Moja Rec - Na volnej nohe - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Moja Rec - Na volnej nohe

Na volnej nohe
Mne nevadí že nemám žiadne keše v banke
I don't mind having no cash in the bank
Zoženiem ich vtedy aj keď nieje z kade
I'll get it even when there's nowhere to find
Milujem hudbu nosím svoje flashe v hlave
I love music, I carry my flashes in my head
Možno mi zachránila život a nič nechce naspäť
Maybe it saved my life and wants nothing back
A vela mojich kamošov a mojich bratov
And many of my friends and my brothers
Si na život zarába hocijako len nie prácou
Make a living any way but work
Lahšie ako makať je si robiť love gandžou
It's easier to make money with weed than to work hard
Chcú sa za ne voziť mestom vlastnou károu
They want to ride around town in their own car
žijeme svojou hudbou malovaním alebo tancom
We live by our music, painting or dancing
Nech nás naši démoni nemožu stiahnuť na dno
May our demons not drag us down
Nech si z hocijakej rodiny každý tu balí pálo
Let everyone here pack palo from any family
Mali sme ilúzie to je dávno
We had illusions, that's long gone
Aj tak máme svoje sny veríme vo svoje šťastie
We still have our dreams, we believe in our luck
Keď prejdú fízli okolo tak plujeme na zem
When the cops pass by, we sink to the ground
Mám desať prstov na rukách a každý je faker
I have ten fingers on my hands and each one is a faker
Musíme byť tvrdí jak kameň
We must be hard as stone
Toto nieje benz nieje reidž
This is not benz, not rage
žiadny šampus v klipe na zem nech ti nej*be
No champagne in the clip on the ground, don't let it f*ck you up
žijeme aj keď biznis nejde nieje na výber
We live even though business is not going, there is no choice
Toto je požičaj mi kilo vrátim za týždeň
This is "lend me a kilo, I'll return it in a week"
Každý deň sa pokúšame spraviť keš
Every day we try to make cash
S tým že nevieme čo nám prinesie ďalší deň
Not knowing what the next day will bring
Postávame tam kde sme lebo sem patríme
We stand where we are because we belong here
život na volnej nohe zaj*b tie lajny Greg
Freelance life, f*ck those lines, Greg
Refrén 2x
Chorus 2x
This ain't no game I play
This ain't no game I play
It happens every day
It happens every day
I'am doing what I can
I'am doing what I can
To be a better man
To be a better man
To live a better way
To live a better way
Listen to what I say
Listen to what I say
This ain't no game I play
This ain't no game I play
Tichý biznis, rýchly biznis
Quiet business, fast business
Z ruky do ruky putuje pitlík biznis
From hand to hand goes the pit bull business
Krásne nezdanené čipsy biznis
Beautiful untaxed chips business
Keď ťa drapnú fízli tak si v pi*i biznis
If the cops catch you, you're f*cked business
čaká ťa vela hrubých cicín v ri*i
A lot of thick chicks are waiting for you in the ass
Velký brat ťa počúva, vidí, cíti
Big brother is listening, seeing, feeling
Odpočúva, sleduje, tie lampy v skrini
Wiretapping, watching, those lamps in the closet
Zožerú sku*vene vela elektriny
They eat a f*cking lot of electricity
Selliť rap, selliť grass
Sell rap, sell grass
Selliť obidvoje velký keš
Sell both, big cash
Spraviť iba jeden velký kšeft
Make just one big deal
A od*ebať sa do pi*e houmi bež
And f*ck off to the houmi run
Máriovi našli v blave malý jointík
They found a small joint on Mario in Blava
Teraz bude na podmienke zo dva roky
Now he'll be on probation for two years
Občas keď vidím cajtov tak sa potím
Sometimes when I see the cops I sweat
V kufri mám niečo čo nieje pre ich oči
I have something in the trunk that's not for their eyes
No kedže som ko*ot čo nechce robiť
But since I'm a d*ck who doesn't want to work
Ko*ot čo nechce robiť len zarobiť
A d*ck who doesn't want to work, just earn
Skúšam si nájsť hoby čo niečo hodí
I'm trying to find a hobby that throws something
Niaký fajný plac mimo spoločnosti
Some nice place outside of society
A tak sa v mojej ruke zase ďalší stick krúti
And so another stick is twisting in my hand again
Keď sa ide nakupovať mobil vypnutý
When you go shopping, your phone is off
Baterka vybraná
Battery removed
Vieš o čom vyprávam
You know what I'm talking about
Prostredník hore asi tak to vypadá
Middle finger up, that's how it looks
Refrén 2x
Chorus 2x
This ain't no game I play
This ain't no game I play
It happens every day
It happens every day
I'am doing what I can
I'am doing what I can
To be a better man
To be a better man
To live a better way
To live a better way
Listen to what I say
Listen to what I say
This ain't no game I play
This ain't no game I play
Praha je to město, město snú
Prague is the city, the city of dreams
Hulim tady trávu spoustu dnú
I smoke a lot of weed here for days
Love jsou tady a love jsou tam
Love is here and love is there
Chceš sví love to dobře víš sám
You want your love, you know it yourself
Miluju rap je to skvělej spúsob
I love rap, it's a great way
Jak komplikovat lidem svíma kecama život
How to complicate people's lives with my bullshit
A ujistit se o tom že si něco víc
And make sure you're something more
Než jenom nahulený drzí prerostlí dítě
Than just a stoned, cheeky overgrown child
Nechci sellit dětem dope
I don't want to sell dope to kids
Zaplať pánbúh že nemusim
Thank God I don't have to
žebych nevědel jak se to dělá
Not that I don't know how to do it
Ale pravdepodobne by toho věčinu vyhulil
But I'd probably smoke most of it
Proto místo toho šlechtím rap
That's why I cultivate rap instead
A rád si dojedu třeba do jižních čech
And I like to go to South Bohemia
Nebo do blavy pro to nový euro
Or to Blava for that new euro
Milujou mně tam múj rap je neuro
They love me there, my rap is neuro
Refrén 2x
Chorus 2x
This ain't no game I play
This ain't no game I play
It happens every day
It happens every day
I'am doing what I can
I'am doing what I can
To be a better man
To be a better man
To live a better way
To live a better way
Listen to what I say
Listen to what I say
This ain't no game I play
This ain't no game I play

Writer(s): Hugo Toxxx

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