Moshpit Sicky - Čo Vám Tak Vadí? - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Moshpit Sicky - Čo Vám Tak Vadí?

Čo Vám Tak Vadí?
What's Your Problem?
Vidíš moje Sneakers ako kráčajú tmou
You see my Sneakers as they walk through darkness
A vonku je nov - mesiac glow
And outside there is a new - moon has glow
Vidíš moje sneakers ako kráčajú ulicou
You see my sneakers as they walk through the street
A vonku je nov,čierna noc bitch
And outside there is new,black night bitch
Tak jako kanibal myslí na gastro
Like a cannibal thinks about gastro
Ja myslím na hudbu nonstop jak magor
I think about music nonstop like a weirdo
Takých bro čo sa ma snažili zastaviť
So many bros who tried to stop me
Bola kopa- zastavil som?
There were a lot of them- did I stop?
Never,že áno
Never,that yes
Asi ani ne! (Haha)
Probably no! (Haha)
Pýtali sa či robím hudbu more yes
They asked me if I make that music more yes
A to iba Trap?
And is it only Trap? No no no
Ale odpoviem ti odmerane lebo nejsi ten
But I'll answer you measuredly because you are not
Čo patrí k nám
Who belongs to us
A to teraz iba začínam
And now I'm just getting started
Počítajú doradu každý jeden môj krok
Counting every single step I take
Potom trochu cítim sa jak matikár
Then a little bit I feel like a mathematician
Som jak Pil C,uh,lebo furt
I'm like Pil C,uh,because always
Ja nechápem čo tak kurva vadí vám
I don't understand what the fuck you guys care so much about
Ale fuck it,uh,radšej playko zapínam (Okay)
But fuck it,uh,I'd rather turn on the playko (Okay)
Tak čo vám tak vadí?
So what's your problem?
Že nevnímam problémy aj z vašej strany?
That I don't perceive problems from your side too?
Nevadí mami!
Never mind, mommy!
Raz to pochopia sami, ay
Someday they will understand it themselves, ay
Čo vám tak vadí?
What's your problem?
Že sa nepozerám po bokoch
That I don't look around
A idem si pre money?
And I go for money?
Nevadí mami!
Never mind, mommy!
Raz to pochopia sami
Someday they will understand it themselves
Alebo ti vadí,že nemám najky
Or do you mind that I don't have sneakers
Mne zase vadí že riešime sračky
I don't like that we are solving bullshit
Alebo ti vadí len to že som independent
Or do you mind only that I'm independent
Jako sviňa,snažím sa nevnímať omáčky
Like a pig,I try not to notice sauces
Spravím si sám všetko čo sa
I do everything myself
Nasilu chcú mi pomahať pre clout
They want to help me by force for clout
Otoč sa neni si na mojej strane
Turn around, you are not on my side
Ty neni si,neni si na mojej side (uh)
You are not,you are not on my side (uh)
Konečne si hladím svojho
Finally I touch my own
A čumím si na Pumy nice
And I stare at the nice Pumas
Na moje skurvené sneakers
At my damn sneakers
Ne na vaše Nike's
Not at your Nike's
Svojich si chránim
I protect my own
Aj keď nás málo
Even though there is a few of us
Zostalo pár čo
There are a few left what
To pre nich malo výhodyň
That had advantages for them
A chceli si dokázať bárčo (né)
And they wanted to prove anything (no)
Volajú mi na moj mobil,no nezdvíham
They call me on my cell but I don't answer
Zabudli že nejsom bárkdo
They forgot I'm not just anybody
Kámo - slová jak záchod
Bro - words like a toilet
Nikto nespláchol
Nobody flushed
Pre vás dávno (times up)
For you long since (times up)
Neplatia výroky,nemáte právo
Statements don't apply, you don't have the right
Na záplavu tolkých otázok (ye ye ye)
To a flood of so many questions (ye ye ye)
No nemusím odpovedať
Well I don't have to answer
Lebo ja mám na srdci zámok
Because I already have a lock on my heart
Namotivovaný do nebes prebíjam šeckých doradu - tak moc
Motivated to heaven I'm bombing all of you - so much
To ide ze mna ven - ako keby si do seba dávam len párno
It goes out of me - as if I was only giving myself to bareback
No zase tak moc nejsom best
Well so much I'm not the best
Ale outfit check je good as hell!
But the outfit check is good as hell!
Je black on black. B2B
It's black on black. B2B
Spittujem sám so sebou tomu ver
I'm spitting with myself, believe that
A Cez to všetko nejsom ten
And after all this I'm not that
Best of best ale black Peter
Best of best but black Peter
Som Trendsetter (yeah)
I'm a Trendsetter (yeah)
Písal o mne Eškerap ako
Eshkerap wrote about me as
Magazín a bude aj Refresher
Magazine and there will be Refresher
Magazín a bude aj Refresher
Magazine and there will be Refresher

Writer(s): Viliam Absolon

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