Momo feat. Sandra - Let - Paríž / Miláno - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Momo feat. Sandra - Let - Paríž / Miláno

Let - Paríž / Miláno
Let - Paríž / Miláno
Prvý týždeň si zakladá účty na Belize.
You open accounts in Belize the first week.
Všade vypráva, že míňať lóve vôbec neni zlé.
You tell everyone that spending money is not at all bad.
Ďalší rok neni ani na taxík v Alize.
A year later, you can't even afford a taxi in Alize.
To čo zdalo sa, že nikdy sa neminie bol len sen.
What seemed like it would never run out was just a dream.
Zmizol aj posledná farizej.
The last of the Pharisees has disappeared.
A ráno v kruhu milionárov hrá piáno.
And in the morning, you play the piano in the circle of millionaires.
Dievča chcelo patriť k nim, no moc to stálo. (Vieš?)
You wanted to belong to them, but it cost too much. (You know?)
Hrať sa na to, čo nejsi, berie si daň. (Cash!)
Pretending to be what you're not takes its toll. (Cash!)
Bez lóve bola si len doma schovaná.
Without money, you were just hiding at home.
Keď jej dnes voláš, vraví, že veľa toho má.
When I call you today, you say you have a lot to do.
Že stále niečo v pláne a že nemóže volať práve,
That you always have something planned and that you can't call right now,
že je na káre vyvoňaná.
That you're being perfumed in your car.
Lajky stúpli, cíti sa byť obdivovaná.
Likes go up, you feel admired.
U nás je za piču roka nominovaná.
You're nominated for asshole of the year with us.
Na svoje kamarátky sa vyjebala a sníva o tom,
You screwed up your friends and dream that
že bude tu niekým slávnym pomilovaná.
You'll be sexually abused by someone famous here.
Dievča si stále myslí, že veľa vie.
You still think you know a lot.
Dojde o všetky lóve tak zmeravie.
You'll lose all your money and freeze.
Nemusím o tom vedieť vác, pozrem a viem.
I don't have to know more about it. I look and I know.
Komédia - hlavná rola Gérard Depardieu
Comedy - Gérard Depardieu in the lead role
Najprv kupovala handry, potom chcela kox.
First you bought clothes, then you wanted coke.
Hnedé vlasy, modré oči ako Megan Fox.
Brown hair, blue eyes like Megan Fox.
Zopár desaťtisíc eur a je jak boss.
A few tens of thousands of euros and you're already like a boss.
Podedené lóve, hore nos, more je to dosť.
Borrowed money, up your nose, that's enough.
Prvý týždeň si zakladá účty na Belize.
You open accounts in Belize the first week.
Všade vypráva, že míňať lóve vôbec neni zlé.
You tell everyone that spending money is not at all bad.
Ďalší rok neni ani na taxík v Alize.
A year later, you can't even afford a taxi in Alize.
To čo zdalo sa, že nikdy sa neminie bol len sen.
What seemed like it would never run out was just a dream.
Zmizol aj posledná farizej.
The last of the Pharisees has disappeared.
A ráno v kruhu milionárov hrá piáno.
And in the morning, you play the piano in the circle of millionaires.
Dievča chcelo patriť k nim, no moc to stálo. (Vieš?)
You wanted to belong to them, but it cost too much. (You know?)
Hrať sa na to, čo nejsi, berie si daň. (Cash!)
Pretending to be what you're not takes its toll. (Cash!)
Tak to je, keď zabudneš, čo je to nemať lóve.
That's what happens when you forget what it's like to have no money.
Všetko milionové, nóbl na móle, módne,
Everything millionaire, noble on the catwalk, trendy,
Všetko v pohodlnom móde pôjde v pohode.
Everything in comfortable mode will be fine.
kým nedojdu lóve, dole bum v kóme.
Until I have no money, down boom in a coma.
Nech máš lóve hocjaké, sám vieš, neni to na furt.
No matter how much money you have, you know it's not for long.
Treba dávať pozor ako neprepadnúť blafom yeah.
You have to be careful not to fall for scams yeah.
Dievča dissovala, že je kurev plné trafo.
She dissed that there are whores full of transformers.
Dnes je scenzurovaná v ruke s nápisom ZaFO.
Today she's censored with a sign in her hand that says ZaFO.
Nech máš lóve hocjaké, sám vieš, neni to na furt.
No matter how much money you have, you know it's not for long.
Treba dávať pozor ako neprepadnúť blafom yeah.
You have to be careful not to fall for scams yeah.
Dievča dissovala, že je kurev plné trafo.
She dissed that there are whores full of transformers.
A dnes je scenzurovaná v ruke s nápisom ZaFO.
And today she's censored with a sign in her hand that says ZaFO.

Writer(s): Roman Grigely

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