Mora feat. Jhay Cortez - 512 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Mora feat. Jhay Cortez - 512

Hoy dice que llega despué′ de la' 12
She says she's coming after 12
Despué′ de la' 12, despué' de la′ 12
After 12, after 12
Y anda en camioneta′ que parecen troce
And she rides in a truck that looks like a piece
Que parecen troce, que parecen troce
That looks like a piece, that looks like a piece
Ella mueve el culo pa' que se lo gocen
She shakes her ass so they can enjoy it
Pa′ que se lo gocen, pa' que se lo gocen
So they can enjoy it, so they can enjoy it
Siempre le da al vino y a la 512
She always hits the wine and the 512
Y a la 512, y a la 512
And the 512, and the 512
A la 512
To the 512
Chica, dile a tu novio que salga del closet
Girl, tell your boyfriend to come out of the closet
A vece′ bebe tinto, a vece' bebe Rosé
Sometimes she drinks red, sometimes she drinks Rosé
Borracha toíta′ canta "No Me Conoce"
Drunk, she sings "No Me Conoce"
Yo que no tiene gato hace par
I know she hasn't had a cat for a couple
Lo que quiere e' bellaqueo, en la playa do' champán
What she wants is bellaqueo, champagne on the beach
Tiene el flow medio retro, a vece′ usa Vans
She has a kind of retro flow, sometimes she wears Vans
Tiene par de envidiosa′, pero no se la dan
She has a couple of envious people, but they don't give it to her
La' botella′ bajando, la nota subiendo
The bottles going down, the note going up
Ella mueve ese culo pa' ver quién la ′tá viendo
She shakes that ass to see who's watching her
Lo' trago′ le llegan sin estarlo' pidiendo
The drinks come to her without asking for them
Mucho' hablando mierda y mucha mierda comiendo
A lot of talking shit and a lot of eating shit
La noche está pa′ pasto y pelea
The night is for grass and fights
No juega pelota, pero pichea
She doesn't play ball, but she pitches
No vende droga′, pero to'a el flow se lo capean
She doesn't sell drugs, but they steal all her flow
Se hizo la dentadura, ni el sol se la blanquea
She got her teeth done, not even the sun whitens them
La baby siempre linda, nunca fea
The baby is always pretty, never ugly
Eso e′ normal, eso e' rutina
That's normal, that's routine
Dice que la′ má' a vece′ son la' má' fina′
She says that the baddest ones are sometimes the finest ones
Échale premium, le gusta la gasolina
Give her premium, she likes gasoline
Fuma y se pone china
She smokes and gets Chinese
Me caso si chinga como cocina
I'll marry her if she fucks like she cooks
Ella mueve el culo pa′ que se lo gocen
She shakes her ass so they can enjoy it
Pa' que se lo gocen, pa′ que se lo gocen
So they can enjoy it, so they can enjoy it
Siempre le da al vino y a la 512
She always hits the wine and the 512
Y a la 512, y a la 512
And the 512, and the 512
Ella mueve el culo pa' que se lo gocen
She shakes her ass so they can enjoy it
Pa′ que se lo gocen, pa' que se lo gocen
So they can enjoy it, so they can enjoy it
Ella le da al vino y a la 512
She hits the wine and the 512
Y a la 512, y a la 512
And the 512, and the 512
La que se pasa misionando, esa e′ mi shorty
The one who spends her time on missions, that's my shorty
Siempre se escapa, pero e' que ella nunca pone storie'
She always escapes, but she never puts up stories
Le gusta mover el culo pa′ que le tiren money
She likes to shake her ass so they throw money at her
Tiene un gatito gringo, pero e′ que ella quiere un bori
She has a gringo kitten, but she wants a bori
Que la ponga a sudar y se la coma enterita en el asiento 'e atrá′
To make her sweat and eat her whole in the back seat
Envidiosa' la ven bien y quieren opinar
Envious people see her well and want to give their opinion
No llegan a su nivel y le quieren roncar
They don't reach her level and they want to snore at her
Baby, vámono′, pero lejo'; ese culo lo cotejo
Baby, let's go, but far away; I check that ass
Pero no pelee′, que por eso la' dejo
But don't fight, that's why I leave them
Fui un hijueputa, baby, aunque me haga el pendejo
I was a son of a bitch, baby, even if I play dumb
Ello' me ven y le′ da complejo′
They see me and it gives them a complex
Y la baby e' fina, ah
And the baby is fine, ah
Pero le daba hasta abajo en lo′ partie' de marquesina
But I used to give it to her all the way down in the marquee parties
Y e′ rutina
And it's routine
Que no' comamo′ hasta en la cabina
That we eat each other even in the cabin
Tiene disciplina
She has discipline
Se viene sin avisar y sabe que me fascina
She comes without warning and knows that I'm fascinated
Yo le Écho premium, si pide gasolina
I give her premium, if she asks for gasoline
Ella e' una gata gángster, pero de la' fina′
She's a gangster cat, but one of the finest
Y hoy dijo que llega despué′ de la' 12
And today she said she's coming after 12
Despué′ de la' 12, despué′ de la' 12
After 12, after 12
Y anda en camioneta′ que parecen troce
And she rides in a truck that looks like a piece
Que parecen troce, que parecen troce
That looks like a piece, that looks like a piece
Ella mueve el culo pa' que se lo gocen
She shakes her ass so they can enjoy it
Pa' que se lo gocen, pa′ que se lo gocen
So they can enjoy it, so they can enjoy it
Ella le da al vino y a la 512
She hits the wine and the 512
Y a la 512, y a la 512
And the 512, and the 512
A la 512, a la 512
To the 512, to the 512

Writer(s): Laner Nydia Yera, Gabriel Mora, Jhay Cortez, Nicolas Ignacio Jana Galleguillos

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