Musiqq - Viņa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Musiqq - Viņa

Viņa manās rokās plaukst,
She blossoms in my arms,
Viņa pieskārienus alkst,
She craves my touch,
Tici vai - mums citiem nav ko skaust... Starp viņu un mani nav jūtas,
Believe it or not - others have nothing to envy... There's no feeling between us,
Viņa Bonijs un es Klaids, mēs varoņi no filmas,
She's like Bonnie and I'm like Clyde, we're like heroes from a movie,
Kopā līdz galam, mēs visu brālīgi dalām.
Together till the end, we share everything brotherly.
Mūsu sirdīs ir miers Dalailamam.
There's peace in our hearts like the Dalai Lama.
Viņa piedzīvojumus alkst un tici vai nē, bet mums
She craves adventure and believe it or not, but
citiem nav ko skaust.
others have nothing to envy us.
Katra diena pirmā, skatoties acīs vārdos es pinos
Every day is like the first, looking into her eyes, I get lost in words
Viņa ir nevainojama, no sevis neko netēlo
She's flawless, she doesn't pretend to be anything she's not
Mēs plusi un mīnusi, pretpolu pinums
We're like pluses and minuses, like the intertwining of opposites
Viņa man astotais pasaules brīnums...
She's like the eighth wonder of the world to me...
Tu diena es nakts,
You're like the day, I'm like the night,
Reizēm tālu, reizēm blakus -
Sometimes far, sometimes close -
Dēļ Tevis nedaudz traks...
A little crazy because of you...
Viņa manās rokās plaukst,
She blossoms in my arms,
Viņa pieskārienus alkst,
She craves my touch,
Tici vai - mums citiem nav ko skaust... Tēmas un variācijas nepalīdz,
Believe it or not - others have nothing to envy... Themes and variations don't help,
Atliek padoties... Un kļūsti brīvs...
All that's left is to surrender... And become free...
Un, ja kāds saka "viņam ir recepte" - netici,
And, if someone says "he has the recipe" - don't believe them,
Jo to ar savām acīm vajag redzēt...
Because you have to see it with your own eyes...
Tikai gaidīt vēstuli Tavā e-pastā -
Just waiting for a letter in your email -
Un vairs dilemmas un īstenības nepastāv,
And there are no more dilemmas and realities,
Laiks fons - ceļam,
Time as a background - for the journey,
Virzieni ir pretēji, bet spēku tajos smeļam...
The directions are opposite, but we draw strength from them...
Varonis vai pūlis - kļūst nesvarīgi,
Hero or crowd - it becomes unimportant,
Nesvarīgi meli vai patiesība...
It doesn't matter like lies or truth...
Tikai viena, nejauša ziņa -
Just one, random message -
Un Tev top skaidrs Tavs ceļš ar Viņu...
And your path with Her becomes clear...
Tu diena es nakts,
You're like the day, I'm like the night,
Reizēm tālu, reizēm blakus -
Sometimes far, sometimes close -
Dēļ Tevis nedaudz traks...
A little crazy because of you...
Viņa manās rokās plaukst,
She blossoms in my arms,
Viņa pieskārienus alkst,
She craves my touch,
Tici vai - mums citiem nav ko skaust... . pauze vokālam ...
Believe it or not - others have nothing to envy... . pause for vocal ...
Viņa manās rokās plaukst,
She blossoms in my arms,
Viņa pieskārienus alkst,
She craves my touch,
Tici vai - mums citiem nav ko skaust...
Believe it or not - others have nothing to envy...

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