Murat İnce - Kader - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Murat İnce - Kader

Adı Kaderdi...
Her name was Fate...
Kadersizliği adında gizliydi
Her lack of fate was hidden in her name
Tanıştığımızda henüz 16′sındaydı
She was only 16 when we met
Sapsarı saçları, masmavi gözleri vardı
She had golden hair and deep blue eyes
Yanakları al al, dudakları kirazdı
Her cheeks were rosy, her lips like cherries
Gül dalında açmamış goncaydı...
She was a bud that hadn't yet bloomed on the rose branch...
Kirli bir el değmişti beyaz ufuklarına
A dirty hand had touched her white horizons
El ki, kırılası, yok olası, kahrolası
A hand that should be broken, vanished, damned
Hain bir niyetin, çirkin soytarısı...
The ugly jester of a treacherous intention...
Simitlerimi satıyordum Kilyos sahilinde
I was selling my simits on the Kilyos beach
Kaderimin, susam taneli simitlerini...
The sesame-seeded simits of my destiny...
It was morning...
Güvercinler, serçeler yaylımdaydı
Pigeons and sparrows were scattered around
"Bir gevrek" demişti, mavi gözlü kadın
"One gevrek," said the blue-eyed woman
"Bir gevrek, simitçi" demişti...
"One gevrek, simit seller," she said...
Yorgun bakıyordu
She looked tired
Sarı dalgın saçları sonsuz ufuklara yeni sahiller çiziyordu...
Her blonde, absent-minded hair was drawing new shores on endless horizons...
Yanına oturmamı istedi, okul çıkışıymış
She wanted me to sit next to her, she was just out of school
Kader dalgın ama yarınlara umutlu
Fate was distracted but hopeful for tomorrow
Sarı mavi kaldırımlarda evine yürüyormuş
She was walking home on yellow and blue sidewalks
Çakal surat kaldırımdan kapmış Kader'i
The jackal-faced man snatched Fate from the sidewalk
Çok ağlamış, yalvarmış, aman dilemiş
She cried a lot, begged, pleaded for mercy
Sonra susmuş Kader, kadersizliğine polis abi
Then Fate fell silent, officer, to her lack of fate
Kaderi tanıdığımda bir dilberdi
When I met Fate, she was a beauty
Gözleri masmavi, hayalleri kapkara
Her eyes were deep blue, her dreams pitch black
Ama kalbi halen tertemizdi...
But her heart was still pure...
Tesadüfen kaderine mazhar olmuş
I had accidentally become privy to her fate
Kirletildiği yılları duymuş, kahrolmuştum...
I had heard about the years she was defiled, I was devastated...
Yeter isimli kadının on yıldır sermayesiymiş
She had been the capital of a woman named Yeter for ten years
İçeriye de bir hayli borcu varmış.
She also owed her a lot of money.
"Adım Kader, lakin kaderin neresindeyim?
"My name is Fate, but where am I in fate?
Bilmiyorum simitçi
I don't know, simit seller
Okul çıkışından beri, canımın acımadığı bir anı hatırlamıyorum
I don't remember a moment since I left school when my soul didn't ache
On paraya satıldı kaderim bozuk para niyetine
My fate was sold for ten pennies like a bad coin
16′mda hayatım karartıldı, gücüm yetmedi
My life was darkened at 16, I couldn't do it
Durduramadım, kurtulamadım simitçi..."
I couldn't stop it, I couldn't escape, simit seller..."
Pembe kaldırımlarda takunya kafalı
On the pink sidewalks, the one with the clog head
Hamam bakışlı, salyangoz duruşlu
The one with the bathhouse gaze and snail posture
Ve çakal suratlı bir keş, sizi tahrik etti mi?
And the jackal face, did he provoke you?
Siz hiç kendinize aykırı oldunuz mu?
Have you ever been contrary to yourself?
Ve siz durup dururken...
And out of the blue...
Sarı sıcak, mavi bir masumun kanına girdiniz mi, polis abi?
Did you get into the blood of a yellow, warm, and blue innocent, officer?
Bir ara ikimizde sustuk, birden Kader
We both fell silent for a moment, then suddenly Fate said
"Bazen at kendini diyorum şu serin sulara
"Sometimes I say throw yourself into these cool waters
Kilyos beni tutar mı?" diye boğuk bir sesle
Would Kilyos hold me?" she sighed with a choked voice
Koyu maviye bakarak geçirdi
She looked into the deep blue
Ve o sakinliği yok edercesine bir ses
And a voice broke that calmness
"Yürü lan kahpe!"
"Walk, you bitch!"
Kader ağlıyor, benim burnum kanıyordu
Fate was crying, my nose was bleeding
Simitlerim, Kader'in gözyaşlarıyla buluşuyordu...
My simits were meeting Fate's tears...
Kanayan burnuma değil de, polis abi
I wasn't crying for my bleeding nose, officer
Kader'in yediği silleye ağlıyordum ben...
I was crying for the slap Fate received...
Yapma! Dedim it surata
Don't! I said to the dog-faced one
Vurma! Dur! dedim, durmadı...
Don't hit her! Stop! I said, he didn't stop...
"Kaybol lan! Gebertirim!" dedi
"Get lost! I'll kill you!" he said
Ve elini beline götürüp silahını çekti...
And he reached for his belt and drew his gun...
Kader 16′sında vurulmuştu
Fate was shot at 16
Bugün 26′ydı
Today she was 26
Ve ben 16'sında bir çocuktum
And I was a boy at 16
16′sında genç kızlık hayallerini
I was listening to a Fate who had lost her dreams of a young girl at 16
Yarınlarını kaybetmiş bir Kader'i dinliyordum
Her tomorrows
Ben Kader′i 16'sında tanımıştım ama
I met Fate when she was 16, but
"O" 16 değildi
"He" wasn't 16
26′dı polis abi...
He was 26, officer...
O gün tası tarağı bocalamıştım
That day, I was completely lost
Suratı it iskelesi, bakışları hayvan ötesi caniye...
His face was like a dog pier, his gaze beyond animalistic, a murderer...
Hırsımdan rüzgar parçalanıyor
The wind was tearing apart from my anger
Sular yırtılıyordu, dinmiyordu öfkem
The waters were ripping, my anger wouldn't subside
Ne kadar vurursam vurayım çirkin suratına...
No matter how much I hit his ugly face...
Uzatmayım, polis abi
To make it short, officer
Dayanamadım bu cendereye
I couldn't stand this torture
Cebimdeki falçatayı çıkartıp
I took out the switchblade in my pocket
Şah damarını kesince
And when I cut his carotid artery
Danalar gibi böğürmeye başladı, it surat...
He started bellowing like a bull, the dog-faced one...
Hiç pişmanlık duymadım
I felt no remorse
Hayata aykırı hissetmedim
I didn't feel like I was going against life
Çünkü gözleri gülüyordu Kader'in
Because Fate's eyes were smiling
Çünkü it soyunun çırpınması
Because the writhing of the dog breed
Tiril tiril titremesi
His trembling
Oluk oluk kanının akması
His blood flowing in streams
Bir ömrün en kahpe
Was cleansing the defilement of a lifetime with the most vile
En aşağılık duygularla kirletilmesini temizliyordu
The most despicable emotions
Dahası Kader gözlerini yumarken polis abi, başı dikti...
Moreover, when Fate closed her eyes, officer, her head was held high...
Yüzünde belirgin bir tebessüm vardı...
There was a clear smile on her face...
Neticede Kader'in gözlerinden bir defa göç etmiştim
After all, I had migrated from Fate's eyes once
Ve Kader′in gözyaşları Kilyos′un poyrazına
And Fate's tears had mingled with Kilyos's north wind
Ve derin mavilerine karışmıştı bir kere
And deep blues once
Benim kaderimde müebbet yazılsa, ne yazar polis abi?
What does it matter if life sentence is written in my fate, officer?
Yaz polis abi, bir hayata son verdim suçluyum
Write it down, officer, I ended a life, I am guilty
Mutluyum en azından bir Kader yaşıyor
I am happy that at least one Fate lives
Haa polis abi, simit tablam size emanet
Oh, officer, my simit tray is entrusted to you
Çıkarsam bir gün
If I ever get out
Kader'imin simitlerini yine satacağım
I will sell my Fate's simits again
Issız ve tenha parklarda
In deserted and secluded parks
Kader′imi arıyacağım...
I will search for my Fate...
Bir Kader Mahkumunun Hayat Penceresinden...
From the Life Window of a Fate Convict...

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