Moja Rec - Smejem sa cez slzy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Moja Rec - Smejem sa cez slzy

Smejem sa cez slzy
Laughing Through the Tears
Vonku pršalo a teraz cítiť asfalt,
It was raining outside and now I can smell the asphalt,
Je to krása, aj keď nenávidím rána.
It's beautiful, even though I hate mornings.
Na dvore na svoje decká kričí mama,
My children's mother is screaming at them in the courtyard.
Počúvam ich v posteli cez okno, jak sa vadia.
I listen to them through the window of my bed, as they quarrel.
Nechám ťa tam ležať a ja idem kúpiť zatiaľ,
I'll let you lay there and I'll go buy something,
Niečo, čo máš rada, lebo ty nemusíš vstávať.
Something you like, because you don't have to get up.
Žiadna facha ani dnes, a ani zajtra,
No work today or tomorrow either,
Vonku horí svet a my sme doma sami dvaja.
The world is burning outside but we're home alone, together.
Realita na mňa stále mieri ako shotgun,
The reality is still aiming at me like a shotgun,
Snažím sa ju ignorovať, je to ťažká práca.
I try to ignore it, but it's hard work.
Mesto žije a kým ty si zjedol hambáč,
The city is alive and while you've eaten a hamburger,
Mäso hnije v tebe, je to hnusné, ale pravda.
The meat rots inside you, it's disgusting, but true.
Nebudem sa starať, čo robíš je iba tvoja vec,
I won't care about what you do, it's only your business,
Idem domov a do uší mi hrá moja reč.
I'm going home and my speech is playing in my ears.
Vyjdem na štvrté a padne na mňa váha,
I go up to the fourth floor and the weight falls on me,
Toho, že si odišla, mesiac bývaš sama.
Of you leaving, you've been living alone for a month now.
Smejem sa cez slzy, fest
I laugh through the tears, a lot
Iba takto zvládam ten blbý svet
It's the only way I can handle this stupid world
Niekto je preč a niekto iný späť
Someone's gone and someone else is back
Na toto mi nepomohol nikdy hnev.
Anger has never helped me with this.
Smejem sa cez slzy, fest
I laugh through the tears, a lot
Iba takto zvládam ten blbý svet
It's the only way I can handle this stupid world
Niekto je preč a niekto iný späť
Someone's gone and someone else is back
Na toto mi nepomohol nikdy hnev.
Anger has never helped me with this.
Vonku prší a ja vidím mokrý asfalt,
It's raining outside and I can see the wet asphalt,
Slnko za mrakmi, aj tak milujem tie rána.
The sun behind the clouds, I still love those mornings.
Nemám chuť sa mračiť, pustím beat, vytiahnem žvára,
I don't feel like frowning, I'll put on a beat, pull out a joint,
Chcem sa vrátiť k tebe, ale posteľ je prázdna.
I want to come back to you, but the bed is empty.
Posledná šanca, posledná šanca,
Last chance, last chance,
Toľkokrát si vravela, posledná šanca.
You said it so many times, last chance.
A ja som si myslel svoje a bol bastard,
And I thought what I thought and was a bastard,
Zhorela kára, držkou skrečujem asfalt.
The car burned, I'm screaming on the asphalt with my face.
Zatiaľ nie, ale možné je všetko,
Not yet, but everything is possible,
V tej mojej sprostej hlave je možné všetko.
In my stupid head everything is possible.
Ale tým pádom je možné všetko,
But in that case everything is possible,
A nemožné nič, zaplietol som sa s tým textom.
And nothing is impossible, I got tangled up with that text.
Aj tak sa stále smejem cez zuby jak jonah hex,
Anyway, I'm still laughing through my teeth like Jonah Hex,
Slúchadlá v ušiach a hrá mi stará moja reč.
Headphones on and my old speech is playing for me.
A naozaj netuším, jak to dopadne,
And I really don't know how it will end,
No milovať ťa budem, kým sa rozpadnem.
But I'll love you until I fall apart.
Smejem sa cez slzy, fest
I laugh through the tears, a lot
Iba takto zvládam ten blbý svet
It's the only way I can handle this stupid world
Niekto je preč a niekto iný späť
Someone's gone and someone else is back
Na toto mi nepomohol nikdy hnev.
Anger has never helped me with this.
Smejem sa cez slzy, fest
I laugh through the tears, a lot
Iba takto zvládam ten blbý svet
It's the only way I can handle this stupid world
Niekto je preč a niekto iný späť
Someone's gone and someone else is back
Na toto mi nepomohol nikdy hnev.
Anger has never helped me with this.

Writer(s): Jozef Engerer, Michal Pastorok, Vladimir Dupkala

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