Moreira da Silva - O Rei do Gatilho - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Moreira da Silva - O Rei do Gatilho

O Rei do Gatilho
The Trigger King
Trecho falado:
Spoken Excerpt:
" O rei do gatilho, super bang-bang de Michael Gustav, com Kid Morangueira, o mais famoso pistoleiro de Wichitta. Temido pelos bandidos, pois atirava em nome da lei."
" The trigger king, Michael Gustav's super bang-bang, with Kid Morangueira, the most famous gunfighter in Wichita. Feared by the bandits, because he shot only in the name of the law. "
Começa o filme com o garoto me entregando
The film begins with a boy delivering
Um telegrama do Arizona, onde um bandido de lascar
A telegram from Arizona, where a villain is out of control
Um bandoleiro transviado que era o bamba da zona
A wayward bandit who was the boss there in the region
E não deixava nem defunto descansar.
And who would let not even the dead rest in peace.
Dizia urgente que eu seguisse em seu socorro.
It said, "Urgent, that I come to his rescue.
A diligencia do oeste neste dia ia levar
The stagecoach of the west this day will carry
Vinte mil dólares do rancho Águia de Prata
Twenty thousand dollars from the Silver Eagle Ranch
Onde a mocinha costumava me encontrar
Where the young lady used to meet with me
" Venha urgente, pois estou morta de medo. poderás salvar-nos.
" Come urgently, because I am scared to death. Only you can save us.
Da tua Mary."
From your Mary. "
Botei na cinta dois revolveres que atiram
I put into my belt two revolvers that fire
Sem que eu precise nem ao menos me coçar
Without me even having to worry
Assobiei para um cavalo que passava do outro lado
I whistled for a horse that was passing on the other side
E com o bandido mascarado fui lutar
And I set out to fight the masked bandit.
Meti o peito, nem dei bola prô xerife
I stuck out my chest, I didn't even wait for the sheriff
Passei direto do saloon, fui me encostando no balcão
I went straight to the saloon, I leaned up against the counter
Com o chapéu em cima dos olhos nem dei conta
With my hat over my eyes, I didn't even notice
De que o bandido me esparava a traição
That the bandit was waiting for me to betray myself
"-cuidado, Moreira-"
"- careful, Moreira -"
Era um indio meu amigo que sabia
It was an indian, my friend, who knew
Das intenções do bandoleiro contra mim
Of the intentions of the bandit against me
E advertia seu amigo do perigo que corria
And warned his friend of the danger he was running into
Devo-lhe a vida, mas isso não fica assim
I owe him my life, but this won't end well
A essa altura o cabaret em polvorosa
At this point the cabaret was in an uproar
tinha um cheiro de cadáver se espalhando
There already was the smell of a corpse spreading
Houve um suspense de matar o Hitchicock
There was a suspense to kill Hitchicock
E em close-up prô bandido fui chegando
And in close-up to the bandit I kept walking
Parou o show e as bailarinas desmaiaram
The show stopped and the dancers fainted
Fugiram todos ficando ele e eu
They all fled, leaving only him and me
Ele atirou, eu atirei e nós trocamos tantos tiros
He shot, I shot, and we exchanged so many shots
Que até hoje ninguém sabe quem morreu
That even today nobody knows who died
Eu garanto que foi ele, ele garante que fui el
I guarantee it was him, he guarantees it was me
sei dizer que a mulher dele hoje é viúva
I can only say that his wife is a widow today
Que eu nunca fui de dar refresco ao inimigo
That I was never one to offer a treat to the enemy
Como no filme bang-bang vale tudo
As in the bang-bang film anything goes
O casamento da viúva foi comigo
The marriage of the widow was with me
Tem um final, mas o final é meio impróprio e eu não digo
There is an ending, but the ending is somewhat unsuitable and I won't tell it
Volte na semana se quiser ser meu amigo
Come back during the week if you want to be my friend
Eu de cowboy fico gaiato, mas não fujo do perigo
I look silly as a cowboy, but I don't shy away from danger

Writer(s): Miguel Gustavo

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