Mor W.A. - My To My - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mor W.A. - My To My

My To My
My To My
My to my, drzewo morwa - jedna ca£o¦ae
My to my, mulberry tree - one whole
My to my, w ¦wiecie w ktorym liczy sie wytrwa£o¦ae
My to my, in a world where perseverance counts
O szczego£y dba£o¦ae, my to my, zawsze gdy s£owa
We take care of details, my to my, always when words
I bit tworz¡ monolit
And beat form a monolith
My to my, tak dzi¦ jak i przed laty
My to my, today and years ago
My to my, w tym momencie nikt poza tym
My to my, at this moment no one but this
Dla w£asnej aprobaty, przez co trafiamy do sedna
For our own approval, which is why we get to the point
My to my, co trzy g£owy to nie jedna
My to my, what three heads are not one
Daj bog, by zaden z nas nie zaniemog£, nie pomyli£ drog
God willing, none of us will weaken, will not mistake the way
I tym razem mog£ przekroczyae tryumfalny £uk, tam gdzie
And this time we could cross the triumphal arch, where
Nasz ursynowski grod, przydatny szcze¦cia £ut, nie licze
Our Ursynow town, a lucky charm, I don't count
Na cud, predzej na zbawienie, moze nie od wszystkiego
On a miracle, sooner on salvation, maybe not from everything
Co moge nazwaae utrapieniem, zatraceniem wszelkich
What I can call a torment, the loss of all
Cnot i warto¦ci, moralnych dobr tej ludzko¦ci, upadek
Virtues and values, moral goods of this humanity, fall
Na sam spod to utrata dumy i godno¦ci, oznaka najwiekszej
To the very bottom is the loss of pride and dignity, a sign of the greatest
S£abo¦ci, lekkomy¦lno¦ci w podjetych dzia£aniach
Weakness, recklessness in the actions taken
Od tego sie wzbraniam, nie nak£aniam do fuszerki, odbior
I refrain from this, I don't encourage shoddy work, receive
Bez zak£ocen, zadne tam usterki, my to my, bywa, ze i nas
Without interference, no defects there, my to my, it happens, that even us
Czepiaj¡ sie rozterki, taka natura ludzka, bog mi ¦wiadkiem
Worries stick to us, such is human nature, God is my witness
Bede walczyae do konca nawet si£ ostatkiem, wbrew temu
I will fight to the end even with the last strength, contrary to this
Odmawia pos£uszenstwa, trza zachowaae w sobie resztke
Disobeys, we must keep the rest
Jestem sob¡, a nie tym kogo ze mnie robi¡, ludzie zawsze cudze
I am myself, and not the one who makes me, people always decorate someone else's
Zycie zdobi¡, poj¡ae tego nie mog¡, ze w moje zycie wchodz¡
Life decorates, I can't understand this, that in my life they come
W brudnych butach, modz¡, kazdy chce sie doszukaae, rodz¡
In dirty shoes, they touch, everyone wants to find, they give birth
Sie wtedy mity, jako wciskane kity kr¡z¡, do czego oni d¡z¡
Then myths, as forced kits circulate, what do they strive for
I po co £z¡ nie wiem, ja dbam o bliskich i o siebie i jak najlepiej
And why do they cry, I don't know, I care about loved ones and myself and how best
Tylko potrafie, a kogo, kurwa, to obchodzi co ja robie prywatnie
Only I can, and who the hell cares what I do privately
Znasz mnie? jak nie, to po chuj cha£ap¡ k£apiesz, za s£owa £apiesz
Do you know me? if not, then why the hell are you blathering nonsense, you're grabbing for words
I zupe£nie niepotrzebnie wychodz¡ z tego brednie, czasem
And completely unnecessarily nonsense comes from this, sometimes
¦wiadomie, czasem bezwiednie, ale zazwyczaj niedyskretnie
Consciously, sometimes unconsciously, but usually indiscreetly
Wiedz, ze ja to traktuje obojetnie i patrze z gory na wszystkie
Know that I take it all indifferently and look down on all
Bzdury, kazdego ktory w za£osny sposob probuje doj¦ae do
Nonsense, everyone who tries in a pathetic way to get to
G£osu i wypowiada sie na temat osob, ktorych nie zna, ze nawet
A voice and speaks out on people they don't know, that even
Pod przysieg¡ zezna, ze tak jak mowi by£o, a tylko w bani
Under oath he will testify that it was as he says, and only in his head
Mu sie uroi£o, tylko w bani mu sie uroi£o
He imagined it, only in his head he imagined it
Na to co latami czekali¦my, przeciez nie bez trudu, osi¡gneli¦my
For what we've been waiting for years, it wasn't without effort, we've achieved

Writer(s): Przemyslaw Rekowski, Waclaw Goldanowski, Michal Igor Dobrzanski, Przemyslaw Krol

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