Mr. - 如果我是陳奕迅 MV - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mr. - 如果我是陳奕迅 MV

如果我是陳奕迅 MV
If I Was Eason Chan MV
踱步街上觀摩眾人 外貌品行隨意區分
Walking on the street watching the crowd Differentiating their appearance and behavior at will
日夜張望能成就偉人 或是作一世悶棍
Looking around day and night to see if I can become a great man or be a loser for life
自問極不願當複製人 但事實聲調難以變更
I ask myself that I don't want to be a copycat But in fact, it's hard to change my tone
踏入巨星命途難道靠神 或是再需要集訓
Entering the path of a superstar, does it depend on God or do I need to train again
如果我是陳奕迅 這句話太吸引
If I was Eason Chan This sentence is so appealing
Standing alone under the spotlight, escaping the shade of the trees
還是我不去面對黑暗 白日夢破醒了滿腔餘音
Or should I not face the darkness? My daydream is broken, leaving behind lingering echoes
自問表現不差過人 浪漫演繹還會震音
I ask myself that my performance is not worse than others Romantic interpretation can also have vibrato
或是命書閳明如若姓陳 方可以傾倒眾生
Or is it written in my fate that only if my surname is Chan Can I captivate the hearts of the masses
如果我是陳奕迅 這句話太吸引
If I was Eason Chan This sentence is so appealing
Standing alone under the spotlight, escaping the shade of the trees
真相是其實我不去面對苦困 白日夢裡不會自禁
The truth is that I don't want to face the hardships In my daydream, I can't help it
如果我的掌紋堆積了塵 命運沒法敲定前世今生
If the lines on my palm are covered with dust Fate cannot decide my past and present lives
怎樣神外有神 只不過假以時日
How can there be a god beyond God? It's just a matter of time
能做你的確是太急進 實在我享受循序漸進
It's too hasty to become you I actually enjoy taking things step by step
心裡面鳴謝你一再令我長進 白日夢刺激我自信
In my heart, I thank you for helping me improve My daydreams fuel my confidence
陳奕迅的確是得一個 賣力地唱使你起身拍和
Eason Chan is indeed one of a kind Singing with all his might, making you stand up and applaud
如硬要比較是你的錯 漸漸便看清我是我
If you insist on comparing, it's your fault Gradually, I see that I am who I am
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do
Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do
La La La La La La La La La La La La
La La La La La La La La La La La La
La La La La La La La La La La La La
La La La La La La La La La La La La

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