Moja Rec - Ta zena je horor - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Moja Rec - Ta zena je horor

Ta zena je horor
That Woman is a Horror
Ona je jediná v klube, čo si vie ogrcať výstrih.
She's the only one in the club who can puke on her own cleavage.
Vylezie zo záchodu s pohárom v ruke a srká whisky.
She stumbles out of the bathroom, glass in hand, sipping whiskey.
Ked sa skrížia pohľadmi tvári sa cudne jak vždycky
When their eyes meet, she acts all strange, like always.
A ked ho sklopí dole nehladí mu na tenisky.
And when she looks down, she ain't checking out his sneakers.
Cez týždeň si sľubuje nepiť, cez víkend kúruje šiestich
During the week she promises not to drink, on the weekend she cures six guys' hangovers.
A to v piči v pravom zmysle slova ľutujem jej nindž.
And she doesn't give a damn, literally, I pity her ninja.
Zavolá susedov zhora, že čistý perník,
She calls the neighbors upstairs, saying she's got fresh gingerbread,
Pustí G-Unit a si s nimi fifty-sendvič.
Blasts G-Unit and has a fifty-sandwich with them.
Kloktá semeno jak keby je to ústna voda,
She gargles semen like it's mouthwash,
A nielen preto jej dali známi titul kurva roka.
And that's not the only reason her friends call her the slut of the year.
Keby ide o chlapa tak je to hrdina a bon vival
If it was a guy, he'd be a hero and a bon vivant,
No je to žena tak je to šľapka čo smrdí jak kólia,
But she's a woman, so she's a tramp who smells like a collie,
Ale za čo by sa hanbila, robí to čo každý chlap,
But why should she be ashamed? She does what every guy does,
Zabáva sa, opíja sa vždy to platí nejáky chlap.
Parties, gets drunk, and there's always some guy paying for it.
Jej nový známy nie je schopný stiahnúť ju domov.
Her new acquaintance can't drag her home.
Križuje sa preklína ju jóó, žena je horror!
He crosses himself, cursing her, oh, that woman is a horror!
Nemluv o když ji vubec neznáš
Don't talk about her when you don't even know her
Sám umíš být větší defka když chlastáš
You can be a bigger slut when you're drunk
Nemužeš ji vubec soudit tak přestáň
You can't judge her at all, so stop it
Si stejný jak ona tak se netvář...
You're the same as her, so don't act like...
čo s ňou chceš robiť, neurobíš nič... nič
What do you want to do with her, you won't do anything... anything
Môžeš ju urobiť a ísť... ísť
You can do her and leave... leave
Slečna uvoľnených mravov, veľa upotených chlapov
A lady of loose morals, many sweaty guys
Prešlo jej rukami, spí s hocikým... kým... kým
Have passed through her hands, she sleeps with anyone... anyone... anyone
chik Golden Touch jak Wich.
That chick has the Golden Touch like Wich.
Jediné čo ti po nej ostane je zlatá žila.
The only thing you'll have left after her is a golden vein.
Spíja sa jak sviňa na koncertoch MR, bejbe
She gets wasted like a pig at MR concerts, babe
Je denne pripravená na GangBang, ked je
She's ready for a GangBang every day, when she
Toho na ňu veľa hodí sa do kľudu,
It's too much for her, she calms down,
Ubalí brko a pustí si U2 na YouTube.
Rolls a joint and puts on U2 on YouTube.
Zavolá si týpka na sex cez Myspace,
She calls a dude for sex on Myspace,
Kým príde stiahne pol litra whisky priamo z fľaše.
Before he arrives, she downs half a liter of whiskey straight from the bottle.
Je doma v každom bare, vychlomtá na čo siahne
She's at home in every bar, she'll guzzle down anything she can reach
Nebolo to raz čo ju našli spať na podlahe
It wasn't the first time they found her asleep on the floor
Stáva sa! Dáva pivo a absinth.
It happens! She's giving out beer and absinthe.
Dojdu prachy, zavesí si na hlavu gaťky a kričí platím.
The money runs out, she hangs her panties on her head and yells "I'm paying."
Stiahne ťa niekde bokom,
She'll pull you aside somewhere,
Usmeje sa na Teba jej tretie oko, hnedé oko.
Her third eye, her brown eye, will smile at you.
Jej nový typ jej volá, no ona nejde domov
Her new guy calls her, but she's not going home
Ani za kokot o-ou
Not even for a dick o-oh
ženská je horror...
That woman is a horror...
Nemluv o když ji vubec neznáš
Don't talk about her when you don't even know her
Sám umíš být větší defka když chlastáš
You can be a bigger slut when you're drunk
Nemužeš ji vubec soudit tak přestáň
You can't judge her at all, so stop it
Si stejný jak ona tak se netvář...
You're the same as her, so don't act like...
Typ za typom, dick za dickom,
Guy after guy, dick after dick,
Chlap za chlapom, kár za károm.
Man after man, car after car.
Schody záchod, spálňa auto.
Bathroom stairs, bedroom car.
Sperma na bruchu, na chrbte vo vlasoch.
Sperm on her belly, on her back, in her hair.
Pije do dna, pije do dňa.
She drinks to the bottom, she drinks to the day.
Pije kľudne aj týždeň je voľná.
She'll even drink for a week if she's free.
Chce to skúsiť, chce si užiť.
She wants to try it, she wants to enjoy it.
V každom z nás je kúsok kurvy!
There's a little bit of a slut in each of us!
Videla viac károv jak pisoáre v štadióne.
She's seen more cars than urinals in a stadium.
Ked vojde do baru tak sa celý bar baví o nej.
When she walks into a bar, the whole bar talks about her.
Ale klebety pre ňu nepredstavujú žiadny problém.
But gossip is no problem for her.
žena štýl, žena štýl.
That woman has style, that woman has style.

Writer(s): Ivanhoe, Michal Pastorok, Michal Vanysek, Vladimir Dupkala

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