Moja Rec - Nočný Let - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Moja Rec - Nočný Let

Nočný Let
Night Flight
Všetci by chceli, ale nemôžu ho mať, iba dobrí chlapci majú ten sound.
Everyone wants it, but they can't have it, only the good guys have that sound.
Ideme ďalej, ak si myslel že sa dá, ťaháme párty do rána.
We're moving on, if you thought it was possible, we're pulling the party until the morning.
Ou, všetci by ho chceli, nemôžu ho mať, máme ten flash z ktorého budete high.
Oh, everyone would want it, they can't have it, we have the flash that will get you high.
Dnes v noci toto mesto nepôjde spať, ťaháme párty do rána.
Tonight this city won't go to sleep, we're pulling the party until the morning.
Ja mám sound, pri ktorom sa ženy vyzliekajú alebo obliekajú a idú do klubu.
I have a sound that makes women undress or get dressed and go to the club.
Vyfintené ak miss, jedny zmachlené ak Kiss, ďalšie nádherné a fit, všetky sa chcú baviť.
Dressed up like miss, some messed up like Kiss, others gorgeous and fit, they all want to have fun.
Všetci sa chcú baviť, vyresetovať si prácu z hlavy.
Everyone wants to have fun, to reset their work from their heads.
Naplniť si hlavu snami, aspoň na chvíľu.
Fill their heads with dreams, at least for a while.
Klub letí do vzduchu ak keby padol na mínu.
The club flies into the air like it fell on a mine.
Každý pije rýchlejšie ak jeho tieň Lucky Luck.
Everyone drinks faster than their shadow - Lucky Luck.
Tak poď a daj si teqillu a biely rum a daj si čo chceš kým chmáry z tvojej hlavy nezmiznú.
So come on and have some tequila and white rum and have what you want until the clouds from your head disappear.
A bež zbaliť sexicu a vezmi ju kam bude chcieť kým z jej tela šaty nezmiznú.
And go pack that sexy girl and take her wherever she wants until the clothes disappear from her body.
Letíme, v rauši vesmírom, noc patrí nám, s očami jak z kryštálu v sprievode našich dám.
We're flying, high in space, the night belongs to us, with eyes like crystal, accompanied by our ladies.
Parket je natrieskaný a DJ ten sound, pri ktorom prestávame rozmýšľať vládne rauš.
The dance floor is packed and the DJ has that sound that makes us stop thinking, the high reigns.
Nechcete aby nám mozgy vyleteli z hláv, nechajte nás letieť a užiť si dnešný flám.
You don't want our brains to fly out of our heads, let us fly and enjoy today's fling.
Lord Bengerer pustí beat, ja chytím majk a vypľujem tie intergalaktické rýmy k vám.
Lord Bengerer will drop the beat, I'll grab the mic and spit those intergalactic rhymes to you.
Ja mám flow, pri ktorom sa MC prekrižujú, potajme ho obdivujú, nikdy na to neprídu.
I have a flow that makes MCs cross themselves, secretly admire it, they'll never figure it out.
Chcú ho ovládať, skúšajú bajtovať, ale to by museli vidieť svet, jak ho vidím ja.
They want to control it, they try to byte it, but they would have to see the world as I see it.
Daj ruky do vzduchu, keď DJ pustí moju crew.
Put your hands in the air when the DJ plays my crew.
Objednaj niečo tvrdé, nech ťa slečna pustí pod sukňu.
Order something hard, let the girl let you under her skirt.
S drinkom na bare, vo vačku dvanásť eur, ale to mi nebráni v tom že sa bavím jak ja chcem.
With a drink at the bar, twelve euros in my pocket, but that doesn't stop me from having fun the way I want.
Študenti aj povalači, umelci aj donášači, si obliekli to najlepšie čo mali a na párty.
Students and bums, artists and delivery boys, put on the best they had and are at the party.
Herečky sa oblievajú šampusom, obchody sa vybavujú za klubom.
Actresses are pouring champagne, deals are being made behind the club.
Vyleziem tam hore a strhnem ho od základov, lóve miniem s tebou, idem k tebe dole s panákom.
I'll climb up there and tear it down from the foundations, I'll spend the money with you, I'll come down to you with a shot.
Naša reč je na svete tisícročia, aj tak nie som schopný pomenovať čo ti vidím v očiach.
Our speech has been in the world for millennia, yet I am not able to name what I see in your eyes.
Všetci by ho chceli, ale nemôžu ho mať, iba dobrí chlapci majú ten sound.
Everyone wants it, but they can't have it, only the good guys have that sound.
Ideme ďalej, ak si myslel že sa dá, ťaháme párty do rána.
We're moving on, if you thought it was possible, we're pulling the party until the morning.
Ou, všetci by ho chceli, nemôžu ho mať, máme ten flash z ktorého budete high.
Oh, everyone would want it, they can't have it, we have the flash that will get you high.
Dnes v noci toto mesto nepôjde spať, ťaháme párty do rána.
Tonight this city won't go to sleep, we're pulling the party until the morning.
Som minútu preč, zobral som si len timeout.
I'm a minute away, I just took a timeout.
Som raketa čo sere bomby niečo ako wipeout Poď so mnou naše kroky dnes roztavia asfalt.
I'm a rocket that shits bombs something like wipeout Come with me our steps will melt the asphalt today.
Nevšímaj si čo vravia, napnutý ak harfa.
Don't pay attention to what they say, they're strung like a harp.
Pozri sa mi do očí a objavíš v nich vesmír.
Look into my eyes and you'll discover the universe in them.
Pozri sa mi do baggies a objavíš v nich (óu.).
Look into my baggies and you'll discover in them (oh.).
Povie ti vtip a zaspieva ti pieseň.
He'll tell you a joke and sing you a song.
Hlavne mi len prosím ťa nevrav že to nechceš.
Please just don't tell me you don't want it.
Letíme, v rauši vesmírom, noc patrí nám, s očami jak z kryštálu v sprievode našich dám.
We're flying, high in space, the night belongs to us, with eyes like crystal, accompanied by our ladies.
Parket je natrieskaný a DJ ten sound, pri ktorom prestávame rozmýšľať vládne rauš.
The dance floor is packed and the DJ has that sound that makes us stop thinking, the high reigns.
Nechcete aby nám mozgy vyleteli z hláv, nechajte nás letieť a užiť si dnešný flám.
You don't want our brains to fly out of our heads, let us fly and enjoy today's fling.
Lord Bengerer pustí beat, ja chytím majk a vypľujem tie intergalaktické rýmy k vám.
Lord Bengerer will drop the beat, I'll grab the mic and spit those intergalactic rhymes to you.

Writer(s): Jozef Engerer, Michal Pastorok, Vladimir Dupkala

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