Muhammad Al Muqit - The Best of Bearls - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Muhammad Al Muqit - The Best of Bearls

The Best of Bearls
The Best of Pearls
في القلبِ مشاعرُ أخفيها
In my heart, I harbor feelings I conceal,
قد أشرقت الشمسُ عليها
Upon which the sun has brightly shone.
عن خططٍ لم أعبأُ فيها
Of plans I hadn't cared for,
ستكون بأيّاميَ فرقا
They will make a difference in my days, my love.
فحياتي قبل الحلقاتِ
For my life before the circles (of knowledge),
تيهٌ بضياعٍ بشتاتِ
Was wandering, lost and scattered.
من دونِ نعيمِ الآياتِ
Without the bliss of the verses,
نرتادُ لنحفظها الحلقَ
We attend to memorize the circle (of knowledge).
فمضيتُ إلى حفظِ السورِ
So I proceeded to memorize the Surahs,
كي أقطف من خيرِ الدررِ
To gather the finest pearls, my dear.
فالآي ضياءٌ في صدري
The verses are a light in my chest,
يزدادُ على الظلمةِ ألقا
Increasing their radiance against the darkness.
غصتُ بها في بحرٍ حاني
I delved into a gentle sea with them,
ما بين أسامٍ ومعاني
Between names and meanings.
أزدادُ بربّي الرحمنِ
My trust, deeds, love, and longing for my Lord, the Most Gracious, increase.
ثقةً عملًا حبّا شوقا
My trust, my actions, my love, my yearning grow.
وبهِ في السيرةِ ما يشهد
And in the Seerah (biography of the Prophet), there is a testament,
من نهجِ المختارِ محمّد
To the path of the chosen one, Muhammad.
كم دلّ على الخيرِ وأرشد
How much he guided and directed towards goodness,
كي ندركَ بالهديِ الحقَّ
So we may grasp the true guidance, my beloved.
بعد الذكرِ تبارك وقتي
After the remembrance (of Allah), my time is blessed,
وازدادت قوّة ذاكرتي
And the strength of my memory has increased.
والتوفيقُ أضاء حياتي
And success has illuminated my life,
في هديٍ وأنارَ الطرقَ
With guidance, and lit the paths.
وسمت في الخيرةِ أيّامي
My days have been elevated by goodness,
وتجمّل قولي وكلامي
And my speech and words are adorned,
من عذبِ معينِ الإسلامِ
From the sweet spring of Islam.
أحسنتُ النيّةَ والخُلقَ
I have perfected my intention and character.
فالحمدُ إلى اللهِ تعالى
So all praise is to Allah, the Most High,
من جادَ بخيرٍ يتوالى
Who generously bestows continuous goodness.
للحافظِ يُسرًا ومنالا
Ease and attainment for the memorizer,
ودروسًا في القلبِ ستبقى
And lessons in the heart that will remain.

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