Mxxn. - Saltu' (feat. RODY-REE) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Mxxn. - Saltu' (feat. RODY-REE)

Saltu' (feat. RODY-REE)
Saltu' (feat. RODY-REE)
Şi fac saltuuuu
And I'm jumpin' highhhh
doare-n pulă are pe altuuuu
I don't give a fuck that you're with another guyyyy
Te-a vândut un frate mai dă-l dracuuu
A brother sold you out, fuck him, byeee
66 frate adă zaruuu
66 bro, roll the diceeee
Ați dat de pizdă coaie şi v-ați duuus
You met a bitch and you were gone, byeee
Pe față v-au mințit şi v-au seduuus
They lied to your face and seduced you, oh myyy
V-ați supărat când asta eu v-am spuuus
You got mad when I told you this, whyyy?
nu credeți pe mine m-ați distruuus
Don't think you've destroyed me, not even sliiightly
Şi fac saltuuuu
And I'm jumpin' highhhh
doare-n pulă are pe altuuuu
I don't give a fuck that you're with another guyyyy
Te-a vândut un frate mai dă-l dracuuu
A brother sold you out, fuck him, byeee
66 frate, adă zaruuu
66 bro, roll the diceeee
Ați dat de pizdă coaie şi v-ați duuus
You met a bitch and you were gone, byeee
Pe față v-au mințit şi v-au seduuus
They lied to your face and seduced you, oh myyy
V-ați supărat când asta eu v-am spuuus
You got mad when I told you this, whyyy?
nu credeți pe mine m-ați distruuus
Don't think you've destroyed me, not even sliiightly
Pizdelor-s în stareee
Bitches are in staaatee
Chiar dacă doareee
Even though it hurtsss
Nu vreau alinareee
I don't want comfortttt
Vreau succesu coaieee
I want successss, broooo
Vor omoareee
They want to kill meeee
Visul să-l doboareee
They want to crush my dreamsss
Dar iese oareee
But will they succeed, thoughhhh?
Nu vreau ajutoareee
I don't want any helpppp
Fraierii cred eu nu mai pot
Fools think I can't do it anymore
În jocu ăsta dau peste bot
In this game I'll knock you to the floor
Un şarpe din propria viață am scooos
I took a snake out of my own life, that's for sure
Un NPC coaie zici eşti robooot
A fucking NPC, you're like a robooot, so poor
Nu mai iau doza de haş, vreau iau doza de mike
I don't take the dose of hash anymore, I want the dose of mike
Mikey beans pe nostalgie vreau Utopia pe nike
Mikey beans on nostalgia, I want Utopia on Nike
Ascult Travis ascult Carti sunt The highest in the sky
Listening to Travis, listening to Carti, I'm The highest in the sky
Nu fut pizda unui tovarăş vezi nu cheamă Spike
I don't fuck a friend's bitch, see, my name ain't Spike
Şi fac saltuuuu
And I'm jumpin' highhhh
doare-n pulă are pe altuuuu
I don't give a fuck that you're with another guyyyy
Te-a vândut un frate? Mai dă-l dracuuu
A brother sold you out? Fuck him, byeee
66 frate, adă zaruuu
66 bro, roll the diceeee
Ați dat de pizdă coaie şi v-ați duuus
You met a bitch and you were gone, byeee
Pe față v-au mințit şi v-au seduuus
They lied to your face and seduced you, oh myyy
V-ați supărat când asta eu v-am spuuus
You got mad when I told you this, whyyy?
nu credeți pe mine m-ați distruuus
Don't think you've destroyed me, not even sliiightly
Si cred ca doare chiar tare si totusi asta imi pare
And I think it hurts real bad and yet it seems to me
Mai degraba ceva ce nimeni nu mai are
More like something nobody else has, you see
Cum oare cum oare ca saracu se da mare
How, oh how, does the poor man act so carefree
Cu țoale peste țoale dar nu are de mancare
With clothes on clothes but he has nothing to eat, really?
La asta ma gandesc mereu si ma intriga tare tare
This is what I always think about and it intrigues me so bad
Cica da i si fute tot ce prinzi darr nu conteaza oare
They say give it and fuck everything you catch but does it matter, lad?
Sa nu umbli cu orisicare doar cu oameni de valoare
Don't mess with just anyone, only with people of value, be glad
Ca nu stii care pe care-o schimba sau care pe care o sare
'Cause you don't know who's gonna switch on who or who's gonna jump on who, that's sad
Din cartier in cartier, si din pat in pat
From hood to hood, and from bed to bed
Sunt prea multe tarfe-n tara dar ma simt prea ocupat
There are too many whores in the country, but I feel too busy instead
Doar pentru mine pompat, pentru mine focusat
Pumped only for myself, focused on my own head
Si nu ma-intelege gresit dar inca nu am scapat
And don't get me wrong, but I haven't escaped yet, I said
N-am scapat de tot inca sunt la limita
I haven't escaped everything yet, I'm still at the limit
Eu cu mine fratii mei impreuna ne ridicam
Me and my brothers together, we rise and we commit
Sa ne construim palatu nimic nu ne impiedica
To build our palace, nothing can stop it, not a bit
Eu nu mananc cacat aici noi chiar ne dedicam
I don't eat shit, here we really dedicate and we grit
Bag bag bag bag si trag tare
Push push push push and pull hard
Nu m-a oprește ori și care
No one can stop me, no matter who they are, no retard
La trapperi le dau teroare
I terrorize the trappers, they're scarred
Ma asculta si domnisoare
Even young ladies listen to me, that's bizarre
Vers dupa vers si beat dupa beat
Verse after verse and beat after beat
N-am cum sa ma sperii de un prajit
I can't be scared of a fried potato, can't be beat
Hei tu de acolo stai dracului potolit
Hey you over there, stay put, you little cheat
Ca vin peste tine si nu esti pregatit
'Cause I'm coming for you and you're not ready to meet
Şi fac saltuuuu
And I'm jumpin' highhhh
doare-n pulă are pe altu
I don't give a fuck that you're with another guy
Te-a vândut un frate mai dă-l dracuuu
A brother sold you out, fuck him, byeee
66 frate adă zaruuu
66 bro, roll the diceeee
Ați dat de pizdă coaie şi v-ați duuus
You met a bitch and you were gone, byeee
Pe față v-au mințit şi v-au seduuus
They lied to your face and seduced you, oh myyy
V-ați supărat când asta eu v-am spuuus
You got mad when I told you this, whyyy?
nu credeți pe mine m-ați distruuus
Don't think you've destroyed me, not even sliiightly
Şi fac saltuuuu
And I'm jumpin' highhhh
doare-n pulă are pe altu
I don't give a fuck that you're with another guy
Te-a vândut un frate mai dă-l dracuuu
A brother sold you out, fuck him, byeee
66 frate adă zaruuu
66 bro, roll the diceeee
Ați dat de pizdă coaie şi v-ați duuus
You met a bitch and you were gone, byeee
Pe față v-au mințit şi v-au seduuus
They lied to your face and seduced you, oh myyy
V-ați supărat când asta eu v-am spuuus
You got mad when I told you this, whyyy?
nu credeți pe mine m-ați distruuus
Don't think you've destroyed me, not even sliiightly

Writer(s): Ghiuritan Dragos Ionut

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