a few blunts, a few swords.
Žiadne stavy, len tak kvasiť.
No worries, just chilling.
Zvoní fón.
The phone rings.
Volajú chlapci že sa ísť niečo zapiť.
The boys are calling, saying we should go drink to something.
Každý by chcel veľa prachov, žiadny stres.
Everyone wants a lot of money, no stress.
Väčšina končí tak že samí stres a žiadny kesh.
Most end up with only stress and no cash.
Ja mám pi*i užívam si ďalší deň.
I don't give a damn, I'm enjoying another day.
Každý ďalší deň, pár vecí mi stačí vieš?
Every single day, a few things are enough for me, you know?
Houmie, mne netreba veľa,
Honey, I don't need much,
Stačí mi cash na pár pív, pár cíg, moja láska a felazz.
Just enough cash for a few beers, a few cigarettes, my love, and a blowjob.
Houmie, mne netreba moc,
Honey, I don't need a lot,
Len nech je rodina v klude a každý rok, o niečo lepší rok.
Just keep the family safe and every year, a slightly better year.
Houmie, mne netreba veľa,
Honey, I don't need much,
Tam tých slabučkých MC zničím kludne acapella.
I can easily destroy those weak MCs acapella.
Houmie, mne netreba moc,
Honey, I don't need a lot,
Stačia mi búchajúce beaty, punchlains a môj nádherný flow.
Just booming beats, punchlines, and my beautiful flow.
Aj keď sa mám na pi*u, tak znášam to dobre.
Even when I'm feeling like shit, I handle it well.
Na exekučnom visí môj plagát, na ňom je wanted.
My wanted poster hangs on the execution wall.
Šťastie nie je zabalené v jointe, al
Happiness isn't wrapped up in a joint, but
E pokiaľ je to zapálené je to okej.
As long as it's lit, it's okay.
Pokiaľ nie moji ľudia takí, že
As long as my people aren't
Za mojim chrbtom vravia, že som k*kot, tak som šťastný.
Talking behind my back, saying I'm an asshole, then I'm happy.
Pokiaľ znesiem v zrkadle svoj obraz,
As long as I can stand my reflection in the mirror,
Tak mi vietor praje a napína moje plachty.
Then the wind is in my sails, filling them up.
Lebo na čo mi všetky prachy, ke
Because what good is all the money if
ď neviem čo s nimi, preto že som vnútri celý prázdny.
I don't know what to do with it because I'm empty inside.
Na čo keď stresuješ a nestíhaš nič. Nevidí
What good is it if you're stressed and can't keep up? You don't
š decká rásť, tak trochu si deti stratil.
See your kids grow up, you've kind of lost your children.
Zastav sa a daj si jeden veľký nádych. Te
Stop and take a deep breath. That
N francúzak od tvojej slečny možno neni z lásky.
French kiss from your girl might not be out of love.
Trochu som sa stratil nechcel som byť vážny. Ži
I got a little lost, I didn't mean to be serious. Life
Vot je flandra, tak ju po*eb a uži si párty.
Is a party, so fuck it and enjoy the party.
Houmie, mne netreba veľa,
Honey, I don't need much,
Stačí mi cash na pár pív, pár cíg, moja láska a felaz.
Just enough cash for a few beers, a few cigarettes, my love, and a blowjob.
Houmie, mne netreba moc,
Honey, I don't need a lot,
Len nech je rodina v klude a každý rok, o niečo lepší rok.
Just keep the family safe and every year, a slightly better year.
Houmie, mne netreba veľa,
Honey, I don't need much,
Tam tých slabučkých MC zničím kludne acapella.
I can easily destroy those weak MCs acapella.
Houmie, mne netreba moc,
Honey, I don't need a lot,
Stačia mi búchajúce beaty, punchlains a môj nádherný flow.
Just booming beats, punchlines, and my beautiful flow.
" No počúvaj ma, vieš, ja s
"Listen to me, you know, I can still
A dokážem ešte u sestry oholiť, u s
Shave at my sister's, put on shoes at my
Trýka obuť, aaa u bratranca na*ebať"
Uncle's, aaa and get drunk at my cousin's"

Writer(s): Jozef Engerer, Michal Pastorok, Vladimir Dupkala

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