Mr. Levy feat. Villy - De la Rol la Rol - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mr. Levy feat. Villy - De la Rol la Rol

De la Rol la Rol
From Role to Role
O alta zi un alt loc alt drum
Another day, another place, another road
Oare este bine tot ce faci acum
Is everything you do right now really good?
Mai tii minte cine esti De unde vii
Do you still remember who you are? Where you come from?
Unde esti azi Maine unde vei fi
Where you are today? Where will you be tomorrow?
Sentimente ingropate in suspine
Buried feelings in sighs
Repeti mereu ca o sa fie bine
You keep repeating that it's going to be alright
Gust amar de vinovatie
Bitter taste of guilt
Spune pana cand rezisti fratie
Tell me, how long can you resist, brother?
E un calvar ce incepe iar personajele reapar
It’s a nightmare that begins again, the characters reappear
Clipe de cosmar presar
Moments of nightmare scattered
Regia unui nebun actorii nu se supun
The direction of a madman, the actors don’t obey
Criticii isi vad de drum haos total compun
The critics go their way, they compose total chaos
Totul pe viu fratioare sunete in difuzoare
Everything live, brother, sounds in the speakers
Machiaj topit de sudoare public lipsit de rabdare
Makeup melted with sweat, an impatient audience
Lumina in reflectoare ultima ta provocare
Light in the spotlight, your ultimate challenge
Sa ai lumea la picioare scena e a ta acum
To have the world at your feet, the stage is yours now
Schimbi mastile de la rol la rol
You change masks from role to role
Vechiul scenariu intr-un diferit decor
The old scenario in a different decor
Cu ochii inchisi alergi nesigur catre viitor
With your eyes closed, you run uncertainly towards the future
Pe scena vietii nu exista nici un cascador
There is no stuntman on the stage of life
Oribil, teribil cand pierzi masca de copil
Horrible, terrible when you lose the mask of a child
Mizerabil port straie de nobil iresponsabil
Miserable, I wear the clothes of a noble, irresponsible
Nu ma inchin nu ma inclin viata-i amara ca un pelin
I don't bow, I don't lean, life is bitter as wormwood
Venin fin dinti de rechin asta-l numim destin
Fine venom, shark teeth, that's what we call destiny
Toti imi spun intinde-te
Everyone tells me to stretch out
Frate stai jos destinde-te
Brother, sit down, relax
Depinde de de divina comedie
It depends on the divine comedy
De cine rade de cine plange
Who laughs, who cries
Lacom ca focul dupa apa
Greedy as fire for water
Cine decide pentru cel ce scapa
Who decides for the one who escapes
Cu masca pe moaca teatru cioaca
With the mask on the face, theatre is a mess
Cu usile-nchise se joaca
With closed doors they play
Nu ma clatina urma de patima
Don't shake me, trace of passion
Nu ma macina nici o lacrima
Don't grind me, not a single tear
Nu vreau vreun rol de sol
I don't want a role of a messenger
Eu vreau sa predic benevol
I want to preach voluntarily
Ei zic ca sunt nebun
They say I'm crazy
Ca nu port masca ce ei mi-o pun
Because I don't wear the mask they put on me
Schimbi mastile de la rol la rol
You change masks from role to role
Vechiul scenariu intr-un diferit decor
The old scenario in a different decor
Cu ochii inchisi alergi nesigur catre viitor
With your eyes closed, you run uncertainly towards the future
Pe scena vietii nu exista nici un cascador
There is no stuntman on the stage of life

Writer(s): Pal Sekei

Mr. Levy feat. Villy - De la Rol la Rol (feat. Villy) - Single
De la Rol la Rol (feat. Villy) - Single
date de sortie

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