Morad - Duros, Blandos y Flojos - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Morad - Duros, Blandos y Flojos

Duros, Blandos y Flojos
Hard, Soft, and Weak
Duro con el Motorola
Tough with the Motorola
Duro como estar en la calle y metido en lo′ tiempo' de la BlackBerry
Tough like being on the streets, stuck in the BlackBerry days
Duro como una fuga con motora
Tough like a getaway on a motorbike
Duro como hacer lo′ negocio' dentro de un carro
Tough like doing business inside a car
Duro como tener que fugarse de la policía
Tough like having to escape from the police
Y que por lluvia pilles un catarro
And catching a cold from the rain
Fuga que acabas en la montaña
A getaway that ends up in the mountains
Ropa manchada acabada en barro
Clothes stained and covered in mud
Duro como tener brazos solamente pa'
Tough like having arms only to
Buscarse en la calle solamente comida
Search for food on the streets
Y duro como lo′ que trabajan las ocho
And tough like those who work eight
Hora′ de jornada con salario que no vale nada
Hours a day with a salary that's worth nothing
Y duro porque aguanta y se calla
And tough because he endures and stays silent
Y porque en su mente nunca pasa que a alguno le pida
And because it never crosses his mind to ask anyone for anything
Y duro porque hacеn su jornada
And tough because they do their job
Por una vida que ha sido poco asegurada
For a life that hasn't been well secured
Y duro como tener un colega que por
And tough like having a friend who, for
Un simple delito lo tenga' deportado
A simple crime, gets deported
Y duro que te acusen por la cara y que no
And tough to be accused to your face and not even
Tenga′ ni siquiera pa' pagarte un abogado
Have enough to pay for a lawyer
Y duro sin dinero justicia te come, y te come, pero sin significado
And tough, without money, justice eats you up, but meaninglessly
Duro sería como mi colega el Coleta
Tough would be like my friend Coleta
Que sin prueba′ ya me lo tienen encerrado
Who, without evidence, is already locked up
Duro como causa' que no has hecho
Tough like charges you haven't committed
Duro como mantener un techo
Tough like keeping a roof over your head
Duro′ lo' que trabajan en el estrecho
Tough are those who work in the strait
Frío malo que te pasa en el pecho
A bad cold that gets into your chest
Duro como la busca de to' lo′ día′
Tough like searching all day long
Y duro porque no quiere' má′ comisaría
And tough because you don't want any more police stations
Duro porque dijeron que saldría
Tough because they said he would get out
Y al otro día preso sin salida
And the next day, imprisoned with no way out
Y duro todo lo malo que he pasado
And tough, all the bad things I've been through
Y todavía nunca lo contaría
And I would never tell
Y duro lo mantengo siempre callado
And tough, I always keep it quiet
Ayudando al que meno' lo pensaría
Helping those who would least expect it
Y duro con el hambre de la infancia
And tough with the hunger of childhood
Y duro como saber tu crianza
And tough like knowing your upbringing
Y duro porque vivo con esperanza
And tough because I live with hope
Aunque no tenga pa′ la panza
Even though I don't have enough to eat
Y duro 'tamo′ porque a pesar de todo
And we're tough because despite everything
Lo que hemo' vivido seguimos alante'
We've been through, we keep moving forward
Y duro lo que hicieron en calle′ millone′
And tough what they did on the streets, millions
Y están en la calle sin dar el cante
And they're on the streets without a care
Y duro a pesar lo malo que he vivido
And tough despite the bad things I've lived
En una base lo seguro e' que lo cante
In a beat, I'm sure I'll sing about it
Y duro, no hablo de mi gente a la espalda
And tough, I don't talk behind my people's backs
Y lo que hablo duro siempre digo ′e frente
And what I say, I always say it to their face
Y flojo' porque lo′ que dicen que tienen
And weak because those who say they have
Cadena' y se pensarían que con eso van lejo′
Chains and think they'll go far with that
Y flojo' porque saben que cuando cumple'
And weak because they know that when they turn
Lo′ treinta solamente se quedaron lo′ reflejo'
Thirty, only their reflections remain
Y duro′ lo' que cuidan a la familia
And tough are those who take care of their family
Y duro′ lo' que quieran a sus hijo′
And tough are those who love their children
Y duro' lo' que cuidan a la familia
And tough are those who take care of their family
Van a llegar lejo′, dice
They will go far, he says
Y blando′ como lo' que abrían la boca
And soft like those who opened their mouths
Siempre que tenían con policía mínima parada
Whenever they had the slightest encounter with the police
Blando′ como lo' que declararon en la
Soft like those who testified at the
Comisaría cuando sabe′ que ahí nunca se dice nada
Police station when they know nothing is ever said there
Blando' como que tienen un bando
Soft like they have a gang
Un bando que va de algo y pa′ te juro no han sido nada
A gang that claims something, and I swear they haven't done anything
Y blando', son blando'
And soft, they are soft
Son blando′, son duro′ solamente en manada
They are soft, they are only tough in a pack
Y duro' lo′ que callamos y afrontamos, y que venga lo que venga
And tough are those who keep quiet and face things, whatever may come
Y duro porque sabemo' que no cambiamo′ tenga' lo que tenga′
And tough because we know we don't change, no matter what we have
Flojo' porque no saben plasmar la' realidade′ que aquí se viven
Weak because they don't know how to portray the realities lived here
Flojo′ porque a la mínima que tocan algo rápido le exhiben, dice
Weak because at the slightest touch, they quickly expose it, he says
Duro mi colega que pasó meses encerrado, y nunca dijo nada
Tough, my friend who spent months locked up, and never said a word
Duro porque siempre yo le hacía la' visita′ que él nunca se esperaba
Tough because I always visited him when he least expected it
Y duro porque ahora es mi hermano, canta conmigo y está pa' la que sea
And tough because now he's my brother, sings with me and is there for whatever
Y duro porque él nunca me ha dejado, hora verdad
And tough because he never left me, for real
Combate y pelea
Fight and struggle
Oye, ala, mira, dice
Hey, come on, look, he says
Oye, ala, mira
Hey, come on, look
Y duro, duro, duro, seguimo′ de siempre
And tough, tough, tough, we continue as always
Y M.D.L.R han sido lo' duro′ lo' que siguen en jornada
And M.D.L.R have been the tough ones who keep working
Lo' que siguen en la calle para nada
Those who keep on the streets for nothing
Van a llegar lejo′ lo′ que cuidan a la familia y sus hijo', ah, ay
Those who take care of their family and their children will go far, ah, ay
Y la clase obrera
And the working class
Oye, y la clase obrera
Hey, and the working class
Aquí no se mide tu persona por lo que tiene′ dentro de la cartera
Here, your worth isn't measured by what you have in your wallet
Y la, y la clase obrera
And the, and the working class
Dice, y la clase obrera
He says, and the working class
Aquí no se miden la' persona′ por lo que tiene' dentro de la cartera
Here, people aren't measured by what they have in their wallet
Y la, y la clase obrera
And the, and the working class
Dice, y la clase obrera
He says, and the working class
Aquí no se miden la′ persona' por lo que tiene' dentro de la cartera
Here, people aren't measured by what they have in their wallet
Y la, y la clase obrera
And the, and the working class
Dice, y la clase obrera
He says, and the working class
Aquí no se miden la′ persona′ por lo que tiene' dentro de la cartera
Here, people aren't measured by what they have in their wallet
Y la clase obrera
And the working class
Y la clase obrera
And the working class
Aquí no se miden la′ persona' por lo que tiene′ dentro de la cartera
Here, people aren't measured by what they have in their wallet

Writer(s): Loic Moussant, Morad El Khattouti El Hormi, Julien Diallo, Sofiane Aktib, Sohaib Temssamani

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