Čo nespravím dnes, zajtra napadne ma hneď, preto nerobím nič, sedím, pijem, je to des, nápad, to je základ, zistil som veľakrát, ľutujem tú kvantitu nad kvalitu veľakrát.
What I don't do today, will hit me tomorrow, that's why I'm not doing anything, I'm sitting, drinking, it's awful, an idea, that's the key, I've realized many times, I regret the quantity over quality many times.
Čo nespravím dnes, zajtra napadne ma hneď, preto nerobím nič, sedím, pijem je to des, neposkladám pre teba už preto žiadny text, vedz, že to nevynútiš na silu tak.
What I don't do today, will hit me tomorrow, that's why I'm not doing anything, I'm sitting, drinking, it's awful, I won't put together any text for you anymore, know that you can't force it like that.
Ako sex.
Like sex.
Môžeš to skúšať, nepôjde to, je to lesť, neni cesta ako prejsť cez, je to test, chcem niečo veľké, no je tu furt iba veľkosť S, (žiaden Messi),??
You can try, it won't work, it's a trick, there's no way to get through, it's a test, I want something big, but there's only size S here, (no Messi),??
Liga není pre mňa best.
The league isn't the best for me.
Sedím v tichu, pritom pijem to na ex, je to masaker, jak skurvená Devínska Nová Ves, zajtra bude všetko hneď, jak znie best, dnes skapal pes, idem radšej het.
I'm sitting in silence, meanwhile, I'm drinking it to the end, it's a massacre, like a damn Devínska Nová Ves, tomorrow everything will be right, like it sounds best, today the dog died, I'd rather go away.
PS: Zedz!
PS: Zedz!
Čo ti povím, není to jak ísť umývať riady, čo ti povím, nemám pre teba nejaké rady, čo ti povím, dneska nejde, zajtra pôjde hneď, zdravím dovi, ostal som bez múzy stáť holý.
What can I tell you, it's not like going to wash the dishes, what can I tell you, I don't have any advice for you, what can I tell you, it doesn't work today, tomorrow it will work right away, hello goodbye, I'm left standing naked without a muse.
Čo nespravím dnes, zajtra napadne ma hneď, preto nerobím nič, sedím, pijem, je to des, nápad, to je základ, zistil som veľakrát, ľutujem tú kvantitu nad kvalitu veľakrát.
What I don't do today, will hit me tomorrow, that's why I'm not doing anything, I'm sitting, drinking, it's awful, an idea, that's the key, I've realized many times, I regret the quantity over quality many times.
Na trapošiny sú tu hrdí, že sú iní, obkukané nápady, vy skurvysyni!
They're proud of the trapošiny here, that they're different, stolen ideas, you bastards!
Dúfam, že nejsi aj ty medzi nimi s nimi, smrdí to jak syry, cítim, jak sa to silí.
I hope you're not one of them, it smells like cheese, I feel it getting stronger.
Nevedia, čo je cítiť múzu, jak rubíny, ostane iba trik, kúzla, jak Hudinni, chýry a otázky, jak vznikli tieto rýmy, múza, to je neriadený odliv a príliv.
They don't know what it's like to feel a muse, like rubies, only a trick remains, magic, like Houdini, rumors and questions, how did these rhymes come about, a muse, it's an uncontrolled ebb and flow.
Keď neprichádza, cerím zuby, voda pení, mal tu byť Ego, ale neni, kde je?
When she doesn't come, I bare my teeth, the water foams, Ego was supposed to be here, but he's not, where is he?
Nevím! (Nemám čas!).
I don't know! (I don't have time!).
Sedím a cením iba ticho a verím, čakám na múzu, mám dosť tých frajerín!
I sit and value only silence and believe, I wait for the muse, I'm tired of these chicks!
Čo ti povím, není to jak ísť umývať riady, čo ti povím, nemám pre teba nejaké rady, čo ti povím, dneska nejde, zajtra pôjde hneď, zdravím dovi, ostal som bez múzy stáť holý.
What can I tell you, it's not like going to wash the dishes, what can I tell you, I don't have any advice for you, what can I tell you, it doesn't work today, tomorrow it will work right away, hello goodbye, I'm left standing naked without a muse.
Text pridala lulusik8
Text added by lulusik8
Text opravila lulusik8
Text corrected by lulusik8
Video přidal Super
Video added by Super
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