Monro - Smagās Apkaltās Durvis - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Monro - Smagās Apkaltās Durvis

Smagās Apkaltās Durvis
Heavy Accursed Doors
Smagās, apkaltās durvis
Heavy accursed doors,
Tās vienmēr ir bijušas ciet
They have always been shut,
Un atslēga priekšā
And the key is right ahead,
Un netikām iekšā
And we couldn't get in
Un varējām raudāt vai smiet
And could cry or laugh
Cik ļoti mēs gribējām zināt
How much we wanted to know
Kas noslēpts aiz durvīm, aiz tām
What is hidden behind the doors, behind them.
Bet nelaida sargi
But the guards would not let through,
Tie uzbļāva bargi
They would shout harshly
Ikreiz, ja kāds tuvojās tām
Every time someone approached them.
Smagās, apkaltās durvis
Heavy accursed doors,
būtu tas palicis vienmēr
It would have stayed that way forever
Bet brīnumi atgadās gan
But miracles do happen.
Un atradās burvis
And a wizard was found,
Tas atslēdza durvis
He unlocked the doors,
Tur atļauts iet visiem, pat man
Everyone is allowed to go there, even me.
Smagās, apkaltās durvis
Heavy accursed doors,
Stāvu es domīgs pie durvīm
I stand thoughtful by the doors,
Tās pagaidām neaizver ciet
They do not close shut for the time being.
Paldies, protams, burvim
Thank you, of course, to the wizard,
Par atvērtām durvīm
For the open doors.
Bet man kaut negribas iet
But somehow I do not want to go in.
Bet man kaut negribas iet
But somehow I do not want to go in.

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