Your hair was disheveled and your lips were bruised. I felt lost.
Çünkü ben senin sözündüm.
Because I was your word.
Aşka secilmişti tüm vakitler. secildin.
Every moment was dedicated to love. You were sacrificed.
Cünkü sen bir cicektin.
Because you were a flower.
Alıp basımı gidiyorum; yeşil başlı kumsallara. güneştin. çünkü bedenimdeki ateştin.
I will leave you; to the green-headed beaches. You were the sun. Because you were the fire in my body.
Yavaşca bırak kendini kollarıma; korkma sakın incitmem seni. güzel şeyler var kalbimin konağında; ağlamayalım artık şu fani dünyaya...
Relax and let yourself fall into my arms; don't be afraid, I will not hurt you. There are beautiful things in my heart's abode; let's not cry anymore for this mortal world...
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