Monika Linkyte - O Tu? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Monika Linkyte - O Tu?

O Tu?
Are You?
kartais taip norėčiau,
Sometimes I wish so much,
Išmokt keliaut laiku,
I could learn to travel through time,
Išgirsti žodžius: tyla,
To hear these words: silence,
Kurią sukūrei Tu,
Which You created,
Galbūt tada galėčiau,
Perhaps then I could,
Suprasti, žvilgsniu,
Understand what, with a glance,
Man pasakyt norėjai,
You wanted to tell me,
Dabar jau per vėlu,
Now it's too late,
Atrodė, žaisti lengva,
It seemed easy to play,
Taisyklių nežinau,
I don't know the rules,
Tada nereikėjo,
Then I didn't need them,
Užmigti vis sunkiau,
It's harder and harder to fall asleep,
kartais taip norėčiau,
Sometimes I wish so much,
Išmokt keliaut laiku,
I could learn to travel through time,
Galbūt šalia šnabždėtum,
Perhaps you'd whisper nearby,
jausčiau, kad esu.
I would feel that I exist.
Mes nežinojom,
We didn't know.
Klaidų tiek kartojom,
We repeated the mistakes so many times,
Bet jei, tik galėčiau,
But if I could only,
Bandyt vėl norėčiau,
I would want to try again,
O Tu, uuuu...
Are You, ooooo...
O Tu, uuuu...
Are You, ooooo...
O Tu, uuuu...
Are You, ooooo...
O Tu, uuuu...
Are You, ooooo...
Man saulė nusileido,
The sun set on me,
Tada kai išėjai,
Then, when you left,
Kartu ir užaugau,
Together I also grew up,
Tikėjau bus kitaip,
I believed it would be different,
Dabar palikti laikas,
Now it's time to leave,
kūrėme kartu,
What we created together,
Sugrįžt sapnu į vakar,
Return to yesterday in a dream,
Man vis dar per baisu.
It's still too scary for me.
Mes nežinojom,
We didn't know,
Klaidų tiek kartojom,
We repeated the mistakes so many times,
Bet jei, tik galėčiau,
But if I could only,
Bandyt vėl norėčiau,
I would want to try again,
O Tu, uuuu...
Are You, ooooo...
O Tu, uuuu...
Are You, ooooo...
O Tu, uuuu...
Are You, ooooo...
O Tu, uuuu...
Are You, ooooo...
Ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh...
Ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh...
Ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh...
Ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh...
Mes nežinojom,
We didn't know,
Klaidų tiek kartojom,
We repeated the mistakes so many times,
Bet jei, tik galėčiau,
But if I could only,
Bandyt vėl norėčiau,
I would want to try again,
O Tu, uuuu...
Are You, ooooo...
O Tu, uuuu...
Are You, ooooo...
O Tu, uuuu...
Are You, ooooo...
O Tu, uuuu...
Are You, ooooo...
Ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh...
Ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh...

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