Morris - YUGOSLAVIA - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Morris - YUGOSLAVIA

Počutim se tuje v krasnem novem svetu
I feel alien in this brave new world
Čutim trivialnosti artistov v rapu
I feel the triviality of artists in rap
Čutim neprimernost kritika je passé
I feel the inadequacy, critique is passé
Čutim znova čas da zavrtim spet izdal bi me
I feel it's time again to spin "He'd betray me"
Počutim se kot da ne razumem čemu
I feel like I don't understand why
Čutim da med mano in tabo vez je le telefon
I feel that between me and you, the connection is just a phone
Čutim da večini tipov manjka več kot le bonton
I feel most guys lack more than just manners
Čutim da protesti danes niso a priori upor
I feel that protests today aren't a priori rebellion
Iz naše generacije nihče ne bo vzor
No one from our generation will be a role model
Del sm frakcije ki med igro pozabi na score
I'm part of the faction that forgets the score during the game
Dete devedestih šatro bujš je včasih blo
Child of the nineties, supposedly it used to be better
Ma samo teraj dalje glasba dela novo Yugoslavio
But only now, music is making a new Yugoslavia
Kaj je na ekranih ko ekrane upalimo
What's on the screens when we turn them on
Kaj je malim u glavi da na zenije navalijo
What's in the little ones' heads that they rush to geniuses
Navadimo na tisto kar je lagano
We get used to what's easy
Hočmo hitre pare samo crypto bro
We want fast money, just crypto bro
Fiat je za stare
Fiat is for the old folks
Kaka gotovina joj
What cash, oh my
Razlagam staremu idejo
I'm explaining the idea to my old man
Pravi nemoj biti konj
He says, don't be a horse
Raje pazi na kulturo
Rather, pay attention to culture
Ko je treba vzdigni ton
When you need to, raise your voice
Njega boli kurac ker
He doesn't give a damn because
Na Soči fura čoln
He's riding a boat on the Soča River
Jebeš netflix chill kaže Bore Balboa
Fuck Netflix and chill, Bore Balboa is showing
Gleam samo Rane kume to je stara škola
I only listen to Rane kume, that's old school
Galebu na šakama piše dođavola
It's written on the seagull's wings: go to hell
I ja mislim isto svaka godina je gora
And I think the same, every year is worse
I ova fakat u mislima je lova
And this one really, money is on my mind
Slušam sve do Zagreba
I listen all the way to Zagreb
Respect do Tvrdokora
Respect to Tvrdokor
Nije neka fora
It's not a big deal
Što razumeš samo pola
That you only understand half
Nije neka traka
It's not a good track
Ako Dukiju ne flowa
If Duki doesn't flow
Sport svaki dan motam sport
Sport every day, I roll sport
Teretana cbd sve je tipi top
Gym, CBD, everything is tip-top
Pijem samo vodu kakav gusti sok
I only drink water, what thick juice
Uvek nosim torbu jer u torbi nosim sport
I always carry a bag because I carry sport in the bag
Joke ove lajne sve su joke
Joke, these lines are all jokes
U textovima fraer a u živo idiot
A player in the lyrics, but an idiot in real life
Sačuvaću si kod
I'll save my code
Pa kad budeš tražio me
So when you look for me
Traži samo sport
Just look for sport
Svaki dan motam sport
Sport every day, I roll sport
Teretana cbd sve je tipi top
Gym, CBD, everything is tip-top
Pijem samo vodu kakav gusti sok
I only drink water, what thick juice
Uvek nosim torbu jer u torbi nosim sport
I always carry a bag because I carry sport in the bag
Sve u svemu velik Bog
All in all, big God
Nisam se izgubio
I didn't get lost
Al' sam proverijo pod
But I checked the floor
Nisam se naljutio
I didn't get angry
Al' sam promenijo hod
But I changed my walk
I za svaku informaciju
And for every piece of information
Pitam odakle ti to?
I ask, where did you get that?
Buraz pričaj sa mnom
Brother, talk to me
Daj odjebi taj mob
Fuck that phone
Možda zvučim mekan
I might sound soft
Ali volim život slow
But I like life slow
Možda nisi sretan
Maybe you're not happy
Jer te dizo samo kouk
Because only coke lifted you up
Ulica je slepa
The street is blind
A i dalje ideš njom
And you're still walking down it
Nisam čuvar repa
I'm not a rap keeper
Jer moj si soj
Because you're my strain
Biću buraz tvoj
I'll be your brother
Biću buraz tvoj
I'll be your brother
Jer iskren nam je spoj
Because our connection is sincere
Biću buraz tvoj
I'll be your brother
Biću buraz tvoj
I'll be your brother
U mojim pesmama
In my songs
Nikad nije samo broj broj
Is never just a number number

Writer(s): Dušan Janković

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