Munisa Rizayeva - Xafa-Xafa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Munisa Rizayeva - Xafa-Xafa

Upset, Upset
(Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset)
Xafa qilding
You made me upset
A, labbey?
Oh, honey?
Ko'zmunchoq ko'zlarimga qarab turib nega meni xafa qilding, insofing bormi?
Looking into my beady eyes, why did you upset me, do you have any conscience?
"O'rtoqlarim bilan ko'cha aylangani chiqaman" desam (qatga, nima deyapsan, eshtilmayapti?)
When I said "I'm going out with my friends" (what, what are you saying, I can't hear?)
Ko'zmunchoq ko'zlarimga qarab turib meni nega xafa qilding, insofing bormi?
Looking into my beady eyes, why did you upset me, do you have any conscience?
Sochlarimni jamalak qilib seni ishdan kelishing kutsam (namuncha rashkchisiz?)
When I put my hair in a bun and waited for you to come home from work (why are you so jealous?)
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset
Nechun yorim bo'ldi mendan xafa?
Why is my love upset with me?
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset
Ayb mendami yo sendami?
Is it my fault or yours?
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset
Nechun yorim bo'ldi mendan xafa?
Why is my love upset with me?
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset
Ayb mendami yo sendami?
Is it my fault or yours?
Ichib olganmisiz, gapizga tushunmadim?
Are you drunk, I didn't understand what you said?
Ichib olganmisiz nima? Gapizga tushunmadim?
Are you drunk or what? I didn't understand what you said?
Ertalab kirib kelib yana meni nega xafa qilasan, nimaga, insofing bormi?
Why do you upset me again in the morning when you come in, why, do you have any conscience?
Aybni menga to'nkarib yana ustimdan qotib-qotib kulasan, insofing bormi?
You put the blame on me and laugh at me again, do you have any conscience?
"Dadajonisi magazinda bitta tufli ko'rdim" desam (allo, gapir, eshtilmayapti)
When I said "Daddy, I saw a pair of shoes in the store" (hello, speak up, I can't hear)
Sochlarimni jamalak qilib, seni ishdan kelishing kutsam (namuncha rashkchisiz?)
When I put my hair in a bun and waited for you to come home from work (why are you so jealous?)
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset
Nechun yorim bo'ldi mendan xafa?
Why is my love upset with me?
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset
Ayb mendami yo sendami?
Is it my fault or yours?
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset
Nechun yorim bo'ldi mendan xafa?
Why is my love upset with me?
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset
Ayb mendami yo sendami?
Is it my fault or yours?
Ichib olganmisiz, gapizga tushunmadim?
Are you drunk, I didn't understand what you said?
Ichib olganmisiz nima? Gapizga tushunmadim?
Are you drunk or what? I didn't understand what you said?
Apli-chapli, pele-papa gaplaringiz juda xafa eshitilar
Your incoherent words are very upsetting
Axir shunda xafa qilma meni bunday
Please don't upset me like this
Asalim, shakarim deb erkalardiz esizdami? A yo', esizda yo'!
You used to call me your honey, your sugar, remember? Or have you forgotten!
Achinaymi gaplarim sizda qomagan bo'lsa?
Do my words not resonate with you?
Xafa bo'lmadim xatto ko'nglimni olmagan bo'lsa
I wouldn't be upset even if you didn't take my heart
Nega-nega xafa bo'laman, axir sevaman
Why, why would I be upset, after all, I love you
(Voy-voyey, asalim o'zimmi)
(Oh my, my honey)
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset
Nechun yorim bo'ldi mendan xafa?
Why is my love upset with me?
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset
Ayb mendami yo sendami?
Is it my fault or yours?
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset
Nechun yorim bo'ldi mendan xafa?
Why is my love upset with me?
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset
Ayb mendami yo sendami?
Is it my fault or yours?
Ichib olganmisiz, gapizga tushunmadim?
Are you drunk, I didn't understand what you said?
Upset, upset, upset, upset, upset

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