Momo feat. Rytmus - Vízia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Momo feat. Rytmus - Vízia

Nechce sa ti makať to je kríza, na smiech
You don't want to work, that's a crisis, it's funny
Pátrame po tom pochopiť význam, štastie
We are looking for that to understand the meaning, happiness
Rátame si výhry, prehry, výzva rastie
We count our wins, losses, the challenge is growing
Jediné čo vidím je len vízia, jasné?
The only thing I see is just a vision, clear?
Nechce sa ti makať je to kríza, na smiech
You don't want to work, that's a crisis, it's funny
Pátrame po tom pochopiť význam, štastie
We are looking for that to understand the meaning, happiness
Rátame si výhry, prehry, výzva rastie
We count our wins, losses, the challenge is growing
Jediné čo vidím je len vízia, jasné?
The only thing I see is just a vision, clear?
Nechce sa ti makať to je kríza
You don't want to work, that's a crisis
Nechceš pátrať po šťastí si prízrak
You don't want to search for happiness, you are a ghost
čakaj v rohu zožerie ťa schíza
Wait in the corner, schizophrenia will devour you
To čo v živote do predu vedie mňa, je vízia.
What leads me forward in life is a vision.
Kolotočári trápni, čo si to vyplakali
Carousel riders, pathetic, what have they cried about
Oplakali pravdu ostali ďalej v repertoári
They cried about the truth, they remained further in their repertoire
čo mali jasné vízie sa iba smiali
Those who had clear visions just laughed
Sam si musí preskenovať to kto iba šálil.
You have to scan yourself, who was just fooling around.
Mišmaš, reči, zlosti, chvály
Mash, talk, anger, praise
Vyznať že z nečinosti, strachu nikdy nevyrástli králi
To admit that from idleness, fear, kings never grew
Si zváž či budeš medzi tými čo len stárli
Consider whether you will be among those who just aged
či mali iba víziu v noci z kokaínovej čiary.
Or they only had a vision at night from a cocaine line.
Viem (dobre) že nič neznamenám bez vás
I know (well) that I mean nothing without you
Makám na svojich plánoch a stále chcem vác
I work on my plans and I always want more
Stále best of top 2015
Still best of top 2015
No ked mieniš iba zavadzať sa okamžite preč prac
But if you intend to just hinder yourself, immediately get out of work
Nechce sa ti makať to je kríza
You don't want to work, that's a crisis
Nechceš pátrať po šťastí si prízrak
You don't want to search for happiness, you are a ghost
čakaj v rohu zožerie ťa schíza
Wait in the corner, schizophrenia will devour you
To čo v živote do predu vedie mňa je vízia.
What leads me forward in life is a vision.
Uhni mi z cesty keď neveríš že budem ten šampión
Get out of my way if you don't believe I'll be the champion
Rozjebávám pochybnosti pred sebou jako kamión
I'm breaking doubts in front of me like a truck
Veľakrát pochybil ale aj tak sa mi to páčilo
I've made many mistakes, but I still liked it
Od Metamorfolorda všetky sezóny nestačilo
From Metamorfolord all seasons were not enough
Jako povieš tak bude, vieš že naplním ten štadión
As you say, so it will be, you know that I will fill the stadium
Zo snahy vízia musí stáť za tvojou mániou
From effort, vision, it must stand behind your mania
Chce to tak mocne že celé telo, mozog páli ho
It wants so much that the whole body, the brain burns it
Chce to aj rozum preto zachovaj to svoje racio.
It takes reason too, so preserve your ratio.
Odvážny ktorý snaži sa vraví sa že boh stráží ho
The brave one who strives, they say that God protects him
Cieľ nie je cena o tom vie bez Oskara DiCaprio
The goal is not the price, DiCaprio knows that without an Oscar
Prekonať seba, nevzdať sa, nebat sa strachu, zabi ho
To overcome yourself, not give up, not be afraid of fear, kill it
Dosraní dostali vždy za neprajnosť čo im patrilo
The damned always got what they deserved for their spitefulness
Ja som ten patriot, C E O, našli ho, s minimom, víziou, vidinou, výzvou vyjsť von ísť pre milión
I'm the patriot, CEO, they found him, with a minimum, vision, insight, challenge to go out, go for a million
Ja som ten Patino, nedal mi tatino, na víno, na kino, začal som zdola mladý s holou cicinou.
I'm the Patino, my dad didn't give me wine, cinema, I started from the bottom young with a bare nipple.
Nechce sa ti makať to je kríza
You don't want to work, that's a crisis
Nechceš pátrať po šťastí si prízrak
You don't want to search for happiness, you are a ghost
čakaj v rohu zožerie ťa schíza
Wait in the corner, schizophrenia will devour you
To čo v živote do predu vedie mňa je vízia.
What leads me forward in life is a vision.
Kondícia, vytrvalosť, vôla, sila, srdce, odhodlanie, šlapeme, jak píla.
Fitness, perseverance, will, strength, heart, dedication, we step, like a saw.
Kondícia, vytrvalosť, vôla, sila, srdce, odhodlanie, šlapeme, jak, šlapeme, jak...
Fitness, perseverance, will, strength, heart, dedication, we step, like, we step, like...

Writer(s): Roman Grigely

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