Motohiro Hata - My Sole, My Soul - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Motohiro Hata - My Sole, My Soul

My Sole, My Soul
My Sole, My Soul
今日はスニーカーを履いたよ 次の駅まで歩いてみよう
I put on my sneakers today Let's walk to the next station
When they're worn-out like this, they're just right
軽快なリズムに合わせて 流れ始めるメロディに
Matching the rhythm The melody starts to flow
My BPM naturally speeds up
さりげなくて ありきたりだって とても大切なんだよ
It's nothing special or unusual but it's so important to me
力を抜いて いつも通りでいいから 自分のペースで
Relax and just be yourself At your own pace
今日はブーツを履いたよ 勝負の時間が迫り来る
I put on my boots today It's time for the showdown
When they're a little too big, they're just right
踏み出した一歩の重みが 地面を確かにつかんでく
The weight of my step sinks in Gripping the ground firmly
That's what keeps me moving forward
おおげさじゃなくて 勇気がわくんだ とても特別なんだよ
It's not exaggerated or brave It makes me feel special
負けそうだって やるしかないって 靴ひも 結び直した
Even when I feel defeated I have to do it I retied my shoes
今日はサンダルを履いたよ 君と夕食の買い出しへ
I put on my sandals today Let's go grocery shopping for dinner
When they're a little loose, they're just right
君はシチューの気分みたい 偶然に僕も一緒だよ
Looks like you're in the mood for stew Coincidentally, so am I
これってたぶん さっきのテレビのせいかな
Maybe it's because of the TV show we watched earlier
何気なくて ありふれてたって とても愛おしいんだよ
It's nothing special or unusual but it's so precious to me
僕らだって 二つで一つなんで 離れないように
Because we're two halves of a whole Let's not let go

Writer(s): 秦 基博

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