Murat İnce - Saat On İki - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Murat İnce - Saat On İki

Saat On İki
It's Twelve O'clock
Karanligimin orselenmis.
My darkness is surrounded.
Ve tukenmis kimliginden yaziyorum.
And I'm writing from the tukenmis identity.
Merhaba cocuk.
Hello, child.
Kaldirim taslarina baktigimiz.
We're looking at the paving stones.
Esmer Ankara′nin yuzumuzu kavurdugu.
Brown Ankara scorched our faces.
Dudaklarimizi catlattigi.
That he catcalls our lips.
Gozlerimizi doldurdugu.
It filled our eyes.
Bir cok gidisin ardina yasanan.
Who lived after a lot of going.
Aglanan bir gecenin hapsinden yaziyorum.
I am writing from the confinement of a crying night.
Gidisinle mi baslayacakti.
It was supposed to start with you leaving.
Kalbimin yeniden kanamasi?.
Is my heart bleeding again?.
Ve ozlemin beni boyle cirilciplak.
And your longing has made me so crazy.
Bir yanginin ortasina mi birakacakti?.
Was he going to leave it in the middle of a fire?.
Oyle cok yoruldum ki cocuk.
I'm so tired, kid.
Bu kacinci sensiz gece?.
How many nights is this without you?.
Saymadim, adini koymadim.
I didn't count it, I didn't name it.
Ve oylesine degistim ki.
And I've changed my vote.
Gorsen hem kacar hem aglarsin.
Gorsen, you'll run away and cry at the same time.
Ben bu ayriligi anlamadim cocuk.
I don't understand this separation, child.
Hala karanlik odami aydinlatan.
Who still illuminates my dark room.
Bir elmanin yarisi sen yarisi ben olan.
Half of an apple is you, half of me.
Siyah beyaz bir hatiranin fotografi bas ucumda.
I have a black-and-white memory photo at my fingertips.
Cebimde burnunu sildigin o uc kurusluk pecete.
That three dry pecete you wiped your nose on in my pocket.
Yakut misali yanip duruyor kalbimin ustunde.
It keeps burning like a ruby in my heart.
Ve ben kalemi kagidi elinde hasrete pervane.
And I feel homesick propeller in the paper pen hand.
Seninde dedigin gibi yaramaz bir sairim yine.
I'm a naughty sai again, like you said.
Dizlerine basimi koymayi.
To put my foot on your knees.
Basini dizlerime koymani ozledim.
I missed you putting your head on my knees.
Oyle cok ozledim ki. ozlemden ote.
I've missed you so much. ote from ozlem.
Aslini sorarsan kalbini kirmak degil.
Actually, if you ask, it's not breaking your heart.
İncitmek seni asla.
I would never hurt you.
Yemin ederim niyetim aglatmak degil.
I swear, I don't mean to make you cry.
Butun sozlerim cikmazlara sokan yokluguna.
All my words to the absence of the one who puts you in the gaps.
Bu karanlik odanin icine birakan hatiralarina.
Leave it in this dark room for your memories.
Ve dahasi bir kere sesini duyamayisimadir.
And more than once, I can't hear your voice.
Ofke degil nefret degil.
Ofke, not hate, not hate.
Benimkisi huzun sadece sevdigim.
Mine is the only one I love.
Sigaramin katraninda boguluyorum
I'm choking on the tar of my cigarette
Senden benden arta kalan o mum yarasina.Dudaklarimi gomuyorum.
That candle scar is all that's left of me from you.I'm pursing my lips.
Sonra aci icinde geceye sonuyorum.
Then I end the night in pain.
Yoksun yaa Gelmiyorsun yaa Uzaksin yaa.
If you are absent, you are not coming, You are far away.
Yoklugunun agir bedeli DARBEDİR.
The heavy price of your absence is A BLOW.
Hayata dair o gidisinle acilan buyuk cukur.
Your urgency about life is great with that departure.
Seni soylerim seni soylerim.
I will undress you, I will undress you.
Boylesine yalniz ANKARA gecelerine.
Especially for the lonely ANKARA nights.
Saat onikiye bes var.
It's five o'clock by twelve.
İdamimi vermisim.
I have given my execution.
ASMIsIM kendimi yalnizligina.
I hanged myself for loneliness.
Az sonra kapim calacak.
My door will be open soon.
Ve son arzun diyecek Azrail.
And he will say your last wish, Azrael.
Bir yudum su diyecegim.
I'll say a sip of water.
Nerden bileceksin sevdicegim.
How will you know I will love.
Gelmezsen oLECEgİM.
I will be if you don't come.
Simdi kirik ezgiler yankilanir odamda
Now the dirty tunes are echoing in my room
Hatta malum olur kalbimin olum marslari.
In fact, it is known that the marts of my heart are olum.
Bir sessizlik olur sonra sallanir basim.
There is a silence, and then it shakes, basim.
Yakar senide sallanisim o batasica İstanbulda.
Yakar, I'm swinging at you in that batasica Istanbul.
Adi diyorum adi batasica İSTANBULDA.
I say adi, adi batasica is in ISTANBUL.
Olesim tek gecmis bir kac satirda.
I think the only past is in a few satyrs.
Gelde bitsin diyecegim.
I'll tell you to let it end.
Yoksun bee sevdicegim.
I will love the absent bee.
Simdi aglarim.
I'll cry now.
Dokunsan kanarim.
If you touch me, I'll bleed.
Simdi nasilsin desen.
How are you now, say.
Volkan olur PATLARIM.
I'll be a volcano, I'LL EXPLODE.
Sorma ne haldeyim nerdeyim?.
Don't ask, how am I where am I?.
Ben kimim?.
Who am I?.
Kimligimi tarif eden.
Who describes my identity.
Yuzumu gosteren.
Showing my face.
O kahrolasicasi yuzumu diyorum.
I mean that fucking face of mine.
Aynalardan uzaktayim sevdigim.
I'm away from the mirrors, I love.
Karanligin icine ince yaram daha dustu.
My subtle wound has fallen deeper into the darkness.
Sen yoktun kar beyazim her yan kirmiziya dondu.
You weren't there, my snow white froze to red all over.
Gormezdin sezmezsin bilmezdin ki.
You wouldn't have seen, you wouldn't have sensed, you wouldn't have known.
Herkes gitti yine o rutubetli odamda.
Everyone has left again in my damp room.
Kafam cigara dumani icerisinde.
My head is full of cigar smoke.
İcime sensizligi sindirmeye calisiyorum
I'm trying to digest the lack of you inside me
Ve biliyor musun bunu yapamayacagimi bile bile.
And you know, knowing that I can't do it.
Seni icimden silip atmaya calisiyorum.
I'm trying to erase you from me.
Seni seviyorum seni seviyorum seni seviyorum.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Hoscakal iki gozum saat on iki.
Good-bye, my two eyes, it's twelve o'clock.

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