M.O.R.T. - Draga Majko - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction M.O.R.T. - Draga Majko

Draga Majko
My Dearest Mother
Draga majko imao sam san
Dearest Mother, I had a dream
Da ti pričam kakav je dan
To tell you how my day had seemed
A da je siv i oblačan sav
But it was gray and overcast
Zurim u prazno i čekam dan
I'm staring into space and awaiting the day
Jutarnje svjetlo da mi ugrije dlan
For the morning light to warm my hand
I srce mi vrisne tisućama boja
And my heart erupts with a thousand colors
Da me sjeti da sam čovjek
To remind me that I am human
A ne dio stroja
And not part of a machine
Ja, aha
Me, aha
Kažeš molitva je to što liječi
You say that prayer is what heals
Izmoli draga majko za me dv′je tri riječi
Dearest Mother, pray two or three words for me
Za sve one koje volim
For all those I love
Da se s njima smijem i zajedno borim
So that I may laugh with them and fight alongside them
Da smo sretni i da srca su nam čista
That we may be happy and our hearts may be pure
Da ih gledam kako vole
That I may watch them love
U očima sjaj da im blista
May their eyes sparkle with a gleam
U očima sjaj da im...
In their eyes a gleam to...
Zurim u prazno i čekam dan
I'm staring into space and awaiting the day
Jutarnje svjetlo da mi ugrije dlan
For the morning light to warm my hand
I srce mi vrisne tisućama boja
And my heart erupts with a thousand colors
Da se sjetim da sam čovjek
To remind me that I am human
A ne dio stroja
And not part of a machine
Ja, Aha
Me, aha
Ti i ja, aha
You and me, aha
Draga majko imao sam san
Dearest Mother, I had a dream
Da ti pričam kakav je dan
To tell you how my day had seemed
Da je siv i oblačan
That it was gray and overcast
Tužan i sasvim običan.
Sad and quite ordinary.

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