Mwuana - Yeah Right - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mwuana - Yeah Right

Yeah Right
Yeah Right
Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right
Låt dom säga vad dom tycker här, vi sköter ändå snacket här
Let them say what they think, we'll handle the talk here
Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right
Drog den här från botten ingen trodde mig, fort jag hade lagt den dom ba
Pulled this from the bottom, nobody believed in me, as soon as I dropped it they were like
Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right
Nu dom följer mig med blicken som ingen kan för den här
Now they follow me with their gaze, nobody can resist this
Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right
Jag lovar 'fort vi kommer in klubben ere bara å ta för dig ye
I promise, as soon as we enter the club, just take what you want, yeah
Jag kan ta ledigt hela dan men jag tänker tiden jag hade squat
I could take the whole day off, but I think about the time I was hustling
Var nära tappa hoppet för saker som kostar pengar men fuck it nu har jag (quap?!) oooh ye
Was close to losing hope for things that cost money, but fuck it, now I got (quap?!) oooh yeah
Jag lever livet jag kickar min casablanca jag tänker nästa drop (ge det till dom)
I'm living life, I kick back my casablanca, I think about the next drop (give it to them)
Kan konstatera att skiten vi kommer släppa är something they can't stop
Can confirm that the shit we're about to release is something they can't stop
Ändå ser dom ut som yearighrigh yeah right
Yet they look like yearighrigh yeah right
Det jag flowar jag lärde mig skiten ifrån min pops
What I'm flowing on, I learned this shit from my pops
- Ingenting personligt men inget du tar ifrån mig om någon skulle försöka ye det blir chop chop
- Nothing personal, but you can't take it from me, if someone tries, yeah then it's chop chop
Ooooh yeah
Ooooh yeah
Glöm inte bort det jag kom och vi satte soundet i Sverige här on the dot
Don't forget, I came and we set the sound in Sweden here on the dot
Mannen first shot, det finns dom som försöker å plocka ner mig nu när vi e on top
Man, first shot, there are those who try to bring me down now that we're on top
Men jag säger bara
But I just say
Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right
Låt dom säga vad dom tycker här vi sköter ändå snacket här
Let them say what they think, we'll handle the talk here
Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right
Drog den här från botten ingen trodde mig, fort jag hade lagt den dom ba
Pulled this from the bottom, nobody believed in me, as soon as I dropped it they were like
Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right
Nu dom följer mig med blicken som ingen kan för den här
Now they follow me with their gaze, nobody can resist this
Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right
Jag lovar 'fort vi kommer in klubben ere bara å ta för dig ye
I promise, as soon as we enter the club, just take what you want, yeah
Dom borde lägga av, här e nåt du känner av, här e det som får din baby i klubben att spänna av
They should quit, here's something you can feel, this is what makes your baby relax in the club
Jag har gjort det här ett tag, sen vi tuggade i lag, många gjorde livet svårt för sig själva men inte jag näänänä
I've been doing this for a while, since we were hustling together, many made life difficult for themselves, but not me, nah nah nah
Det känns som ingen av dom hör mig jag svarar bara yeah right right
It feels like none of them hear me, so I just answer yeah right right
Affärer mobilen, se gäris i andra bilen, när vi rullar upp å stannar vi nå' red light light
Business on the phone, seeing girls in other cars, when we roll up and stop at a red light light
Jag vet dom kan se det mig men ingen kan säga vad de e jag gör som får alla å ba "yeah right right"
I know they can see it on me, but nobody can say what it is I do that makes everyone go "yeah right right"
Å många som vill åt mig men ingen som tänker va re e dom gör som får alla å ba yeah right right, än länge jag ba;
And many who want me, but no one who thinks what they do makes everyone go yeah right right, as long as I just;
Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right
Låt dom säga vad dom tycker här vi sköter ändå snacket här
Let them say what they think, we'll handle the talk here
Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right
Drog den här från botten ingen trodde mig, fort jag hade lagt den dom ba
Pulled this from the bottom, nobody believed in me, as soon as I dropped it they were like
Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right
Nu dom följer mig med blicken som ingen kan för den här
Now they follow me with their gaze, nobody can resist this
Yeah right, yeah right
Yeah right, yeah right
Jag lovar 'fort vi kommer in klubben ere bara å ta för dig ye
I promise, as soon as we enter the club, just take what you want, yeah

Writer(s): r nyström

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