Morf - Intro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Morf - Intro

#Morf - Morfin
#Morf - Morfin
(Bu Mendagi Sen)
(You in Me)
Salom! Qaleysan ancha payt ko'rinmadim,
Hey! It's been a while, I haven't seen you,
Qanotlaringni qayirdim sen uchishga urinma deb.
I've clipped your wings so you wouldn't try to fly.
Seni men yaratdim nu sendan so'ngi o'rinman
I created you, and I'm the one you are named after,
Xuddiki odamsan faqat ko'zga ko'rinmagan.
Like a human, only invisible.
A! Sen faqat yo'q bo'ma ichimda qol,
A! You just don't exist, stay inside me,
Axir Vosid hech kim Morfin ko'pchilik uchun daxo.
After all, Vosid is nothing, Morfin is a genius for many.
Sen bir kun barcha konsert zallarini to'ldirasan
One day you will fill all the concert halls,
Yashisan abadiy nu Vosidni o'ldirasan.
You will live forever and kill Vosid.
Baxtsizligimda seni baxting chopti,
In my misfortune, your happiness galloped,
Meni oddiyligimdan sen bo'lasan maqtanchoq
My ordinariness made you a braggart.
Zerikkanimdan yozaman seni bundan vaqting choq
Out of boredom, I write about you, it's your time now,
Sen bezbetsan odamlarga a menchi tortinchoq.
You're harmless to people, and I'm a coward.
Men shunchakiy kalonkadan chiqqan ovoz emasman,
I'm not just a voice from a loudspeaker,
Senga faqat Morfin kerak men bunga rozimasman
You only need Morfin, I don't agree.
Qaytaraman bu shunchakiy kalonkadagi ovozmas
I'll repeat, this is not just a voice from a loudspeaker,
Morfin bu seni aksing a men shunchakiy Vosidman.
Morfin is your reflection, and I'm just Vosid.
Qanchalik erkinsan!
How free you are!
Ayt nima qilolasan a yo'llaringni berkitsam,
Tell me, what can you do, if I block your paths,
Men qo'shiq yozmasamam sen nima derkinsan.
What will you say, if I don't write songs?
Menga ham iltimos yashagani bergin sal
Give me some time to live too, please,
Faqat hafa bo'ma bu hammasi zerikkandan
Don't be upset, it's all from boredom,
Bilasanu dardlarimni bo'lishishga sherik kimdir
You know, I need someone to share my pain with,
Axir sen eshitolasanu meni jimgina
After all, you can hear me silently,
Sen meni yaqin do'stim odamlar uchun VINAM!!!
You are my close friend, my VINAM for people!!!
Sen yo'q bo'lma ichimda qo блять,
You don't exist, stay inside me, b****,
Men keraksiz repperman sen keraksiz qobilyat.
I'm a useless rapper, you're a useless talent.
Atrofda hozir hamma yuziga niqob ilyapti
Everyone around is wearing masks now,
Maskasan Vosid tupoyu Morfin chi daxo bo'lyapti
You're Vosid, a fool, and Morfin is a genius now.
Sen talantdorsan men nolman,
You're talented, I'm zero,
Sen bilan borman sen formam
I exist with you, you're my form,
Sen baland dorsan minorman
You are tall, I'm a tower,
Sen bilan zo'rman bu norma
I'm great with you, it's the norm.
Bu xuddi eng yomon aktyordan eng zo'r film,
This is like the worst actor in the best movie,
Eng keraksiz Vosiddan eng kerakli Morfin.
The most useless Vosid and the most needed Morfin.
Bu meni hayolimda
This is in my mind,
Men u meni hayolimda
I am in my mind,
"Morf" meni hayolimda
'Morf' is in my mind,
Men u meni hayolimda
I am in my mind,
"Rol" meni hayolimda
'Role' is in my mind,
Mendagi hayoliy aktyor
The imaginary actor in me,
Morfin bu sen Morfin bu men
Morfin is you, Morfin is me,
Morfin kasal bemor...
Morfin is a sick patient...

Writer(s): Christopher Wallace, Bernard Edwards, Nile Rodgers, Curtis Mayfield, Austin Harvey Jr.

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