Moro - Dik - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Moro - Dik

Okey, ha haha ha (Skizo About to get that Moula)
Okay, ha haha ha (Skizo About to get that Moula)
A wach a.?, okey, rrun, sir 3allah
Hey, watch out, okay, run, swear to God
6 d sba7 bla n3ass, kanessme3 ghwat dik
6 in the morning, no sleep, listening to that crap
3arfek mol7id donc blach Llah yehdik
I know you're an atheist, so God won't guide you
3erritiha ra ma bghitch, déjà chitan kaye7wik
You lost her, you didn't want her, the devil's already tempting you
Ma banch lik titre ghir semmih "suck my dick"
I won't give you a title, just call it "suck my dick"
Melli 3reftek fine saken, jani 3adi tkoun sick
When I found out where you live, it was easy for you to get sick
W f3ayel wlad l97ab ntaya 3adi tkoun fik
And among the sons of bitches, it's easy for you to be in it
Tbe3 les consignes wella ghatssali Blood [?]
Follow the instructions or you'll lick Blood [?]
Ghaneb9a kanboul 3lik, ta ghaysstali stylo Bic
I'll keep writing about you, until I run out of Bic pen
Yakma b9atch f l3anawin, massacre l'euthanasie
You'll end up in the headlines, massacre, euthanasia
Charisme ta3 r3awine, bali puta vas-y
The charisma of shepherds, come on, bitch, go ahead
Ghanssed 3lik f'bota b7al chghol ta3 les nazie
I'll hunt you down in a booth, like the Nazis did
F 3a9li ki Benghazi, fo9 rassek Yamakazi
In my mind like Benghazi, above your head, Kamikaze
Golti rap ma kaytchafch yallah hak chouf
You said rap doesn't work, come on, see for yourself
Mssemmi rassk Diib mais tla3ti khrouf
You call yourself a wolf, but you turned out to be a sheep
Bayna ra jeddek kan 3ettay f'Tindouf
It's clear your grandfather was a servant in Tindouf
Nta machi keddab okey bla 7louf
You're not a liar, okay, no alliances
Galti ma sme3tich track, mais katban liya 7afed
You said you didn't listen to the track, but you're lying to me, you memorized it
Psychotrope lik a rap had l9lawi malo 7a9ed
Psychotropic for you, this rapper is full of hate
Liquide chwya jari baghi ydir fiha 3a9ed
A little bit of liquid, he wants to act tough
La sawlouk wlad wlad wladek, ra ghatkoun ba9i 3a9el
If your children's children asked you, you'd still be ashamed
Yallah jbed chi clash natel, w beddel lih smiya
Come on, pull out a diss track, and change its name
Wila chi nhar klani sslam, goulihom ra dawi 3liya
Or if one day you see me, tell them I cured you
Nta kaddouz m3a lemsaren, Moro ddem fel aw3iya
You hang out with losers, Moro is blood in the veins
Melli sme3tek katehder, chemmit ri7t l'misérya
When I heard you talking, I smelled the scent of misery
Ra galt lik ma ghansalich, ra kerrek gha ywsa3
He told you I wouldn't wash, your wound will only get bigger
W melli kerrek gha yebra, wakha hokkak ma gha tensanich
And when your wound festers, even cauterization won't heal you
Sir sowwel l'psy 3lach n3as ba9i ma janich
Go ask the psychiatrist why sleep still hasn't come to me
W gha ne7wik fel fada2, 7it l2ard ma 9addanich
And I'll bury you in the desert, because the earth won't accept me
Bghayt ngoul kelb, bghit ngoul caniche
I wanted to say dog, I wanted to say poodle
Mais b9aw fiya l'klab, sa7bi khatri ma 3tanich
But I respected the dogs, my friend, my heart wouldn't let me
Sa7bi ma tebkich, bla ma tgoul ra ma bghanich
My friend, don't cry, don't say you don't love me
Ntaya khobz ddar, wana 3lik ma berranich
I'm the bread of the house, and I'm not angry with you
Frein schizo-dik, rap dyalo bipolaire
Schizo-dick brake, his rap is bipolar
Ghanjibo lik f fommek, 3emmer bih la molaire
I'll put it in your mouth, fill your molar with it
Rawi men zzen9a, sir ra ma 3aychinch f nefs système solaire
A storyteller from the street, go, we don't live in the same solar system
Ta malek ghadi goud, yakma barek fo9 [?]
Your owner will also bark, like a donkey on [?]
MC [?] ghamel, fine t9acher sebbat
MC [?] did it, where were you last week
Wach a So9rate ma ka tkafach bel maths
Hey Socrates, you don't understand math
Baghi t9aren weld l'Quatre, b dik Taoujtate
You want to compete with the son of Quatre, with that Taoujtate
Ana 3aref achno kayen, ra kandir lik lwje3
I know what's going on, I'll make you feel the pain
Nympho f rap, w sado mazo kaychbe3
Nympho in rap, and a sado maso gets satisfied
Sowwel gha le9je3, bit a ddik ach gha te9che3
Just ask the cripple, what will you understand, dick
B7al chi 9e7ba soumise, jri 3liha terje3
Like a submissive whore, run after her to come back
Ghatkoun ba9i 3ergan, machi moch' bad trip
You'll still be crawling, not a bad trip, dude
3arefk copie quatre Moro wa7ed prototype
I know you're a copy of Quatre, Moro, one prototype
Ana dert m3ak zwin, bach t7errek dak jib
I was nice to you, so you could move that jaw
Yallah sir daba t3oum, 7essen w sowwer chi clip
Come on, go swim now, get dressed and shoot a video
Haha ha! Sir a l9lawi, 7essen, dowwech w sowwer chi clip
Haha ha! Go, you loser, get dressed, shower and shoot a video
Banlek l'blan awla, wa sir ra ma b9a fik ma yte7wa
I gave you the blank, go, there's nothing left in you to extract
Ra zokkek ygari fih taxi 7mer daba, rrun
Your dick is riding in a red taxi now, run
(Skizo About to get that Moula)
(Skizo About to get that Moula)

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