Momo - Vyrobím tlak - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Momo - Vyrobím tlak

Vyrobím tlak
Produce Pressure
Vyrobím tlak
I'll create pressure
Vysekám ľad
I'll carve ice
Ulovím quap
I'll catch wildfowl
Tak ako kápo
Just like a capo
To robí chlap
That's what a man does
(To robí chlap)
(That's what a man does)
Urobím cut
I'll make a cut
Zasyčí had
A snake will hiss
Ty si môj brat
You are my brother
Rovnaká blood
The same blood
Dáme im mat
We'll checkmate them
(Dáme im mat)
(We'll checkmate them)
Urobte koridor pre rapera
Make a corridor for the rapper
Môj flow pohyby Federera
My flow has Federer's moves
Môj kanál krajina odoberá
My channel attracts the whole country
Zabíjam povolaj Koronera
I'm killing it, call the Coroner
Taká je hra
That's the game
Nikto nič nenechá, zobere tebe a sebe nechá
Nobody leaves anything, takes you and keeps himself
Like GTA
Neviem prečo by sme zachraňovali ho keď je čelá
I don't know why we would save him when he's dead
Tvoj rap, to je sprenevera
Your rap, that's fraud
Na mňa ten trik nezaberá
That trick doesn't work on me
Za mnou stojí celá BA
Bratislava stands behind me
50 hyen žere leva
50 hyenas devouring a lion
Pri mne moje 3 dcéri
My three daughters are with me
Prea, Elizabeth a Izabela
Prea, Elizabeth and Izabela
Vo mne citi, ale aj zrelá sila na boj ako z Izraela
Inside me, emotions, but also a mature strength to fight like from Israel
Vyrobím tlak (tlak)
I'll create pressure (pressure)
Vysekám ľad (ľad)
I'll carve ice (ice)
Ulovím quap
I'll catch wildfowl
Tak ako kápo
Just like a capo
To robí chlap
That's what a man does
(To robí chlap)
(That's what a man does)
Urobím cut
I'll make a cut
Zasyčí had
A snake will hiss
Ty si môj brat
You are my brother
Rovnaká blood
The same blood
Dáme im mat
We'll checkmate them
(Dáme im mat)
(We'll checkmate them)
Hovoria mi, že som tu kráľ
They tell me that I'm the king here
Urobím hocičo, oni že wau
I do anything, and they go wow
Mám to piči, ja nie som páv
I don't give a damn, I'm not a peacock
Ale keď zajebem je to že čau
But when I screw up, it's like goodbye
Pomalý beat, pomalý flow
Slow beat, slow flow
Iba tak na kývanie hlav
Just something to nod your head to
Urobím grrr, urobím pow
I'll make grrr, I'll make pow
Vyrobím tlak, ovládnem dav
I'll create pressure, dominate the crowd
Taký moshpit, že iba au
Such a mosh pit, just like ou
Pevná cena v hromade zliav
Fixed price in a heap of discounts
Nechodím za drobné ja nie som klaun
I don't walk for change, I'm no clown
Piče na okolo iba že mňau
Bitches around me just like meow
Nevidím ich, nemajú tvár
I don't see them, they have no face
Chceli by dick, chceli by cloud
They'd like a dick, they'd like a cloud
Vyrobím tlak na celý dav
I'll create pressure for the whole crowd
Ty robíš tlak na doma gauč
You create pressure on home sofa
Ja (ja)
I (I)
Vyrobím tlak (tlak)
I'll create pressure (pressure)
Vysekám ľad (ľad)
I'll carve ice (ice)
Ulovím quap
I'll catch wildfowl
Tak ako kápo
Just like a capo
To robí chlap
That's what a man does
(To robí chlap)
(That's what a man does)
Urobím cut
I'll make a cut
Zasyčí had
A snake will hiss
Ty si môj brat
You are my brother
Rovnaká blood
The same blood
Dáme im mat
We'll checkmate them
(Dáme im mat)
(We'll checkmate them)

Writer(s): El Murdo, Lukáš Kajanovič, Michael Kmeť, Roman Grigely

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