Motohiro Hata - 1/365 - traduction des paroles en anglais

1/365 - Motohiro Hatatraduction en anglais

Even though I don't have a 98.6°F warmth,
君の孤独を少しは 暖めてあげられるといいな
I hope I can warm your loneliness, even just a little.
Even if it's only one day out of 365,
胸の鍵は開くんだ まずは君が君を信じてみてよ
The lock on your heart will open. First, try believing in yourself.
Even after the magic of "first time" fades,
新しい今日には出会えるはず だから
We should be able to encounter a new today. So,
始めよう 今始めよう 誰も知らない僕らへ
Let's begin. Let's begin now, to a us that no one knows.
We can be reborn as many times as we need.
いつかは また笑えるよ ねぇ 笑ってよ
Someday, we'll be able to laugh again. Hey, smile.
Even if it's a lie right now, tell me it's okay.
大丈夫さ 強がったすぐあとで泣いてしまっても
It's alright, even if you cry right after putting on a brave face.
360°回って 元の場所に戻ったとしても
Even if we spin 360° and return to the same place,
The scenery is certainly different.
その度にね 別の意味を知るのさ
Each time, we learn a different meaning.
「はじめて」の経験が 刺激的でも
Even if the experience of "first time" is stimulating,
繰り返すその先で 出会えたらいいな
I hope we can meet again beyond the repetitions.
旅立とう いま旅立とう 誰も知らない僕らへ
Let's depart. Let's depart now, to a us that no one knows.
Don't decide that it's impossible.
いつかの棘が痛んでも まだ疼いても
Even if the thorns from sometime ago still hurt, even if they still ache,
You're not alone now.
大丈夫さ 心配しなくていい
It's alright, you don't have to worry.
You'll be able to manage.
会いたいな 会いたいな もう1回 会いたいな
I want to see you. I want to see you. I want to see you one more time.
忘れない 約束なんていらない終わりはないから yeah
I won't forget. We don't need a promise. There is no end. Yeah.
始めよう いま始めよう 誰も知らない僕らへ
Let's begin. Let's begin now, to a us that no one knows.
We can be reborn as many times as we need.
いつかは また笑えるよ ねぇ 笑ってよ
Someday, we'll be able to laugh again. Hey, smile.
It will become true soon.
大丈夫さ 僕らは強くなれる ここから始めよう
It's alright, we can become stronger. Let's start from here.

Writer(s): Motohiro Hata

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