Momo feat. Simon Red - Priemer - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Momo feat. Simon Red - Priemer

Chcú po mne hypotéku, elektriku, nájomné a pojebaný liezing,
They want a mortgage, electricity, rent, and a fucking lease from me,
ľudia nemajú na to a majú schízi,
people can't afford it and they're going crazy,
Priemerný život to je makať päť dní v týždni
Average life is working five days a week
A s frajerkou visí tak na dva cheezy.
And hanging with your girlfriend for like two Cheetos.
Sedíme na káve a riešime tie krízy,
We're sitting at a cafe, talking about these crises,
čašník balí terasu a jebe dážď do markízy,
the waiter is packing up the terrace and the rain is fucking hitting the awning,
Dvesto euro mínus - na dialnici fízly,
Two hundred euros less - cops on the highway,
Hlavne že niekam patrím, Supreme a nové Yeezy.
The main thing is that I belong somewhere, Supreme and new Yeezys.
Posledné lóve na kino a McDonald's,
Last cash for the cinema and McDonald's,
Na maily posledná výzva s pozdravom T-Mobile,
Last reminder on emails with regards from T-Mobile,
Zavreli podnik, vonku iba stoly,
They closed the place, there are only tables outside,
Kráčam k autu cez garáž, sledujem tvoje Insta-story.
I'm walking to the car through the garage, watching your Insta-story.
Nechcem byť priemer aj keď nemám žiadnu školu,
I don't want to be average even though I don't have any education,
Vidím ľudí čo trpia a to strpeli tie školy,
I see people who are suffering and they have already suffered through those schools,
Robíme čo vieme, niekedy máme len smolu,
We do what we can, sometimes we just have bad luck,
Chce to trochu šťastia, rozumu do hlavy.
It takes a little luck, brains in your head.
A to nech si myslí kdo chce, čo ja som nikdy nebol normal,
And let whoever wants to think what they want, I was never normal,
Nehanbím sa za veci k čomu ma život dohnal,
I'm not ashamed of the things life has led me to,
Ja som jebal druhých know-how, kolená som zodral,
I didn't give a fuck about other people's know-how, I wore my knees out,
Pochyboval dokola kým som sa odhodlal.
I doubted over and over again until I made up my mind.
Trvalo to dlho brácho,
It took a long time bro,
Teraz vravím: "Som tam!",
Now I say: "I'm there!",
Slovenský top rapper, môžu mi spraviť môj portál,
Slovak top rapper, they can make me my own portal,
Vydrel kvalitu aj keď občas som bol kár - som pán.
I worked my ass off for that quality even though I was sometimes a jerk - I'm the man.
Staváme od podlahy padesáty krát,
We're building from the ground up fifty times,
Niečo nás zocelilo bol to asi pád,
Something hardened us, it was probably a fall,
Nanovo začíname od podlahy padesáty krát,
We're starting over from the ground up fifty times,
Stávame zo zeme, vieme čo chceme - asi tak!
We're getting up from the ground, we know what we want - something like that!
Staváme od podlahy padesáty krát,
We're building from the ground up fifty times,
Niečo nás zocelilo bol to asi pád,
Something hardened us, it was probably a fall,
Nanovo začíname od podlahy padesáty krát,
We're starting over from the ground up fifty times,
Stávame zo zeme, vieme čo chceme - asi tak!
We're getting up from the ground, we know what we want - something like that!
Nechcem byť priemer aby si to chápal,
I don't want to be average, so you understand,
Pre a proti, riziká som dávno zrátal,
Pros and cons, I calculated the risks a long time ago,
Je to vo mne - ten vyjebaný zápal,
It's in me - that fucking passion,
Nechcem žiť jako vy takže kokot - Čau, čau.
I don't want to live like you, so fuck off - Bye, bye.
Chce to úspech, no zatiaľ je to samý prúser,
It takes success, but so far it's all a mess,
Môj údel je byť legenda a nie slabý looser,
My destiny is to be a legend, not a weak loser,
Idem si za tým neviem kto bude môj súper,
I'm going after it, I don't know who my opponent will be,
Sfúknem ich všetkých zo stola jak nekvalitný púder.
I'll blow them all off the table like low-quality powder.
Každy len dre a nevie myslieť na iné,
Everyone just grinds and doesn't know how to think about anything else,
Len jak zaplatiť tie účty - sebe nehať sprepitné,
Just how to pay those bills - keep a tip for yourself,
Makáš jak otrok no lóve hneď zmiznú - nevíš kde,
You work like a slave but the money disappears right away - you don't know where,
Mama maká celý život, "Má sa dobre?", "Ani ne!".
Mom works her whole life, "Is she doing well?", "Not even!".
Spravím čo musím chápeš, dávno všetko jasné mi je,
I'll do what I have to, you understand, everything has been clear to me for a long time,
Chceli by nás mať na vode, pár károv nech víno pije,
They would like to have us on the water, a few cars drinking wine,
Najdem tie medzery a vniknem tam jak zlodeji,
I'll find those gaps and get in there like thieves,
Nech neostanem priemerný - nechem byť jako vy.
So I don't stay average - I don't want to be like you.
Preto robím rap, ale nejsú to len slová,
That's why I do rap, but it's not just words,
Doba v ktorej žijem brat môj pripadá mi chorá
The time I live in, brother, seems sick to me
A vtedy keď mi život sype rany vtedy
And when life throws wounds at me, then
Neni som posraný stojím pevne ako balvan vo vodách.
I'm not scared, I stand firm like a boulder in the waters.
Odhodlaný zarobiť ten vyjebaný cash,
Determined to make that fucking cash,
Penáze droga číslo jeden ako sex,
Money is the number one drug like sex,
Od doby čo sme boli malí smradi penáze sme mali radi
Ever since we were little brats we loved money
A my chceli sme si zarobiť ich tiež... (zarobiť ich tiež)
And we wanted to make it too... (make it too)
A za svoj život padol na hubu nejaký ten krát,
And in my life I've fallen on my face a few times,
No život to je výstup aj pád a viem,
But life is a climb and a fall and I know
že sa to stane nám aj ďalších desať krát,
That it will happen to us another ten times,
No vstaneme zo zeme vieme čo chceme - asi tak.
But we'll get up from the ground, we know what we want - something like that.

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