Momo feat. Separ & Strapo - Jebnutý Momo Je S5 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Momo feat. Separ & Strapo - Jebnutý Momo Je S5

Jebnutý Momo Je S5
Nuts Momo Is Back
Jebnutý momo je späť, agresívny kokot!
Nuts Momo is back, an aggressive asshole!
Keď mieni robiť problémy, tak si ho odveď,
When he means to do trouble, so take him away,
Vraveli pred sto rokmi kamošovi, vravím dobre,
They said a hundred years ago my friend, I say good,
Od vtedy ubehlo aj tisíc rokov, stále vidíš ma tak isto,
A thousand years have passed since then, you still see me the same,
Do piče matere tak sa odjeb.
Fuck your mother get the hell out of here.
Vidíš vo mne, čo je v tebe tak si odleť,
You see in me what is in you so get away,
Piloval som track čo track, nech znie to dobre,
I polished the track and track, so that it sounds good,
Potrepme si rukou, poď neobmedz sa poďme,
Let's shake hands, come on, don't let yourself be bothered,
Po dlhej dobe to ďobe do hlavy a to zle.
After a long time it's banging in your head and that's wrong.
Keď cítim túto energiu hlásim odlet,
When I feel this energy, I'm off,
Nemám rád demenciu, zeber si ju poď ber,
I don't like dementia, take it away and take it,
Nezlízal som s mienkou, bratislavský sorbet,
I didn't slime with opinion, Bratislava sorbet,
Som bez toho aj s tým spokojný nuž som veď.
I'm content without it and with it, I'm after all.
Neostáva mi nič iba dokazovať že som iný človek, ako z báchoriek, kde liečia komplex,
I can't help but prove that I'm a different person than in the tales where they treat complexes,
Mam piči zvykol som si,
I'm sick of it, I'm used to it,
Aspoň neotravujú ma čo zaslužili by ma zažiť bum prep.
At least I'm not being bothered by those who deserved to experience my boom.
A možno je to jak byť,
And maybe that's how it's supposed to be,
A mám to napravovať,
And I'm supposed to fix it,
Paprču vám načahovať,
Show you my face,
Načo slová, krok v pred.
What words, a step forward.
Ani po tretí krát nepremyslel som to nejak extra aj tak vychutnaj ten bratislavský combat.
Not even for the third time have I thought about it any more, anyway enjoy the Bratislava combat.
Málo sa zažije a veľa sa povie, pravda!
Too little is experienced and too much is said, truth!
Stáva sa každodenne všade kam pôjdeš, pravda!
It happens every day everywhere you go, truth!
Všetci to počuli, no videli hovno, pravda!
Everybody heard it, but saw shit, truth!
Pozná to každý, aj Strapo a Momo, pravda!
Everybody knows it, even Strapo and Momo, truth!
Moma som nepoznal, ale počul som o ňom dosť,
I didn't know Moma, but I heard enough about him,
že je to vagabund a nácek čo hore nos,
That he's a vagabond and a nazi with his nose up,
že je to agresívne namyslené hovado,
That he's an aggressive, arrogant asshole,
A každý kto s ním spolupracoval zle dopadol,
And everyone who worked with him ended up badly,
A ani nechcem, počuť že čo počul on o mne,
And I don't even want to hear what he heard about me,
Jebem na klebety, intrigy a ovce,
I fuck gossip, plots and sheep,
Každý kto chce, súdiť moju osobu, len kokce,
Anyone who wants to judge me, just sucks,
Kto ste, že si myslite že súdiť môžte?
Who are you, that you think you can judge?
Moma poznám a, ten kokot pozná mňa,
I know Moma now and, that asshole knows me,
Rovnakí blázni, z ktorých vy, môžte posrať sa,
The same fools that make you shit in your pants,
Neberem to ako problém, že nás riešite,
I don't take it as a problem that you deal with us,
Som vlastne rád, že niečo robíte a nespíte!
I'm rather glad that you do something and don't sleep!
Jebnutý momo je späť, hovor mi spoznať tohto chalana,
Nuts momo is back, tell me to get to know this guy,
Sa nedá len tak hneď, je to zmes semtexu a dobráka v jednom tele,
It's not easy at all, it's a mix of semtex and a good guy in one body,
Viem o čom hovorím, prešli sme kilometre ciest.
I know what I'm talking about, we've walked miles of road.
Nebuď na ňho falošný, rád ľudí bez masiek,
Don't be fake to him, he likes people without masks,
V čele s vlastným názorom, vnímaj okolitý svet,
In lead with your own opinion, see the world around you,
čo si prosím ťa čakal keď sa chováš jak kokot,
What did you expect when you act like an asshole,
ti bombu na hlavu a druhu z nosa tečie potok,
He'll put a bomb on your head and the other one's nose is bleeding,
Vieš, tak to dopadá keď sa na gangstra,
You know, that's what happens when you play gangsters,
Hra pajác, jak pojebaný Hurvínek,
To the clown, like the fucked Hurvínek,
Nevieme ignorovať károv, na to není liek,
We can't ignore the guys, there's no remedy for that,
No ver že keď je s tebou haluz, tak s nami je tiež.
But believe me when it's fun with you, it's fun with us too.
Je to človek, čo ma rád toho kto si to zaslúži,
He's a guy who likes those who deserve it,
Ne vaše charaktery špinavé, jak voda v kaluži,
Not your dirty characters, like water in a puddle,
Zahoď predsudky z toho čo si počul,
Lay off the prejudices from what you heard,
Jeden z posledných čo im nejebe a to je reálna vec!
One of the last ones who's not crazy and that's the real deal!

Writer(s): Roman Grigely

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