Molotov - Pendejo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Molotov - Pendejo

Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
Con un doctorado en dar explicaciones
With a PhD in giving explanations, darling
Pongan atención a quienes piden un consejo
Pay attention to those who ask for advice, sweetheart
Dele de beber a sus compañeros
Stop your friends from drinking, honey
Y que piensen que están pedos, a que vean que son pendejos
And let them think they're drunk, when really they're just jerks
Si la caga a la primera, se le chispotea
If he screws up the first time, it's a spark, babe
Si la caga a la segunda, es estupidez
If he screws up the second time, it's stupidity, sugar
Si después de la tercera el individuo lo reitera
If after the third time the individual reiterates it, gorgeous
No hay remedio, ya ha llevado lo pendejo a otro nivel
There's no remedy, he's taken being a jerk to another level
A veces no das una, hay veces que la cagas
Sometimes you don't get it right, sometimes you screw up, beautiful
A veces te confunde, te dice una mamada
Sometimes it confuses you, it tells you some bullshit, princess
A veces se lo explicas con peras o manzanas
Sometimes you explain it with apples and oranges, my dear
Por hacerlo a la palabra, aquí a mi camarada
For doing it literally, to my comrade here
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
Don't you get crazy with the sensei, don't you know that we loco?
Don't you get crazy with the sensei, don't you know that we loco?
We be droppin' the beat and we rockin' the vocal
We be droppin' the beat and we rockin' the vocal
Neta en la letra mientras sacabas mocos
Straight in the lyrics while you were picking your nose, girl
Ya nos dimos cuenta de muy poco a poco
We already realized little by little
La falta de IQ, recompensas con bachocos
The lack of IQ, you reward with chocolates, cupcake
You ain't the brightest bulb, ya no se prende el foco
You ain't the brightest bulb, the light doesn't turn on anymore, sweetie pie
You ain't the sharpest tool, tas bien meco del coco
You ain't the sharpest tool, you're pretty messed up in the head, toots
¿Cómo es que fuiste el más astuto del escroto?
How is it that you were the smartest of the scrotum?
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
El que es pendejo, es pendejo aquí y en China
He who is a jerk, is a jerk here and in China
Y no es lo mismo ser pendejo en Argentina
And it's not the same to be a jerk in Argentina
Acá el pendejo siempre es el más idiota
Here the jerk is always the most idiotic
El que ya no se quita porque sabe qué le toca
The one who doesn't leave because he knows what's coming to him
Y ya lo dijo San Judas Tadeo
And St. Jude Thaddeus already said it
"¿Qué me hiciste en los ojos que puro pendejo veo?"
"What did you do to my eyes that I only see jerks?"
Y no me importa cuándo esto usted lo lea
And I don't care when you read this
Eah-eah-eah, qué pendejo el que me vea
Yeah-yeah-yeah, what a jerk whoever sees me
Es increíble cuánto pendejo he aguantado
It's incredible how many jerks I've put up with
Pendejo en la traca, pendejos en los bajos
Jerks in the line, jerks in the bass
Pendejos en la mesa, que discuten mi cabeza
Jerks at the table, who argue with my head
Pendejo si no o si no me interesa
Jerk if I don't know or if I'm not interested
Parte de un buen pendejo es que nunca te enteras
Part of being a good jerk is that you never find out
Entonces de pendejos ya parecen carreras
So they already seem like jerk races
A ya no me dejan, pero no me quejo
They don't let me anymore, but I don't complain
Recuerden, soy adicto, no pendejo
Remember, I'm an addict, not a jerk
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh-eh, oh-oh
Eh, pendejo
Eh, jerk

Writer(s): Miguel Angel Huidobro Preciado, Ismael Fuentes De Garay, Randy Clifford Ebright Wideman, Juan Francisco Ayala Gonzalez

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