Moja Reč feat. Separ & Tina - Srdce Plače - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Moja Reč feat. Separ & Tina - Srdce Plače

Srdce Plače
Heart Cries
Ak máš pár ťahov, dobrý shit by sa hodil,
If you have a few moves, some good shit would be nice,
Nech problémy na chvíľu, jak dym, zmiznú do tmy,
Let the problems disappear into the darkness for a moment, like smoke,
Všetok ten fame, všetky tie podpisy a fotky,
All that fame, all those signatures and photos,
Neznamenajú nič, keď pozriem dcére do jej očí.
Mean nothing when I look into my daughter's eyes.
Neznamenajú nič, keď pozriem žene do jej očí,
They mean nothing when I look into my wife's eyes,
Vyfúknem weed za tých, čo museli odísť
I blow out weed for those who had to leave
Predtým, než pôjdem, chcem tu nechať svoj podpis,
Before I go, I want to leave my mark here,
Svoju nástennú maľbu, odtlačok svojej nohy
My mural, my footprint
Išiel som all in, žiadny vyšlapaný chodník,
I went all in, no beaten path,
Spravil som si nový, teraz po ňom idú mnohí
I made a new one, now many are following it
Stálo to kopu potu, sĺz aj modrín,
It took a lot of sweat, tears and bruises,
Ľudia toxickí, ako jed kobry do žíl
People are toxic, like cobra venom into the veins
Hlavne, keď to, čo máš ty, chcú mať oni,
Especially when they want what you have,
Musel som spáliť mosty a verím len svojim
I had to burn bridges and I only trust my own now
Musel som odísť, aj keď to bolí,
I had to leave, even though it hurts,
Čerstvý vzduch, vynáram sa spod vody
Fresh air, I emerge from under the water
Smejem sa, aj keď moje srdce plače,
I laugh, even though my heart cries,
Moja duša mrzne, prosím, daj mi hlt z tej fľaše,
My soul is freezing, please give me a sip from that bottle,
Nech tie farby trochu jasnejšie,
Let the colors be a little brighter,
Že ten shit dám bez chýb je už, myslím, dávno pasé
Doing this shit flawlessly is long gone, I think
Smejem sa, aj keď moje srdce plače,
I laugh, even though my heart cries,
Moja duša mrzne, prosím, daj mi hlt z tej fľaše,
My soul is freezing, please give me a sip from that bottle,
Nech tie farby trochu jasnejšie,
Let the colors be a little brighter,
Že ten shit dám bez chýb je už, myslím, dávno pasé
Doing this shit flawlessly is long gone, I think
Nebo modré ako ópiový recept,
Sky blue like an opium prescription,
Je to možné, koľko zadkov chodí v meste?
Is it possible, how many asses are walking around the city?
Leto, teplo, voda, lebo končí škola,
Summer, heat, water, because school is ending,
Iba ja nemám ani floka, preto smoklím doma
Only I don't even have a dime, that's why I'm smoking at home
Segra spravila výšku a titul,
Sister graduated and has a degree,
Jej dcéra robí mlynské kolá v strede bytu
Her daughter is doing cartwheels in the middle of the apartment
Chce sa baviť a náladu v očiach,
She wants to have fun and has that mood in her eyes,
Sms od baby, čo som dostal, husia koža
Goosebumps from the text I got from the girl
Nemám na nájom, ani nebudem,
I don't have rent, and I won't,
Stres mi KO, ani nemuknem
Stress will knock me out, I won't even make a sound
A depka s plačom sa mi venuje,
And depression with crying is devoted to me,
S vášňou nado mnou roztiahli perute
With passion, they spread their wings over me
Že vraj som lúzer, tak ok,
They say I'm a loser, so okay,
Spievam to v klube, karaoke
I sing it in the club, karaoke
Nemám sa dobre, mám sa hrozne,
I'm not doing well, I'm doing terribly,
Ale nezbadáš to, keď sa na mňa pozreš, bože
But you won't notice it when you look at me, God
Naspäť v meste, čo sa zdráha zobudiť,
Back in the city that is reluctant to wake up,
V tmavej detskej, som tam začal od nuly
In the dark nursery, I started from scratch there
Strach je defekt, poddáš sa a zomrú sny,
Fear is a defect, you give in and dreams die,
Ak je v tebe, postav sa a zaklincuj ho do truhly
If it's in you, stand up and nail it into the coffin
Ak žiješ v malej diere, urob z nej epicentrum,
If you live in a small hole, make it the epicenter,
Nech je to hrdlo fľaše, kde sa hlavne veci dejú
Let it be the bottleneck where things mainly happen
To, čo v sebe skrývaš, to je tvoja tajná zbraň,
What you hide inside is your secret weapon,
Vymodeluj svoje čudáctvo, sprav z neho alfa gun
Shape your weirdness, make it an alpha gun
Smejem sa, aj keď moje srdce plače,
I laugh, even though my heart cries,
Moja duša mrzne, prosím, daj mi hlt z tej fľaše,
My soul is freezing, please give me a sip from that bottle,
Nech tie farby trochu jasnejšie,
Let the colors be a little brighter,
Že ten shit dám bez chýb je už, myslím, dávno pasé
Doing this shit flawlessly is long gone, I think
Smejem sa, aj keď moje srdce plače,
I laugh, even though my heart cries,
Moja duša mrzne, prosím, daj mi hlt z tej fľaše,
My soul is freezing, please give me a sip from that bottle,
Nech tie farby trochu jasnejšie,
Let the colors be a little brighter,
Že ten shit dám bez chýb je už, myslím, dávno pasé
Doing this shit flawlessly is long gone, I think
Každý nosí svoje problémy, taký je svet,
Everyone carries their problems, that's the way the world is,
Mal som ich veľa, chcel sa vypísať, tak robím rap
I had a lot of them, I wanted to write it out, so I do rap
Nedá sa zhrnúť jak sa mám, iba do pár viet,
It's impossible to sum up how I am in just a few sentences,
A tak som ticho, občas mi nechutí ani jesť
So I'm silent, sometimes I don't even feel like eating
No piť sa musí, berem fľašu, to je moja reč,
But you have to drink, I take a bottle, that's my speech,
Vkuse na debila, ale problémy neni preč
Constantly acting stupid, but the problems are not gone
Vlastne sa dni podobajú a začínajú vliecť,
Actually, the days are similar and start to drag,
Musím to bremeno zhodiť dole z mojich pliec
I have to take this burden off my shoulders
Lepšie je stáť ako cúvať,
It's better to stand than to back down,
Keď to nefunguje nič sa neposúva
When it doesn't work, nothing moves forward
Nedá sa byť stále najebaný jak dúha,
You can't be drunk all the time like a rainbow,
Hľadám cestu cez, ako lúza
I'm looking for a way through, like a weed
Dnes robím veci, na ktoré sa nezabúda,
Today I do things that are unforgettable,
Zrazu je ticho aj ten, ktorý nepočúva
Suddenly even the one who doesn't listen is silent
Nájdi silu v sebe, more nebuď trúba,
Find strength in yourself, don't be a bummer,
Treba ísť ďalej, to čo bolo neskúmať
You have to move on, don't examine what was
Smejem sa, aj keď moje srdce plače,
I laugh, even though my heart cries,
Moja duša mrzne, prosím, daj mi hlt z tej fľaše,
My soul is freezing, please give me a sip from that bottle,
Nech tie farby trochu jasnejšie,
Let the colors be a little brighter,
Že ten shit dám bez chýb je už, myslím, dávno pasé
Doing this shit flawlessly is long gone, I think
Smejem sa, aj keď moje srdce plače,
I laugh, even though my heart cries,
Moja duša mrzne, prosím, daj mi hlt z tej fľaše,
My soul is freezing, please give me a sip from that bottle,
Nech tie farby trochu jasnejšie,
Let the colors be a little brighter,
Že ten shit dám bez chýb je už, myslím, dávno pasé
Doing this shit flawlessly is long gone, I think

Writer(s): Jozef Engerer, Michal Pastorok, Vladimir Dupkala

Moja Reč feat. Separ & Tina - Srdce Plače (feat. Tina & Separ) - Single
Srdce Plače (feat. Tina & Separ) - Single
date de sortie

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