and the snow that is going to fall forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
Your Thoughts
少しでも伝えたくて 届けたくて そばにいてほしくて
i wanted to tell you a little bit, i wanted to deliver it, i wanted you to stay with me.
ずっと伏せたままの 写真立ての二人
Two people in the photo frame who remain face down all the time
笑顔だけは 今も輝いている
the smile is still shining.
いつの日から細く 長い道が始まる
when will the narrow, long road begin?
出発の日はなぜか 風が強くて
on the day of departure, the wind was strong for some reason.
やさしさも わがままも 温もりも 寂しさも
Kindness, selfishness, warmth, loneliness
思いやりも 全てを 全部あずけた
compassion gave everything to me.
どこまでも限りなく 降りつもる雪と
and the snow that is going to fall forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
Your Thoughts
少しでも伝えたくて 届けたくて そばにいてほしくて
i wanted to tell you a little bit, i wanted to deliver it, i wanted you to stay with me.
凍える夜 待ち合わせも出来ないまま
i can't wait to meet you on a freezing night.
i'm looking for tomorrow.
when i always make memories, i want you and me.
行ったことがないね 雪と遊びたいね
i've never been there before. i want to play with the snow.
会いたくて 会えなくて あこがれている
i miss you, i miss you, i miss you, i miss you, i miss you, i miss you, i miss you, i miss you, i miss you.
夜がやけに長くて 冬のせいかもしれない
maybe it's winter because the night is so long.
だけど春は明るく 陽ざし浴びたい
but i want spring to be bright and sunny.
The Path that Goes On Forever
i'm sure it's because of your feelings.
降りつもる雪とともに 深く強く
deep and strong with the falling snow
i was supporting them.
前髪が伸びたね 同じくらいになった
your bangs have grown as much as they did.
左利きも慣れたし 風邪も治った
i got used to being left-handed, and i got a cold.
愛が夢を邪魔する 夢が愛を見つける
Love Interferes with dreams Dreams find love
やさしさが 愛を探して
Kindness Looking for Love
あなたが私を 選んでくれたから
because you chose me.
どこまでも限りなく 降りつもる雪と
and the snow that is going to fall forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
Your Thoughts
少しでも伝えたくて 届けたくて そばにいてほしくて
i wanted to tell you a little bit, i wanted to deliver it, i wanted you to stay with me.
凍える夜 待ち合わせも出来ないまま
i can't wait to meet you on a freezing night.
i'm looking for tomorrow.
when i always make memories, i want you and me.
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