Momo feat. P.A.T. - Nepriatelia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Momo feat. P.A.T. - Nepriatelia

Moji nepratelia chceli by mi zle a
My enemies wish me harm, and
Nejakou náhodou si sa tam ocitol jak jeden.
Somehow you ended up there as one of them.
Ideš zo mňa robiť, že
You're trying to make me out to be
Som neni v pohode a pri tom všetci vidia, že to akurát tak jebe tebe.
Someone who's not okay, while everyone can see it's actually you who's messed up.
Špinavé ťahy za chrbtom sa ľahko vrátia a to
Dirty tricks behind my back will easily come back, and
Aj tak všetko nakoniec zmyjem jak fľaky na odeve.
I'll wash it all away like stains on clothes.
Kto to vypúšťa tak nech si dáva bacha, leb
Whoever's spreading this, better watch out, because
O prekliatý ostane ten, kto to zo seba neopere.
The one who doesn't come clean will remain cursed.
Ja sa snažím bilancovať stále niekde v strede,
I try to balance somewhere in the middle,
Aj keď ma ohovárali aj dneská na obede,
Even though they were talking about me again at lunch today,
Aj možno preto sa smola lepí na nich,
Maybe that's why bad luck sticks to them,
Vráti sa im všetko, čo druhým priali - ale mne ne.
Everything they wished for others will come back to them - but not to me.
Keď dojde na vás búrka, od života budú stáť chlpy.
When the storm hits you, life will stand on end.
Každú zákernosť strieda ten pád krutý.
Every insidious act is followed by a cruel fall.
Život ma naučil po všetkom čo bolo,
Life has taught me, after everything that's happened,
že musím vedieť aj tým falošným bastardom ísť podať ruky.
That I must be able to shake hands even with those false bastards.
to tí, čo neprehltli emócie a
They're the ones who couldn't swallow their emotions and
Neprekusli to kto si a tvrdia, že to ty si nepriateľ.
Couldn't accept who you are, claiming you're the enemy.
Nemôžeš nijak zmeniť, to
You can't change the fact
že ich to dusí ani oboznnámiť, že nakoniec bude to ich debakel.
That it suffocates them, nor inform them that in the end, it will be their downfall.
Kto to nosí v sebe,
Whoever carries this inside,
Nemá z toho plusy iba bojové plány jak tisíc lodí smerom do Atén.
Doesn't gain any advantages, only battle plans like a thousand ships sailing towards Athens.
Túto vec som napísal a myslel som pri tom, ž
I wrote this thing and while doing so, I thought
E zajebeme feat spolu v tejto téme s P.A.T.
That we'd nail a feat together on this topic, me and P.A.T.
To moje ego stále žije v kľude, to vaše je poznačené tou nenávisťou.
My ego still lives in peace, yours is marked by that hatred.
To lano čo nás drží neni hrubé, do m
The rope that holds us isn't thick, they'll
Ojích rán nikdy viacej nenasypú soľ.
Never again pour salt into my wounds.
Moji neprietelia tak blízko za rohom a na mňa nasraní.
My enemies are so close, just around the corner, and they're pissed at me.
Karma funguje tak jak - sa nezahráva, mali by sme zastaviť.
Karma works as it should - it doesn't play around, we should stop.
Jedovaté jazyky, intrigy, zlozvyky.
Poisonous tongues, intrigues, bad habits.
Boj o peniaze schovaný za statusy a hashtagy.
The fight for money hidden behind statuses and hashtags.
Politici - možno aj teba s týmy rečičkami prešťali.
Politicians - maybe they've fooled you too with their smooth talk.
Čo si myslíš?
What do you think?
len srdcoví a tí, čo sa pokazili.
There are only those with heart and those who have already gone bad.
Ktorý ty si?
Which one are you?
Keď začneme bojovať príde takedown, vid
When we start fighting, comes the takedown, we see
íme že naozaj len jebe nám - Hade me now.
That we're really just messed up - Hate me now.
Keď začneme nik neodíde bez rán, poz
When we begin, no one leaves without wounds, look
Nám, keď ani ja sám dobré svetlo nevrhám.
At us, when even I myself don't cast a good light.
Poznáme všetci, keď za veci občas je tu skrat.
We all know, sometimes there's a shortcut for things.
Keď miesto priatelstva na jeho mieste je tu strach.
When instead of friendship, there's fear in its place.
Nesmieme si na to zvykať a skúsme
We mustn't get used to it and let's try
Zase si tykať a dýchať... a pýcha bokom.
To be on familiar terms and breathe again... and pride aside.
Môj brat...
My brother...
To moje ego stále žije v kľude, to vaše je poznačené tou nenávisťou.
My ego still lives in peace, yours is marked by that hatred.
To lano čo nás drží neni hrubé, do m
The rope that holds us isn't thick, they'll
Ojích rán nikdy viacej nenasypú soľ.
Never again pour salt into my wounds.
Moji neprietelia tak blízko za rohom a na mňa nasraní.
My enemies are so close, just around the corner, and they're pissed at me.
Karma funguje tak jak - sa nezahráva, mali by sme zastaviť.
Karma works as it should - it doesn't play around, we should stop.

Writer(s): František Farkaš, Roman Grigely

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