Movimiento Original - Interludio crea - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Movimiento Original - Interludio crea

Interludio crea
Creative Interlude
Hoy me introduzco
Today, I step into
a esta selva del pavimento
this concrete jungle
donde el mundo es mas tragico
where the world is more tragic
sin hacer lo correcto
without doing what's right
voy y vuelvo
I come and go
saber ke esto siento
knowing what I feel
miles de microfonos
thousands of microphones
marcaran ya mi concepto
will mark my concept
con el coeficiente
with the coefficient
el tiempo suficiente
enough time
para demostrar esto
to demonstrate this
hey ki hey
hey ki hey
el semillah en el instrumento
the semillah on the instrument
microfonos al viento
microphones to the wind
y al destino
and to destiny
deejay rayas vinilo
deejay scratching vinyl
en este mundo rapido
in this fast world
me marca akel destino
that destiny marks me
el semillah nada mas
the semillah, nothing more
formas de ver lo concreto
ways to see the concrete
me conecto kon mi centro centro
I connect with my center center
ke si fluyo kon esto
that if I flow with this
me desenvuelvo
I unfold
y enkuentro el relajo
and find relaxation
hacer necesario
to make it necessary
es esplayo
is to spread
ke me obsekiaron los años
what the years have given me
hartos duros
hard enough
trabajados con descaro
worked with nerve
no fue en vano
it wasn't in vain
dia y noche
day and night
los sonidos ecajados
the sounds embedded
para ver si asi comenzamo el despegue
to see if this is how we start the takeoff
yo y mi cuaderno
me and my notebook
y el beat para otro lado
and the beat to the other side
sonando resonando llorando
sounding resonating crying
creciendo dejando
growing leaving
el pensamiento ke fluya
the thought that flows
todos dispuesto a hacer lo correcto
all willing to do the right thing
me conecto
I connect
no hay versos planos claros
there are no flat, clear verses
no me komparo con descaros caros
I don't compare myself with expensive boasts
tan solo valgo lo ke valgo
I'm only worth what I'm worth
y sin embargo
and yet
no cabalgo x akellos
I don't ride through those
lugares del barrio alto
places in the upper neighborhood
no salgo
I don't go out
aerstame hey ki hey
arrest me hey ki hey
allendista play
allendista play
pinochetista gay
pinochetista gay
pues ya lo vey buey
well, I see you, ox
somos sensei
we are sensei
encendiendo fuego
lighting fire
at the USA
at the USA
baja tus gafas
lower your glasses
ponte la capucha
put on your hood
y avanza en el game
and advance in the game
como lo dijo
as he said
mi fiel
my faithful
vamo tu ya sabe okey
let's go, you know, okay
xq en este juego
because in this game
no existe ni persiste ningun rey
there is no king, nor does one persist
el peso avanza
the weight advances
con el congreso
with the congress
solo transa
it only deals
pediste engancha avalancha
you asked for a hook, avalanche
de sinonimos y antonimos son
of synonyms and antonyms they are
colores y seudonimos
colors and pseudonyms
entre lo magico y lo logico
between the magical and the logical
transantiago estupido
stupid transantiago
el resultado es cinico
the result is cynical
al son de lo ke indica
to the sound of what it indicates
el latido del corazon
the beating of the heart
mijita rica
pretty little girl
siempre con sabiduria
always with wisdom
santos de la poblacion
saints of the population
con melodia
with melody
la razon
the reason
en conclusion
in conclusion
un salud doy muerte a tu nacion
a toast, I give death to your nation
vuelvo a lo basico
I return to the basics
un clasico
a classic
con metrica estetica
with aesthetic metrics
hola 2006 vete
hello 2006 go away
mejor esperemos el 2007
we better wait for 2007
este año promete
this year promises
muchas cosas y
many things and
ojala ke no tanto sokete
hopefully not so much socket
xq de verdad te enferman
because they really make you sick
a dios le pido ke recompense
I ask God to reward
al alimentador
the feeder
de tus oidos
of your ears
ese soy yo
that's me
el fiel abrigo
the faithful coat
gastado contigo
worn with you
defendiendote de
defending you from
todos los bandidos
all the bandits
que lo uniko ke han kerido
who the only thing they've wanted
es verte herido
is to see you hurt
yo kiero decirle
I want to tell
a toos ustees ke esten aguja
all of you who are needles
ke el staylok kon su crew
that the staylok with his crew
ke es cruja
which is cruja
sonrisa rimadora
rhyming smile
kon el marea
with the tide
estos kabros
these goats
cuando freestalean
when they freestyle
no tararean
they don't hum
nunka se ekivokan
they never make mistakes
van directo al kuello
they go straight for the neck
kieres kompetir kon mi?
you want to compete with me?
oh oh oh
oh oh oh
yapo subete al kuadrilatero
come on, get in the ring
pa ver kien prima
to see who prevails
botar trapo
throw cloth
puedo humillarte
I can humiliate you
sin la necesidad de usar un garabato
without the need to use a scribble
te kedan grandes mis zapatos
my shoes are too big for you
los pendejos como tu
assholes like you
me tienen shat0
have me fed up

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