Mr Yeison - Ya lo dije - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Mr Yeison - Ya lo dije

Ya lo dije
I Already Said It
Hand back in the game in the name of Jesus
Hand back in the game, in the name of Jesus
Risas, como cuando te aceptan la visa
Laughter, like when your visa gets approved
Dándote palabra para que tu mente se abra
Giving you words so your mind opens up
No te estoy metiendo cabra
I'm not pulling your leg
Tranquilo que el golpe avisa
Relax, the blow comes with a warning
Yo estaba en el mundo como tu y me arrepentí
I was in the world like you and I repented
Estaba en la iglesia pecando como tu y me convertí
I was in the church sinning like you and I converted
El diablo me quería partir, con Cristo lo debati
The devil wanted to break me, with Christ I debated
El aposto a mi y le di mas patadas que Buquertiti
He bet on me and I kicked him more than Buquertiti
Hoy yo soy el MR. YEISON cruzo por delante
Today I am MR. YEISON, I cross ahead
Un segundo antes que los trenes
A second before the trains
No me pidas que frene, que ya no tengo freno
Don't ask me to brake, I have no brakes anymore
Vine a acabar con ese desenfreno que tu tienes
I came to end that lack of restraint you have
Se trata de ser luz para que los otros vean
It's about being light so that others can see
No para que te veas, ¿está clara la idea?
Not for you to be seen, is the idea clear?
Si me das un consejo lleno de diplomas yeah
If you give me advice full of diplomas, yeah
Pero te falta amor, lo que me das es arrogancia
But you lack love, what you give me is arrogance
Y no más, ya no quiero rimar por sorprender
And nothing more, I don't want to rhyme to surprise anymore
Quiero hacerte entender lo que costo lagrimas aprender
I want to make you understand what it cost me tears to learn
El parecer a Dios le gusta escoger al vil
God likes to choose the vile
Por ejemplo a mi, con eso ya no hay nada que hacer
For example, me, with that there's nothing left to do
Si Dios dijo que es conmigo no importa quien se rebele
If God said it's with me, it doesn't matter who rebels
Peleles que me hacen la contra mi Dios los repele
My God repels the puppets who go against me
Yo soy un obrero no me siento superior
I am a worker, I don't feel superior
Pero otro obrero no me hace sentir inferior, ¿se entiende?
But another worker doesn't make me feel inferior, understand?
Uno, uno, dos, dos, tres, probando, probando
One, one, two, two, three, testing, testing
Uno, uno, dos, dos, tres, probando, probando yeah
One, one, two, two, three, testing, testing, yeah
Uno, uno, dos, dos, tres, probando, probando yeah
One, one, two, two, three, testing, testing, yeah
Uno, uno, dos, dos, tres ah
One, one, two, two, three, ah
Uno uno, dos, on check ah
One, one, two, on check, ah
Cambio, esto es para mis colegas que estan cantando
Change, this is for my colleagues who are singing
Imaginen que es una piedra la que les está rapeando
Imagine it's a stone that's rapping to you
Si el fronteo fuera quien gana mas almas que views
If the fronting were who wins more souls than views
Imagino que algunos no estarían fronteando
I imagine some wouldn't be fronting
Mira, yo quiero los likes y seguidores
Look, I want the likes and followers
Si, yo tambien quiero los views y suscriptores
Yes, I also want the views and subscribers
Pero mis espectadores, el talento y la santidad
But my viewers, talent, and holiness
No se mide con las reproducciones
Are not measured by the number of plays
El que rapea duro presume de su talento
The one who raps hard boasts about his talent
El que rapea flojo presume de su humildad
The one who raps softly boasts about his humility
El que le falta talento y le falta humildad
The one who lacks talent and lacks humility
No le queda otra que presumir santidad
Has no choice but to boast about holiness
Y como quieres presunción aunque le cambie el nombre
And since you want presumption, even if you change the name
Bueno solamente el nombre sobre todo nombre
Well, only the name above all names
Pero si tu quieres falsedad esa falta de humildad
But if you want falsehood, that lack of humility
Aquí no la busques mas, dime nombre
Don't look for it here anymore, tell me your name
Yo sigo a Cristo de verdad no cojo esa
I truly follow Christ, I don't take that
Rapeo con destreza y se ponen la mano en la cabeza
I rap with skill and they put their hands on their heads
Esto es de sorpresa, ignorando que solo es una gota
This is a surprise, ignoring that it's just a drop
Pero que casi está rota la presa
But the dam is almost broken
Se trata de ser cristiano no de parecerlo
It's about being a Christian, not seeming like one
Yo no estoy de acuerdo con vivir de voces
I don't agree with living off of voices
Soy el que juzgaron mal antes de conocerlo
I am the one they misjudged before they knew me
Y no aquel que juzgaron bien hasta que lo conocen
And not the one they judged well until they met him
Uno, uno, dos, dos, tres, probando, probando
One, one, two, two, three, testing, testing
Uno, uno, dos, dos, tres, probando, probando yeah
One, one, two, two, three, testing, testing, yeah
Uno, uno, dos, dos, tres, probando, probando yeah
One, one, two, two, three, testing, testing, yeah
Uno, uno, dos, dos, tres ah
One, one, two, two, three, ah
Uno uno, dos, on check ah
One, one, two, on check, ah

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